

Wednesday 15 September 2021

'When you are ready mature love will come' - Message 14th September 2021

Message: 14th September 2021
Start time:13:35 pm
End time: 14:03 pm

'When you are ready mature love will come and not before.
The world is full of lust and desire, not longing for a connection with another sacred soul.
The world has fallen to a den of iniquity and preoccupation of gains instead of sacred giving. 
The world is deemed a place of disrespect and disregard, unless meeting social acceptance.
You are lowly so not worthy of respect.
You are needy and so deprived even more.
You are offered a carrot and when you reach - it is snatched away.
Women are not meant to work along men in a competitive world.
The nurturers by nature are prepared to be much needed nurturers in the world.
The mother who feels she is worthless because she does nothing in the world, is the woman who can dedicate her time and energy to her children.
She will have friends who understand her and support her, or not at all.
A sister in Christ would be supporting her sister with Christ's love and wisdom - not from a book.
She will speak and act with Christ in her heart.
She will be the helping hands.
She will pray for her friend and seek the God of Wisdom to guide her in times of need and decisions.
There is separation from prayer unity and soul recognition.
There are men boasting of being Christian and the ego takes over instead of humility and gratitude of being saved.
No one realises the Grace of God given in the Salvation of Souls because the ego is still boasting and wants to be the voice above all.
Humble yourselves before you are ashamed of how you missed so many opportunities to serve Christ your Lord and bring people to faith.
When you complain of suffering, yet remain steadfast in faith, the Lord's Grace keeps you despite all you are going through.
When you mention you feel unwell and people disregard you, they are not the nurturers and healers you need around you.
There are people claiming to be healers and have powerful gifts. 
There is no healing without the Grace of God.
If you are given one gift you may not have recognised the other. 
I said: Gather to Me; not to yourselves and keep people hooked onto hope.
You want to be a Saint yet the Saints were not recognised until they were at the end of their earthy life and sanctified by the Lord. 
The Saints of the earthly life do not seek fame and do not attract adoration. 
The Prayer of a Saint sanctified by the Lord is because He has permitted this and not of your own choosing.
You doubt what you can pray for at times in your life; yet everything even life itself is given for a time and season.
If it is the Lord's Will, you will live.
If the Lord is Willing, the child will be born.
Babies born to show off in a time such as this, sets a standard of arrogance where the child may or may not grow to fulfil a meaningful life. 
The children who lost hope, want to be celebrities because they see glitz and glamour with happy faces.
My children are lost with the media hype.
If the teacher has no faith,  the children are not inspired and encouraged in faith.
Yet one child in faith who is poor and lowly in circumstance can inspire faith in the whole class and community.
That child might not be lovingly accepted and treasured as a child God chose for His purpose. 
My handmaiden has a role in preparation for the Lord who did not abandon her.
She does not need to boast;
Yet all who are called and chosen in this purpose are warned to be brave when calling out in prayer, for the enemy does not want the Lord's presence to be known now or before.
Be humble and lean onto me.
I have got you and I have chosen you; and you and you,
You are not one in a billion - but many are chosen in their purpose.
Be humble and accept this role I am giving, despite anxiety for the future.
Your Lord and God chose you because you can do it.
Be kind to others and to yourself.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

