

Monday 22 November 2021

'It is time to make a difference' - Message 20th November 2021

Message: 20th November 2021
Start time: 14:07
End time: 14:34

'It is time to make a difference in the way I have called you to serve.
The time of punishment is over and the time of Grace begins.
No one who harms my anointed will get away with what they do.
You suffered and suffer because of cruel acts to injure and deprive you of your ability to flourish; yet I will show you that it is not the way of the world that you will flourish.
You will be inspired for the New World and all the blocks with egos will not understand anything.
Each wants to go their way, yet the way of the Lord few seek.
The Path is narrow and only a few in comparison find the gate because they do not want to leave their wants behind.
You know your leader and yet those who want to lead cannot go further than what they know.
You guide to God, yet others seek followers that they will know and hold onto.
You take the broken wings and teach to fly when your injuries are profound; yet your spirit is free when your sleep.
When you are not preoccupied with what you must do and pressures, your mind is freer and your mind is realising the Lord did not completely close the chapter of your life to end.
My dear you are about to start a new life and there are those who are loyal to me who will support you too.
Your strength is lacking because energy is lacking and the battles you are facing are overwhelming you.
Leave it to me.
Give all your burdens to me and the injustice too, for the traitors where you live think the Lord your God and their God cannot see.
There will be reprimand and there will be a hefty price for what they have done to you.
My children are perishing for the lack of truth and do not seek the Lord's guidance.
The guidance of men whose heart and mind are far from the Lord, lead many astray and many fall.
If you find a man of God whose heart and soul are dedicated to service, he knows and will show you who he is.
Men and women are not meant to be alone neither in suffering, or in a destructive life that damages the soul.
As you strive with your healing and your Spiritual Life is made known, the enemy of yours does not like it.
It is not of your doing but the Grace of your God who will fulfil his promises in you; as you made a promise to serve Him.
You know the way now and the next stage is the right people for purpose making themselves known.
All who saw you with a lofty mission and ridiculed you did not see it is the Lord's Will to fulfil what you saw to be the need in that nation.
You were born to make a positive difference and ease suffering, yet suffered by those who were resentful of what you do.
What a pathetic life to cause misery to someone who dedicated much of her life in study and determination to do good.
Well there will be no wicked Rule when I am done and those who know what I am talking about, dread the day the carpet is pulled from underneath them. 
A great deception and distraction takes place to prevent freedom of the people - Yet the Lord waits.
He awaits for His people to return willingly and choose who they serve.
The Great and Good who are great hearts and minds with pure intention for all are challenged with evil taking place too.
They made decisions knowing the time is short to implement plans.
Yet the Grand Architect of All, the Father of the Universe orchestrates all.
As one destroys, another builds.
As one plants, another reaps and when humanity understand direct giving and seeing the value of all life, the process of uplifting the condition of humanity can progress beyond education.
Too many egos sounding out ethical experts is not good for all.
Amidst all the chaos and confusion, the Lord your God and King of Israel waits patiently.
Return willingly to me my people as I return to you.
I prove to my people that I live yet without me you are like death - without spark or purpose.
You who compete will find you did not grasp the lesson.
Wait upon the Lord and in the right time be led by the Spirit.
The Lord your God hears your prayers.
Sleep peacefully knowing your angels watch over you all my children.
Rest and then work when the task at hand demands your attention.
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