

Sunday 27 March 2022

'In the year of the Lord many miracles will come' - Message 27th March 2022

While waking up hearing the words 'In the year of the Lord' a few seconds later the continuation of a message. Picking up a pen by my side, the following message written is word for word exactly as given.

Message: 27th March 2022
Start time: 9:30 am
End time: 10:06 am

'In the year of the Lord ... many miracles will come.

In the year of the Lord the people of the Lord will return to the faith with seeing the faithful at work; in prayer and service to the Lord.
Goodness will come to all who serve the Lord in truth in positions of authority.
Love will flow easily between sincere hearts.
Times and seasons may change, yet the Lord does not change.
He sees what goes on and His promises are made secure.
The Lord does not take lightly those who refuse to serve Justice to His righteous ones and they serve me the Lord Almighty over all.
If you stiff necked people do not change their wicked ways and justify their wrongs in arrogance and contempt to the Lord.
When their day comes, He will not listen when they need Him the most.
The Lord gives time for people to repent and reason to repent.
Many will but some will not until it is too late.
It is not at the end of your life to repent, but now in this moment; and in this moment change your heart.
For the goodness of all, the Lord is patient with you all.
How can you want to be a leader of people if you are busy trying to impress?
Serve Justice rightfully and in humility as the Lord expects and then you will impress all who matter the most.
You who cause poverty, suffering and oppression are in the position to change this going on.
Do not neglect your duty in the Lord, or the Lord will neglect you in the way that matters most to you.
Do not try to impress anyone to be someone you are not.
You are a soul incarnated at a time such as this.
You have knowledge, skills and understanding to use, to prevent a war that will escalate if you do not act quickly.
The Lord is not mocked and many want to rise up in power for gains; yet the adoration of the Lord is more of a gain in reward than 10 million people.
Come to your faith sincerely and be sincere in your heart because there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
The Lord knows your every thought and intention.
The Lord instructs you to do Justice quickly and you ignore it over and over again.
The Lord Jesus Christ was crucified for the injustice of a bribe took place.
People trusted with responsibility and the spiritual protection of people on the earthly realm did the opposite.
They had chosen a way of darkness and caused death, when the Lord God Almighty forbid killing anyone.
You sit many of you in professions, knowing my people are being murdered so that you can continue to earth your wage.
Do you not know the many of you can stand up and demand Justice is done and you do not want your hands stained with blood by association.
The evil one thrives with fear of the people and fear to comply to policies that are against my people.
"Set my people free" said the Lord to Moses
The Pharaoh would not.
"Set my people free" the Lord said to Moses and still the Pharaoh did not.
Set my people free from oppression and suffering from unrighteous rule and unjust decrees. 
Yet today, the people who work in this system enforce the rules.
Dear one, I know you are scared at times and anxious for the future, yet place everything in the hands of the Lord your God.
Just be who you are and take the steps for your recovery and healing. 
Be gentle on yourself and fear no one but the Lord your God, for He is your Creator and you are His handmaiden.
If you are strong, the slave drivers will steer you to serve the evil one.
You are weak physically and have to trust the Lord in this as He uses you in this powerful role to influence all who struggle with persecution and difficulty because of the regime.
The authority that defies God will not rise again.
The Judges the Lord has set up will stay.
The Godly ones will be a voice of reason and humility.
The lawyers who scratch their hands for cash and robbery will be robbed and short changed.
Each cannot see what is ahead of them.
The cities destroyed in endless wars is a reminder to all.
Never take anything you have for granted.
The Lord can shake the earth and open it up.
Everything can fall inside and who can stop it?
Repent from wickedness you arrogant ones.
You are not more important than anyone else.
Jesus prayed for those who wronged him, yet today many of you still nail him on the cross.
Let one be righteous and strong in the Lord, that others may turn their way of error.
If they do not, the consequences will be great for all.
The wicked will be cut off.
The oppressors will be brought to their knees.
Justice will be done in the Lord.
The meek shall inherit the earth. 
And people will wonder how this is possible?
The Lord will do it to save you all from a worse fate than you can imagine.'

This message offers the opportunity to revisit what is written in the Holy Bible

For example seek to find what is written
People returning to the Lord
The Lord does not change,
Stiff necked people,
Set my people free
Jesus was crucified
Bribes taking place
The lawyers and perverting justice,
Repenting from wickedness, 
Oppressors brought to their knees,
Justice will be done in the Lord
The wicked will be cut off
The meek shall inherit the earth,
The Lord will save you

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Rage and lust for power came at a price

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