

Thursday 20 January 2022

'You live with the Spirit within you' - Message 18h January 2022

Personal revelation message following prayer. 

Message: 18th January 2022
Start time: 18:09
End time: 18:44

'Hear me dear one
The Spirit of the Lord is within you to dwell on earth or you would not be alive today.
You live with the Spirit within you and so it is with my people.
If they come back to me in their hearts and minds, the Spirit of the Lord will guide them righteously.
In your land now there is shock and upheaval for the lofty and arrogant ones are brought low.
It is a difficult task to be in a position of power and remain humble with all.
There is no loftiness in the Lord.
There is arrogance which distant hearts from the holy righteous way and people led astray.
You were told long ago in your experience the lofty will fall and you fell. 
The arrogant ones think nothing to destroy you.
You fell so low you needed help to keep breathing and did not give up.
Your purpose is with knowing your weakness and yet the Spirit within you was strong. 
You were dead yet living in the Spirit of Truth.
Now if you lived in a land of faithful believers, many would have come to your rescue and prayed for you too.
The prayers come from strangers from other lands that know of the suffering of one chosen for this mission.
Dear one it is with blindness and ego that seeks to climb a ladder of important association; yet the most Noble hearts are aligned with me.
The focus is on waiting and then acting on what must be done and then waiting again.
You are a vital instrument of change and you must never underestimate the power of prayer. 
You are in your role seeing purpose and what must be done, yet you cannot do it.
It is not for you to do.
Be mindful of your mission and purpose of faith restoration that comes with what is revealed.
My people need to write their dreams and take notice of personal revelation.
The Holy Spirit is reaching hearts and minds with the same message in this time of preparation.
This is a new chapter and the old chapter will come to fruition to see that everything written and given was not in error. 
You trusted to document your learning journey so not to lose it;
And you wrestled to write books on these matters with living among a people who reject me.
The demons are angry.
Keep your focus on God in the heavens and the Lord of the Holy Spirit in your heart.
Your souls are not without purpose my children.
You had to be prepared before you will understand; and you had to be willing to understand before you could know your God in person.
And you had to be willing to give up the idols who go against me in defiance; and trust the invisible force of love and light from the heavens.
As you pray, the Lord hears your heart and He will strengthen you for your purpose. 
But if you seek to be fit to compete with others and combat to win a prize, you will not know the Holy Graces.
The Lord gives His Spirit to guide with love, mercy, strength and righteousness. 
You must not train for war with weapons that cause bloodshed.
Pray that your hearts can understand the enemy; and see that those who lost their way and caused pain and suffering to others, will not get away with what they do.
Those who use and abuse women who are the nurturers in this world did not respect their mother. 
Those who hurt men in a game of love and hate cause wars.
The honour of a woman has caused life and death to be fought for and claimed.
The honour of a mother is not with war, but to honour her name and bring your children and grandchildren to claim her love. 
It is dishonourable for a woman to deprive another woman the love of children that continue the generations.
You think love is everything and it is, but abuse of kindness and grace to manipulate and blackmail damages the child in the end.
The division of families was made and foretold; yet the reason for this was to unfold.
You would never have achieved what you have with your family who still live.
They were planning a wrong by temptation.
You suffer losses and yet with all your training I give you Wisdom of the ages.
No one can buy that Grace and favour. 
Leave the past in the past and let the chapter of this new life start on the new page.
Many are coming out of the wringer after being kept in a false sense of security.
A period of adjustment will be said to be liberating - it is not.
Care must be taken not to follow the political narrative.
These people are learning their lessons too.
Do not blame ignorance and remember all who are employed have someone over them.
When the righteousness of the Lord is with service, there is no injustice or war.
It is peaceful where you are for now.
Trust in the Lord your God.

A noticeable theme is seen with number 18 18 18

1 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 8 = 27

2 + 7 = 9

Number 9 represents completion.  Number 9 symbolically represents a culmination of wisdom and experience, also endings and new beginnings. Time will tell what will be.

Peace be with you 
Pauline Maria

See to it that you hold no grudges to anyone at all

Thursday 6 January 2022

'See to it that you hold no grudges for anyone at all' - Message 6th January 2022

Personal revelation message - Second message today.

