

Sunday 3 April 2022

'The Lord Almighty speaks, yet not all listen' - Message 3rd April 2022

Message: 3rd April 2022
Start time: 12:25 pm
End time: 12:57 pm

'See the precision of the Lord'

'Lord be with you, Lord be with you all
Now hear my children in your hearts and souls.
The Lord Almighty speaks, yet not all listen.
The Lord Almighty breathes, yet not all understand.
The Lord Almighty shakes the earth and then you see it, but you do not know who does it or why.
What will it take my children to return to me the Lord Almighty, that no man can save yet the Lord's Grace is given again and again?
Your human parents punishes for their limitations and lack of patience. 
The Lord Almighty gives chances upon chances to rectify your ways.
Why do you follow the way of war, when the Lord instructed you to love one another?
And why do you look to want more, when you have enough today and a shelter to keep you?
Why do you want when you do not have, that when you have it you want more?
A never satisfied generation are born.
Go out in nature and observe the waking up of nature in Spring.
The birds are singing - do you hear them?
Did a sparrow come and say 'hello', a robin or a tit.
The magpies are greeted and the pigeons feared as an annoyance, but do you not know they remind you of messages to your door too?
If people do not speak, nature does and all you need to do is listen.
How did these creatures build their homes and feed their babies?
The mother did it.
She stores her food.
She preserves her food to give to her children.
She tends to her little ones until they are old enough to fly.
Mothers, let your attention be on your babies that they be nurtured and fly in the world; and teach them the wonders of God's creation.
Not every child has someone they can call Daddy, but all have a Father in heaven who loves them very much.
Come to the Lord in humility and He will not allow you to make the same mistakes over and over again.
Seek the company of those who love the Lord and your life will be filled with loving grace.
Be grateful for the Blessed love that is given by God for you will be a better spouse and parent that your children learn from.
If you alienate yourself from love, then the grace of the Lord is given doubly to make up for being alone.
Many are monastics not willing to give up this life because the Holy Blessings are far more valuable than earthly Blessings and human relationships in the social world.
The monastic understands the monastic.
The nun, the nun; and while there are certain tasks to be carried out, if no one else offers to do them, the skills are given to those to be able to carry them out.
One will get help and yet build your home in the Lord and not the sharks of the world who seek to rob and cause despair. 
The Law of Correction will come to all eventually.
The woman who lost her home, found a home with someone else
And the geographical movement of people in perilous times will bring grace upon these people.
The Lord seeks Justice and Mercy, yet there is justice denied, hard hearts and no mercy inflicted in suffering.
The Lord gives Grace and Mercy to his humble ones.
There are many pretending to be holy and the Lord speaks to them they say, yet they do not admit it.
By the fruits of their messages hear what they say and let them reveal it.
She who refused to work for justice is spiritually confused.
She is seeking to be respected without earning respect in her role.
She is seeking gifts and gratitude while depriving people of their rights.
She manipulates while she has learned the way to socially climb to be important in the world.
Neglecting Duty to all people in their greatest need, there is nothing to boast about.
The Lord seeks Justice and Righteousness at no cost for the losses are great already and again denied are the obligations in the Lord.
Have Grace my child and remember you are a Servant of the Lord and called for your purpose.
Many are selected, few are chosen.
Many will try to climb and many will fall.
Even if the criminal gets away with serious crimes against my people - the Lord looks on.
His time will come.
Everything in the Lord comes in the right time and in the right way.
Expect a delay as there are many things that must come together.
Let love find you for the Love of the Lord and His Chosen One are hidden in His heart.
He knows his purpose now too.
You are a helper to the one who loves your soul.
Bless you'

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