My children, return to me and I return to you

'My Children, Return to Me and I Return to You' - Message 13th September 2021

Message: 13th September 2021
Start time: 5:19 am
End time" 5:45 am

'You will know what to do when the time is right and not before.
Gather to me.
 Gather all the evidence of understanding because the time of harvest is supposed to be the time of blessing - while the evil one has helpers harvesting many souls.
My child, my children, return to me and I return to you.
The Godless nation do not return for in their arrogance they remain blind in the Lord who does not give His gift to traitors.
The Lord seeks Justice in righteousness and in arrogance justice is denied over and over again.
The land of arrogance obstructs Justice, which is a serious crime; yet they persecute and prosecute the innocent and they use trickery and deception to trip people up.
But the Lord has seen it all.
They drink the toxin of insanity and they believe they are sane who are not.
They sleep with the enemy and betray their own sister and mother and grandmother who was righteous too.
They hate righteousness and Justice in righteousness because murder and violence is a choice.
They feel powerful not realising the evil ways lead them to their own destruction; and no one needs to do anything at all.
I call for Justice in your land and they arrogantly refuse you and reject me.
Darling do not take things personally.
Even in your own family the ways of treachery are exposed.
They avoid the truth and what has been said to cause distance, so the truth you know will never be exposed. 
Your grandfather was wiser than you realise in a generation of divinely guided people.
One daughter wise and the other stupid.
In another generation one is wise and the other is foolish.
It is the guided ones who doubt and are ridiculed by the fools who gain their moment of adoration.
And what person will condemn their own sibling after they have lost everything and died?
The sons of the righteous ones live on; yet the ones who dance on the graves of the righteous ones are condemned. 
There is no shame - no remorse.
The Lord your God is reaching His people again.
Do not assume in any family all are righteous because they are not.
Do not bow to the idols or serve those who show no remorse for wrongdoing in violence to men or women.
You are justified to walk away and keep away from those who have condemned you with no justification at all.
You are caught in a trap of so much wickedness - Yet focus on Me, my dear.
Speak the guided truth so clear and let those who are of the Lord your God reveal themselves clearly too and they will.
Your family are not who you think.
Your role in this life is not as you planned.
Your influence with love and concern has toughened you spiritually, for by yourself; on your own and for yourself you have no strength at all.
You are weak and yet you are strong spiritually.
You were blind and now you see more clearly with your inner eye.
With your intuition child - listen to your senses and trust what you are not to ignore.
Every challenge sets you back and then you grow.
You are not a manual worker or a slave.
You were given divine wisdom to share with my people.
Not all are my people because they reject me and they who reject me, reject you too.
Let them show themselves for who they are, because this is the test that they did not expect at all.
It is too late now.
Everyone has shown who they are
Judgement is falling upon the earth and there is no escape from consequences.
Your insecurities and doubt, delayed your service in the way I chose for you.
The legal system sabotaged your plans.
My daughter in Christ, I chose the lowly handmaiden before and the same again.
You are my royal handmaiden and when the time is right you will be given a gift.
Think carefully and accept:
What comes from the Lord will always benefit His people. 
Be strong in the Lord and He will carry your soul high above the tallest mountains. 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

We are at a turning point of this foretold time

Saturday 4 September 2021

'We are at a turning point of this foretold time' - Message 3rd September 2021

Personal revelation message

Message: 3rd September 2021
Start time: 12:29 pm
End time: 12:54 pm

'Hear me my child
We are at a turning point of this foretold time.
Those who are mine come willingly to the Lord your God and those who rebel, rebel.
This has happened before.
In the defiance of the Lord your God, you show contempt for all that is not holy; yet when you are returned you are washed clean. 
I gave you my word as you gave me your promise.
You write and share what you are given; yet many promise and are not forgiven.
They take the word of the Lord God Almighty for granted and they cannot see what He is unfolding in front of their eyes.
Spiritual life is not a destination.
This life is a process of ever ending new beginnings.
The energy flows and you my children must see this to want this; and in wanting this must accept what is given.
I give you a piece of bread and to someone else coal. 
To someone else, the light to ignite the oven.
I give the wheat and flour to someone else and the yeast made to someone else.
Yet I provide the water.
You all must use your hands and work together for the bread.
I am the provider of all and all of you have been given special tasks.
If only you can see their value.
If only you can see how you are as important as the next person in my eyes.
And if only all can realise their egos have no regard or recognition in the Holy Order of life.
Come to me in your nothingness.
Come to me in your lowliness, your brokenness; your insecurity and being lost.
Come to me as you are; not as you think you must be.
The egos puff up their chests and inflate their minds, strutting as if they are on parade for all to admire.
Look on the street - the lowliest of people are mine.
They who are sad and depressed in their thoughts and situation.
They who have been abandoned by those given charge over their care, young and old.
Do you think I look on those who cause harm, suffering, difficulty, loss and destitution with favour?
They expect to be paid to deprive my people of their right to survive and thrive.
But the land where the Lord is forgotten, has many where people do not care anymore.
The young who are rejected may grow up lost; and yet the older ones who know the way of selfishness will lead to abandonment of the Lord's grace and presence.
The Lord is with the lowly and broken hearts, young and old - yet the rebels did not know God.
The many who think God is a myth, do not try and educate.
How can you prove what they cannot see; and how can they understand what they are incapable of understanding?
You speak a different language and how how easy it is for you to recognise someone who speaks the same. 
Woe to those who condemn my people, who plan injustice and deny people MY rights given before they were born.
Woe to those who imprison my people in enslavement of debt and forced to comply and obey ungodly laws.
The hypocrites preach 'You must do this and if you do not you will pay the price'
With social distancing, much bed hopping was taking place and the infidelity exposed on the world stage. 
You will learn this way is not your way and the way of solitude is a graceful way, instead of conflict and turmoil.
Many struggle alone and many struggle in their relationships.
Do not want what you don't have and think twice before you accept something that will change your life.
Relations of need and desire are not destiny, they are choice.
Love is uplifting and pure love with love as a way of being and the ways of love will be made clear.
As you take off the clothes of your past life, new clothes are given;
And as you open your heart and mind to the Lord's grace and favour - He will open the doors and hearts of all who are your tribe and spiritual family.
You are not alone and you never will be.
You are loved and once my people return to the way of love; this world will change.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The life you live is not as before