

Monday 22 November 2021

'Write For Me' (Birthright, Plague, Illness, Disease) - Message 2nd April 2015

While sorting through a huge pile of papers to find something unrelated, I came across a paper with this message. Not knowing if the message is already documented here, yet because of the importance of the content, it is being shared again exactly with the words given and written at the time.

Notice the date in 2015. This is a message to consider again.

Message: 2nd April 2015
Start time 13:55 pm
End time: 14:26 pm

Write for me dear one.
You will hear my voice so much more clearly when you centre yourself in calm and focus on me in your heart and mind.
Darling one, you are so tired and yet it is just a little while longer before the Father teaches those who go against Him His Truth.
Know you are mine and rest in peace knowing that your birthright cannot be taken away. It was given to you by your mother. 
Your inheritance is given to you by your father and they try to deny this with denying all my people.
Well, their lies will be exposed and the evil ones fall by the errors of their ways.
Remember the plagues. 
They come again with avengeance. 
The Lord Our Father will not tolerate the disobedience of the ruler or the Israelites.
They will be whipped into shape again and punished for their transgressions against mankind and the Holy Law that was changed.
I did not give the instruction for men to Rule over you and the Father did not know the man who rejected Him because he worships some other god. 
Instead of being great and respected to the heavenly calling, he used devious means and favours to give people a hold on him. 
The dependance of gains for favours is how this man works.
He has no real ambition - only agenda and he has no real care for the people - only control.
He wants so much and givens nothing back
The illness industry is growing because it pays well.
The anticipation for big spending is with the creation of more diseases.
The man that controls the illness industry knows only too well.
The man who decides who lives and dies by influence - even mixes up the families of the healers so they serve him and forget the ancient law.
Well the healers that hold me in their heart are helping me - sometimes without medicine when a prayer and hope is needed.
The hospitals have seen many miracles these years that they cannot explain.
Thank the nurses that pray and the cleaners too.
The surgeons who trained to cure do not want to cause ill.
The danger is the money motivation as a priority and treatment for profit.
In the impoverished soul, illness easily manifests and when people are ill and stressed, their suffering might be the cause.
The tablets for depression are candy pills - keeping people labelled and under control instead of healing the cause.
Urination of the water consumption is expelling the toxins from the body too.
The addiction to tablets is unknown to the people, or if they questioned , they would discover that not all the doctors are caring because they are under pressure too.
The fear of a health service that thrives with illness is the profit making decisions for all.
But is for a people to wake up and take personal responsibility now.
I have shown through a chosen child that I will raise up the poor horse and lift up the man who is thrown.
I will raise up the poor people who have been repeatedly denied in my name. 
They say the land is a Christian country - it is not. 
The hypocrites that stand in the church and pray - they might look good on camera, did they allow the homeless person to come in and give them the front seat?
Are they still asking for the people to pray for the wealthy to be kept in health, wealth and long life?
What selfishness there is even to deprive the people of the right to live under the Father of All Souls in your land.
Well the people will wake soon.
I can do no more but wait for my time when my family remember me and there will be some who remember me no more. 
What lessons the people have had to go through to learn the right way. 
There is evil thriving in your land by day in the hearts and minds of the evil makers.
There are also people working, purifying their hearts and souls in preparation for what is to come.
Destiny is written.
Destiny will be fulfilled.
The Father will claim back His children and the sons of God will be many more.
Banish the evil from your hearts and minds by choosing the right way and worship the Lord God Almighty alone.
The realm of the evil one will be no more
Dominion is mine.
I give my people chances to learn and hold back the wrath.
I submit to the Father when he says: "NO MORE"
My anger is real.
My hurt to see the suffering is not without reason.
I cannot go against the free will of another and so when there is plans to destroy what I have built, destruction is invited as consequence.
There is no way anyone can proceed except with submission to the Father of Souls  - for after life is not known and many will perish for the souls lost.
But as I live with Love for my people I will endure in the Spirit forever more. 
Your Jesus did not abandon you - Now you are listening again
And I thank you for sharing my message to all.
Wait for me'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Let the Holy Spirit lead you all the way

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