Message: 6th January 2022
Start time:  4:46 am
End time: 5;15 am

'My dear write for me
This is your Jesus, your life saver in times of trouble,
I know you are weak, yet you are spiritually strong.
We are eternally connected.
See to it that you hold no grudges for anyone at all;
And the work on yourself in cleansing the pain from the past is with the Lord God showing favour to you.
I know you suffer in your position, but you won my heart again and we are not separated.
By all you want and need, you have the grace to ask for others that they many benefit as you see.
The school is the perfect vision for the new children of the age.
The way forward will be shown when the time prevails and I want my people to see how they can be included too.
It is a people taking care of a future generation,
Many came to England to find their wealth. 
Many went to America to make their fortune. 
And now many went to India to do the same.
There must be a cycle of right channelling of energy and resources.
My righteous Brothers and Sisters want to serve me in the right way.
And some want to serve in a particular need.
You are a visionary and it is through your eyes the possibility of provision is made.
It is with the right help and resources at the time.
You will be respected for this mission that must be inclusive for everyone.
Every child born in the Lord is belonging to the Lord wherever they may live.
May those who value education, learning  and opportunity be granted with their wish through prayer; as you are beginning to see something you prayed for come to you in the most unexpected way.
You will be able to make a vision possible - to implement the service, yet you are not the architect or builder to do all.
You are a delegator and mediator between people not to cause divide, but to bring people together who share the same goals. 
You have underestimated the power of prayer; and how the Lord Almighty sets the world in Order when disorder arise. 
The hard hearts will soften eventually.
You can do nothing for a people who reject you and curse you, thinking they have won causing misery.
Focus higher my darling child.
Focus on the Lord God Almighty and tell all my helpers that I know the struggle they go through.
Even your mistakes and poor choices, even your frustration to go your way - yet the way was blocked.
You are not meant to do business with the evil one or his helpers.
You are not meant to be living a purpose of destruction.
You learn the healing path by experience and even when you have no breath to shout, you write quietly.
And you say: 'The Lord your God is One and He loves you all'
They who do not believe are still instruments of provision, kindness and grace.
The help you will get in life my people, will come from the most unlikely place.
The Lord chooses His most unlikely helpers and all are where they are meant to be placed.
When you see a homeless man sleeping on the bench who has suffered injustice - He is a servant of the Lord too.
Look down on no one my children.
You were blind and when you are ready you will see - only because the illusory shattering can be devastating to the mind and emotions.
The damaged soul is not fully functioning.
Take heart, the damaged soul can heal.
The repentant sinner will sin no more.
There will be peace and healing as long as you do not fight against the Lord.
All power has been given to correct a multitude of wrongs.
When this is done, the world will know peace.
The world will know healing. 
The wealth that has come from blood and death cannot come into the holy sanctuary. 
What will they do with it when they are gone?
The meek shall inherit the earth.
Wait and see how this is done.
Not all will see and not all will understand.
The Lord loves his people.
Selah ....

'I thank you my dear for enduring these years for this purpose. 
At no cost you were given and at no cost you shared openly everything at the risk to your life.
And this is why you are favoured by the Lord and honoured by Me, Your Lord and King.
Bless you'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

You will hear from the Lord again if you ....

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'You will hear from the Lord again if you ...' - Message 6th January 2022

With prayer focus on the Holy Spirit for right guidance

Message: 6th January 2022
Start time: 4:14 am
End time: 4:38 am

'You will hear from the Lord again if you will follow His instruction.
He is clear in His message:
No killing, no injustice, no poverty by depriving people their rights - yet this is what they do over and over again.
They condemn the ones who are holy to the Lord - made holy to the Lord by repentance and return. 
Yet the rebels rebel and destroy the Court of Law with their unsavoury ways.
You will be condemned if you keep destroying the Court process is the message being given today.
It does not matter who you are.
There is an act of defiance making the job of the Judge difficult - but he is no fool.
The judge is trained in correction and obliged to put wrongs right. 
If this is not possible another Judge will. 
Just remember the Lord God is One and He is Judge over all of you and His Servants are not abusing the Court to hit back at the Lord's Judgement.
The Lord showed favour to you because you were repentant in a way that led you away from Him and quickly you return.
You lost your way with the distraction; yet return because the Lord makes you remember your Mother; the womb that was chosen to give birth to you.
They who have no regard for the Lord your God deny your Birthright and you see now the Judges who serve me in prayer intention are on your side.
No one should be destroying anyone in Court. 
What does it say when a rich man destroys a woman and by abusing his position of power?
Do you not know she is a servant of the Lord?
Do you not see the abuser of lawlessness exposed is bringing discredit to his position and the entire family who are supposed to be of exemplary character in matters of justice and law.
If the lawless one sits in a position of power, all underneath him and beside him are the same.
Yet my servants are among these people too.
The intelligent minds who do not want to compromise their souls pray to The Almighty to show the way.
This is not a matter of settlement and dismissal. 
This is not a matter being ignored.
It is a matter of individuals who in England would not have had their day in Court with righteous Justice.
It is a display of learning for Justices worldwide to see the Lord shows you to level up your ways and put your prejudices to the side. 
It is the way the Lord raises up an oppressed and exploited woman - rich and poor, to show that actually all have an equal right in law.
And it is a case of Diplomacy of the Highest Order is being set on the world stage so people can see Justice will be done in the Lord's way and in the Lord's time and not before.
Even if the earthly Judge rules one way and the Lord allows it - Divine Justice will still be done.
The end of the abuse of the systematic order is due. 
Respect is not given to those who abuse their power on earth to deprive the poor;
And the war of words will meet a stoney wall.
It is over. 
It is done.
The Lord's Judgement is decided. 
The decision is done.
So rise up little children because the future of the world will be placed in your hands.
Teach them love and fear not because the Lord is with you, your children and your children's children.
The Lord cares for His people even if they do not care for Him.
The Lord warns over and over again to love thy neighbour; yet there is hatred, jealousy and magic spells.
Those who prevent love flourishing will be deprived of a loving heart.
My caring compassionate people are in all places - high and low.
Let the ones who serve the Lord in truth reveal themselves for you are: one family, one people and one mind.
Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
Amen, Amen, Amen.' 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The Lord awaits his people

