

Wednesday 15 September 2021

'When you are ready mature love will come' - Message 14th September 2021

Message: 14th September 2021
Start time:13:35 pm
End time: 14:03 pm

'When you are ready mature love will come and not before.
The world is full of lust and desire, not longing for a connection with another sacred soul.
The world has fallen to a den of iniquity and preoccupation of gains instead of sacred giving. 
The world is deemed a place of disrespect and disregard, unless meeting social acceptance.
You are lowly so not worthy of respect.
You are needy and so deprived even more.
You are offered a carrot and when you reach - it is snatched away.
Women are not meant to work along men in a competitive world.
The nurturers by nature are prepared to be much needed nurturers in the world.
The mother who feels she is worthless because she does nothing in the world, is the woman who can dedicate her time and energy to her children.
She will have friends who understand her and support her, or not at all.
A sister in Christ would be supporting her sister with Christ's love and wisdom - not from a book.
She will speak and act with Christ in her heart.
She will be the helping hands.
She will pray for her friend and seek the God of Wisdom to guide her in times of need and decisions.
There is separation from prayer unity and soul recognition.
There are men boasting of being Christian and the ego takes over instead of humility and gratitude of being saved.
No one realises the Grace of God given in the Salvation of Souls because the ego is still boasting and wants to be the voice above all.
Humble yourselves before you are ashamed of how you missed so many opportunities to serve Christ your Lord and bring people to faith.
When you complain of suffering, yet remain steadfast in faith, the Lord's Grace keeps you despite all you are going through.
When you mention you feel unwell and people disregard you, they are not the nurturers and healers you need around you.
There are people claiming to be healers and have powerful gifts. 
There is no healing without the Grace of God.
If you are given one gift you may not have recognised the other. 
I said: Gather to Me; not to yourselves and keep people hooked onto hope.
You want to be a Saint yet the Saints were not recognised until they were at the end of their earthy life and sanctified by the Lord. 
The Saints of the earthly life do not seek fame and do not attract adoration. 
The Prayer of a Saint sanctified by the Lord is because He has permitted this and not of your own choosing.
You doubt what you can pray for at times in your life; yet everything even life itself is given for a time and season.
If it is the Lord's Will, you will live.
If the Lord is Willing, the child will be born.
Babies born to show off in a time such as this, sets a standard of arrogance where the child may or may not grow to fulfil a meaningful life. 
The children who lost hope, want to be celebrities because they see glitz and glamour with happy faces.
My children are lost with the media hype.
If the teacher has no faith,  the children are not inspired and encouraged in faith.
Yet one child in faith who is poor and lowly in circumstance can inspire faith in the whole class and community.
That child might not be lovingly accepted and treasured as a child God chose for His purpose. 
My handmaiden has a role in preparation for the Lord who did not abandon her.
She does not need to boast;
Yet all who are called and chosen in this purpose are warned to be brave when calling out in prayer, for the enemy does not want the Lord's presence to be known now or before.
Be humble and lean onto me.
I have got you and I have chosen you; and you and you,
You are not one in a billion - but many are chosen in their purpose.
Be humble and accept this role I am giving, despite anxiety for the future.
Your Lord and God chose you because you can do it.
Be kind to others and to yourself.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

My children, return to me and I return to you

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