

Thursday 10 March 2022

'The seriousness of the prevailing situation is lessened with love.' - Message 2nd March 2022

Message: 2nd March 2022
Start time: 8:45 am
End time: 9:12 am

'My heart is full of sorrow for the rebellion one strikes again and again on my people who are helpless in their situation.
They will be led to trust others who cannot be trusted.
And the difference is a people of faith whose hearts are filled with love will (stand) together even if they part from their husbands.
Love and faith brings strength.
This is why the enemy of my people seeks to divide and weaken the status quo.
This battle is not just territorial.
It is a show of might and people taking sides.
It is taking what is pure in the hearts and corrupting minds.
It is taking stability and creating instability; 
And it is threatening the people who cannot see the foreigner has just as much right to life and liberty as the ones at home. 
If one person suffers injustice, everyone suffers when there is refusal to correct wrongs.
Good hearts contribute to help the defenceless who were forced to leave everything behind;
Yet are hearts truly open to embrace brothers and sisters in their arms?
There are many people with families in your lands, with homes to go to; and many want to open their homes that people can stay.
If the foreigner or widow have nowhere to stay, who cares for these people?
It is one lesson in war and another to watch people in peace.
One day it is one people and another it can be another people with worlds torn apart and nobody knows the future.
The future is unclear.
The ones who help and love from their hearts want to see all their love and help being given, not a charity sweeping a percentage for wages.
Give and it will be given with love and faith undiluted.
And give from your heart as you feel you want to be helping others. as this is your choice to help.
If you choose to comfort and clothe others, do so and know there will be clothes that are going to be worn and even remade to fit a grateful generation;
To give a morsel of food to one who is hungry and comes to one in need the most is to bring forth what is within you.
It is a choice.
A people who reject, neglect and abandon the locals are with hearts of stone.
The grateful hearts are those who have nothing that they can call home and far apart from familiarity - who would smile at them?
You have seen so many personalities of selfishness and heard hearts with some idea how foreigners will not be seen as welcome by everyone.
Be kind anyway as you always have.
You are different in your ways, that the cliques cannot debate as they see you as a foreigner too.
Be empathic to pain and loss as many can relate to this.
It will be a short time until adjustments are made again in your living.
Keep an open mind and heart with everyone and let people reveal who they are.
You are in no position to do grand things as you hoped. 
You pray and never underestimate the power to pray and influence to pray and faith.
Dear one, you are not welcome by everyone. yet you welcome the Children of the Lord in your heart and home. 
The children know you are a light of faith in their souls and those who come to this land where you dwell in prayer, magnify the prayers to the Lord.
Christ will not be denied by these people. 
Your spiritual family are coming home to a place where they will be made known for who they are.
The seriousness of the prevailing situation is lessened with love.
And with hearts filled with love there is hope.
There is waiting for the return of husbands; and the Lord who promised you all He is coming back. 
The Lord's people will be comforted in prayer.
Worry not my child as you are in a place of lawlessness and cold hearts.
They will be forced to change their ways.
Kindness and care is the currency today of value and all who are kind do not take pleasure in causing suffering to anyone. 
A stranger can care and a friend can become like family long lost; yet not forgotten.
Be that family member whose heart loves and the one who cares enough to say "hello" and make people feel welcome.
You have been a foreigner in other lands and you know the future is not always clear; yet the purpose of the visit was not seen either.
Be empathic because you know the language of your soul.
Be intuitive and guided by right guidance when it is given to you.
You know who to listen to.
In prayer your Lord knows you.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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