

Friday 15 October 2021

'My Children Will Always Be Welcome Back' - Message 15th October 2021

Message : 15th October 2021
Start time : 10:20 am
End time : 10:44 am

'As I hear your prayer, I listen to your heart.
You are my child and my children will always be welcome back into the arms of your loving merciful God. 
Come to me with repentance;
Put down your swords of anger and rage.
Come to me like little children that need protection and love from His Grace and Mercy I am.
The Lord forgives the sinner who sins, not that he will continue sinning.
Did the sinner change?
Who is to blame?
There are many blaming and condemning my people when all need to correct their ways.
The Lord waits for the clean hearts; for the tormented and broken, for the frightened ones who have been downtrodden and live in fear. 
There is no justice in your land as I see fit;
And there is no remorse for condemnation of the Lord Almighty and His ways.
Well they will learn eventually, for one by one, all will see the Power that cannot be prevented by man.
One by one they will see the devastation to the nations and then will cry out and it will be too late.
Turn from your wicked ways NOW my children;
And Rulers, humble yourselves in disgrace for what you have done.
Did you not forget that I am the Lord your God and I am the Almighty?
Did you forget also the world does not belong to you whatsoever.
You are custodians and guardians over my land and my people, but you are many consumed with lust for power and greed.
Remove the Royal dignity from those who deny me as they bring the whole reputation of the Holy Sanctuary to shame.
My people are perishing and there is no regard for my people at all.
The top of the pyramid without love and the want to protect the souls and life of my people, must not be a block to all who return to me willingly.
They have forgotten the Lord their God 
And in this Christmas time it is the same as many others in your land.
Like in the ancient times, only a few returned and preserved holiness;
Only a few remember that this time the innocent were killed - all to stop the Kingdom of God.
Yet the Lord your God will not be stopped.
He has his back up plan.
My people who are aligned with me in truth in their heart and soul are spiritually connected.
Many of you are scattered.
Many held as prisoners in the land you dwell in;
And yet this is time to remember - your body houses your soul.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Your body is the house of your Holy God and there you are, wherever you are - you can talk to the Lord of your soul who loves you.
Be strong in the Lord in humility.
The battle the Lord your God will fight for you.
Keep yourselves safe from
harm and provocation.
The Lord can open up the earth and swallow the enemy - you cannot.
Power is given to preserve and protect.
Those who abuse power to condemn, prosecute  and kill my people are condemned.
They will not be forgiven who blaspheme the Holy Spirit of The Lord of Grace.
And those who refuse justice will know the return of this on their own heads. 
Many will weep and cry out to the Lord who harmed and murdered my people by their decisions.
One day their day will come to take their last breath
Be kind my people, even though many of you know bitterness in your situations.
Be careful of the enemies snares - But I have got you and your heart alignment in me - I preserve your soul.
Forgive them and if you cannot, ask me to deal with them - for I am the Judge who decides all.
Forgive yourself quickly so you can heal and not be harmed any more.
Do not touch my anointed people you rulers of iniquity and rebellion.
You are warned - Stop it now or I will not forgive you at all' 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

When you are ready mature love will come 

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