

Monday 21 February 2022

'Injustice from a judge is not without accountability' - Message 21st February 2022

Message: 21st February 2022
Start time: 13:12 pm
End time:  13:40

'Be kind to all even if people are unkind.
Be a teacher of kindness by genuine care even if you have bad days, not everyone is aware of theirs.
You know your limits and limitations, not everyone knows theirs.
You have seen the Light of the Lord, not everyone has eyes to see He is theirs too.
You have privileges given to you that many in power want but do not have.
The abuse of power and positions of gains is why they fall short of the Glory of God.
My humble handmaiden, you were brought low, yet the lofty ones with royal status do not come to your aid.
They will not want to get their hands dirty with association of wrongs the system has created.
The days are coming like before with prayers asked that the Lord shine his face on the one who is old,  yet what about the poor people in the land who need the Lord the most?
The blind cannot see the Lord is trying to open their eyes and something is wrong.
What is considered wealth and treasures hold no value for the Lord.
He who raises himself in lofty arrogance is nothing to the Lord;
And she who was lowly and exploited chose to stand that all who were oppressed and abused will not be silenced or go away.
You are in a helpless situation without the help of one to resolve your situation that you can be free to be in a better position financially and in your health by circumstance.
The damage is done. 
Years lost already and the arrogance with corruption of the court exposed over and over again.
They who sit in wealth and comfort are pricked in the way that impacts them the most.
None can relate to the poor person who is alone and stripped to the bone and core of their being raw with violations exposed.
The abuse of power in your land is going to come to an almighty end unless they choose to stop it now.
The exposure of lies is nothing compared to what still remains hidden from the people.
A glimmer of insight proved to you that there is much more going on.
Brawling tiara wearers and tantrums in the palace is not showing reverence to the Lord or to the kingdom they serve.
The disgrace of behaviour is exposed and will be made widely known.
The circus will escalate as egos clash on the world stage again.
It is a power game that feeds into the distraction of what is going on.
Many will gather to help with the clean up and there will be many that help.
But there are multitudes of people who suffered great wrong by a system of denying people their rights.
Pauline this is biblical prophesy foretold and warnings are written in the Great Book of Testimony called The Holy Bible that the fulfilment of scriptures is given and written;
And the warning that the Lord is Lord over all.
The injustice from a judge is not without accountability.
The one who claims to help and offers to help in a life saving situation, only to change their mind - must realise their time will come.
The sanctity of marriage is pure yet there are those who distrust what is trustworthy and trust what should be looked at with caution.
If the warning signs are given and you were to ignore them, if you trust someone who has let down others, you are to blame.
The friend must see this for their self and not seek to blame anyone else.
The decisions made hastily in love and investment of finances with risk do not always pay off.
As the good that can be found in unfortunate circumstances,
Siblings of spiritual experience, as brothers and sisters you should guard yourselves seriously with the enemy striking in whatever way to cause divide.
The prayer focus lost and work sabotaged, nothing gets done.
Progress is halted.
Put your egos to the side and then you can serve the Lord wholeheartedly in your roles.
Do not assume a lofty status to look down on anybody.
Your role is to lift humanity not the opposite.
You were crushed because you were seen as a threat.
Many suffer with the choices they made.
Many rejected the Lord in your land.
Who will hear their prayers when they cry out in desperation?'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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