

Thursday 10 March 2022

'You will see people in office come to humility' - Message 1st march 2022

Message: 1st March 2022
Start time: 7:36 am
End time: 8:04 am

'Hear me dear one
Daughter, you are chosen for a purpose you may not understand as of yet but you will.
You are one piece of a vast puzzle to preserve the Kingdom of God, as a fallen one forgiven of sins and serving according to your calling in the time.
All that masquerade as serving me who do not will be removed from their positions.
Grace is given to the lowly and not to the arrogant hearts with no value for life or justice for the people.
The time is coming to an end where no longer will you be expected to ask, as you will be given.
Yet all who pretend to serve justice in law and do not deprive my people of their rights and commit crimes against humanity on their own.
All are held accountable who refuse and use excuses not to serve the Lords in correcting grave wrongs to my people.
They want to be important and sit while war rages in the world unable to see they are the cause.
They do not want to take responsibility, yet all who wrong my people in the courts, commit murder in their souls.
They cry out of their wants and expect lofty roles in office, yet when they refuse arrogantly to correct the crimes they claim to rectify - something is wrong.
My dear, place no trust in anyone who masquerades as being more important than you - whoever they are.
They who walk in utter humility in serving the Lord are not in arrogance in their roles they are given.
So many years passed and you were tested severely.
You chose a different path to serve in the upholding of the law, so you were not in a position to best serve the Lord with determination.
You suffer greatly at the hands of the enemies of my people and have seen the most terrible crimes  being kept hidden from the blind.
You will see people in office come to humility in service as they feel the weight of responsibility on their shoulders.
They will not shout about it.
You will see a change and sense something that was not there before.
Your team of helpers are not the most obvious people and the mission you are given you are not entirely alone.
Keep going my dear until your last breath as service to the Lord is for life, not for a time, purpose or agenda.
You were given time to rest and your body weak because of the circulatory system, yet the spiritual essence is not your physical body. 
The Holy Spirit given to you is to guide you into correction, yet not everyone is listening to the Spirit of Truth.
The moment there is agenda to help someone and keep them from progressing to fulfil their destiny, Grace is lost.
Grace is lost in your land of pandering people to a system of wealth and oppression.
She who took her oath to serve justice and assist justice did not and her officers are traitors.
Her courts are corrupt.
The fearless Judge does not pander to crimes against humanity from whomever these have come from.
There are no royal privileges now other than oath taking agreements.
The defiance against the Lord is ignored.
The church is filled with perversions and hearts that are cold.
The Spirit of the Lord cannot be found in the heart of one who does not love His people.
The Sprit of the Lord is not found where there is corruption of the law.
The Spirit of the Lord is not found in the hearts of those who seek loftiness and self importance.
The Spirit of the Lord is not given to those who oppress my people, whoever they are.
The Spirit of the Lord is given where it is given to guide my people in righteousness and truth.
Yes all were sinners and unless they repent they will negate this gift of Grace.
The world is filled with darkness and yet the light prevails.
The world is filled with confusion and yet clarity prevails.
When all are worshipping different gods and seeing themselves as having all power and knowing it all, their arrogance reveals stupidity most of all.
Come to the Lord in lowliness and sincere heart.
The Lord knows who you are and the plight of your suffering.
The Lord waits patiently for the return of His people.
One by one they come to Him in prayer.
Who the Lord forgives, no one has a right to oppose His decision.
Grace is given to whom the Lord gives His Grace.
Say no more.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Injustice from a judge is not without accountability

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