

Wednesday 16 February 2022

'The Lord is a Transformer of Souls - Message 15th February 2022

Message: 15th February 2022
Start time: 11:26 am
End time: 11:59 am

'The Will of the Lord be with you in the Glory of Light evermore. Amen.
It is with the Lord's Grace that He calls and imparts His knowledge to whom He Wills with not one dot or iota changed, for the Lord is a God of precision.
There are no mistakes with Him and in Him.
The Lord awaits His people to turn from wicked ways in their heart.
The mind is cold like stone and none work for justice in your land.
There is no correction of wrongs.
There is no admission of guilt to me your Lord and God.
They hide their face with shame and their hearts forget my name as the one who saves their souls.
They do not want help to walk the right way because they walk the wrong way when they err in judgement and cause devastation to people's lives.
You are misunderstood because you do not follow the trend of conformity to rules and you are too weak physically to jump through hoops.
They do not practice what they preach and there is no help for those who need it the most.
The system of paid people to pretend compassion and care is not compassion and care.
The neighbours do not speak.
They hide away and cannot bring themselves to see the dying world they all created.
A void is living without life; without care and compassion and without touch of another human being.
It is the animal kingdom that keep the human existence real.
The husband who speaks to his dog rather than his wife did not appreciate his wife at the start. 
The wife who punishes her husband with silence and no words of love, did not love her husband.
Two people get together to be together and not alone - is this love?
Is love possible at all?
Well it is actually possible for two people to love each other at will and with determination to make it work.
The one who lives thousands of miles away is no different from the doorstep neighbour.
Here is many lonely people trying to keep going and the world of loneliness know it.
Take heart my child for the children of the Lord are many healing and throwing away what does not serve them well.
Take heart my lonely ones because there must be a clearing away of the old until the new way is known.
As one door closes another opens.
A glimmer of hope in your hearts and you hold on.
Hold onto love and love heal your hearts from the heartache that caused your heart to be stone.
Soften your being with whatever tenderness you can show to yourself.
Be kind to yourself and you will be kinder to other people.
Do not put your guard up when there are walls to tear down.
Do not lose yourself in the words of a stranger who does not care for the love of the people or for the God who is watching over all that is happening. 
The lowly handmaiden speaks with a broken heart and soul that dwells here with the hope of waiting and learning patience too.
How many wait for the Lord's arrival?
His kingdom is lost to the distractors of truth and there are many who cannot see the world as you, with a people who are scattered and faithful too.
If it were not for the praying people, who would know of the Lord?
He is not a fixer of whim.
The Lord is a transformer of souls of rebellion to souls that are with pure intention.
The lost tribes lost their way and blind from the light and distraction.
They want because they are bored from the limitless life of possibility.
They choose to be with a desire of a moment, instead of seeing a lifestyle everlasting with love, togetherness, prosperity and hope in the Lord - the provider of all things.
The family who do not love, something went wrong.
Hearts of stone must soften.
Multitudes of lonely people alone not knowing the plan of the Lord is written.
Can He who is the creator of your soul; a being of light not lift you to see a little brightly.
Of course.
The Lord of all creation can do all things.
The Lord waits for His creation to live with love again.
Love and you will be loved.
Hear the Lord the lover of your soul for He knows you above all.
Be patient my dear in all things.
The Lord moves you to write and speak when you need to.
There were many who made a promise to serve Him yet justice with a price to enter the courts is justice denied and your losses ignored.
You are not alone.
Respect is yours.
Your Lord shows mercy to you and His children who repent in the Lord.
Trust the one who loves you most of all.
And bless you as you go forth today,
Do so mindfully in the conscience of the Lord's Will in you to serve others in the music of love and healing.
Grace given to you to bestow others.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

You are given free will to choose - choose wisely

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