Monday 3 January 2022

'The Lord Awaits His People' Message 31st December 2021

Message: 31st December 2021
Start time: 22:58 pm
End time: 23:26 pm

'The Lord awaits his people 

My children hear me but they do not listen;
I speak and they ignore my voice;
I shout and make noise and they turn their music up with the headphones on.
What am I to do?
What am I to do?
Hear O Israel the Lord comes in righteousness to you yet do you listen, or do you ignore too?
The Lord God knows your troubles and your plight.
Be patient with the Lord as He is patient with you.
Do not provoke the Lord to wrath for His love is limitless and His mercy abundant.
If He were to forgive your sins, you must want to be forgiven.
And to be forgiven, you must know remorse and repentance.
The arrogant Princes do not know the Lord's ways because they are puffed up with ego.
No one is impressed any more. 
Loyalty while plummeting into poverty and right walking with being tripped up is not admired.
People hate to be used and abused with agenda to the detriment of all. 
My fine Noble houses are gentle creatures and soul incarnate with purpose.
The injustice that prevails is acted out on the world stage and no one demands; but if the Prince gets away with what he has done to pervert the court process - his loyal followers will praise him.
He makes mistakes.
He pays heavily for what he has done ...
But the Holy Kingdom is no more under rebellious rule and contempt towards God.
You are a people who stand for nothing if you do not look after your elderly, sick and disabled.
Without compassion and care - how can your soul evolve?
You bring babies in the world without love and then complain because you are not loved.
Yet you reject the one who loves you abundantly.
A man who is not for the Lord's heart is swayed to temptation of the flesh.
He suffers more with his internal struggle to what he should do and where he should go.
So many men gave up in life and became a slave to temptation to be living a better life.
Whether it is to drugs or some crowd he will follow, a crime that will compromise his soul is the danger above all.
Something is wrong when people are so are giving up on life when in the time of Abraham people lived hundreds of years. 
If you wish yourself a shorter life, you risk bringing it upon yourself
And yet, if you anchor onto the Lord your God, you will see life and your purpose to serve is with many years beyond the times you give up.
It is a New Year arising and a new turning point of the population energised. 
You who seek love must realise love is from within and when you encounter one who has a special place with love in their heart - if you are compatible you will find a way and reason for meeting. 
In a time of divided families, brothers and sisters gather who are not born from their mother's womb.
The lessons you did not get to complete and award the learning with smiles of the realisation - the past can happen so the future can happen.
A perfect life will not have you seek a better life.
Challenges and difficulties are the catalyst for tears and frustration to energise movement to something more.
When you stop forcing your Will and wait upon the Lord, He will lead you every step of the way to the right path; purpose and position you are meant to be in.
When everyone works to do their own thing and all want to be leading in first place - you did not understand the lesson.
The Lord your God is One and if you truly trust the Lord you will allow him to lead you to the right place.
Relinquish ego.
Relinquish desire.
The Lord will work on those who lust for power with no regard for anyone else.
The one who did not evolve cannot rule over the souls belonging to God.
Fear not because the Lord is with you and there is none who can deny the Creator eternally.
The Holy Bible is written.
The time of Revelation has arrived.
Trust in the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and lean not on your own understanding.
The Lord be with you.'

End of message. 

In the Holy Bible it is written:

'The fear of the Lord is to hate evil;
Pride and arrogance and the evil way
And the perverse mouth I hate.
Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom;
am understanding, I have strength.
By me kings reign,
And rulers decree justice.
By me princes rule, and nobles,
All the judges of the earth.
I love those who love me,
And those who seek me diligently will find me.'
 (Proverbs 8:13-17)

A king who judges the poor with fairness--his throne will be established forever. (Proverbs 29:4)

If you see in a province the oppression of the poor and the violation of justice and righteousness, do not be amazed at the matter, for the high official is watched by a higher, and there are yet higher ones over them. (Ecclesiastes 5:8)

The Lord within her is righteous; he does no injustice; every morning he shows forth his justice; each dawn he does not fail; but the unjust knows no shame. (Zephaniah 3:5)

“Because the poor are plundered, because the needy groan, I will now arise,” says the Lord; “I will place him in the safety for which he longs.” (Psalm 12:5)

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