

Saturday 23 April 2022

'The Great I Am is Here with His People Now' - Message 23rd April 2022

Message : 23rd April 2022
Start time 11:33 am
End time 12:04 pm

'In my sleep I am awake and in your sleep, your soul is awake.
No one is sleeping permanently who is in The Lord of Creation.
It is a choice to be plugged in and switched on in the Light of Truth and holiness, yet many choose to reject it.
The evil one thrives with distraction and the ones from all lands who seek the Lord in their heart and mind are not ignored.
The persecution of the Christians is out of ignorance and one must not provoke anger and hate if you are in the Lord as a gatherer in faith.
Lead all to me and I will do the rest for the Great I Am is here with His people now.
The people who find him in their hearts and souls are because they are prepared and ready to receive him. 
One cannot serve two masters.
One cannot be unequally yoked.
The people who return to righteousness must correct their wrongs.
They must show repentance.
They must show mercy and reciprocated understanding that misunderstanding has taken place.
When errors of judgement take place with the earthly judiciary, this is a very serious matter indeed.
For all are accountable.
In those who refuse to correct their corruption with bribes, one only needs to look back in the course of history to see what will happen. 
There is rage and war against the Lord and His anointed one.
There is injustice, oppression and poverty of souls because many have fallen away from the faith.
When the people reject their God, they invite that which hurts their heart and soul - a people who cannot flourish in spiritual desolation.
In Christ you are united and yet disconnected are those who form little groups to be separated from all who are in Christ.
The gatherer of souls in their Spiritual protection is with knowing the enemy rages at the door.
And it is when a child in Christ is lost out of the fold - is injured or rejected and abandoned, then the enemy finds easy prey to injure more.
The child who has been violated even in greater years does not feel worthy of love and protection of God because they were rejected before.
They were ignored by the ones who claim to be in Christ, yet they did not allow the Holy Spirit to lead them home.
A helping hand and hands that hold other hands, are hands that can pray together and for one another.
Remember this.
A momentary act of service is for a moment or few, yet the one that you were sent to find might not see God in truth.
The abandoned do not shout out they are abandoned.
The hurting do not say the truth of what really hurts their heart and soul.
The world is being turned upside down in experience for many who cannot find the words to express their truth to you.
My darling ones, the one who is quiet and alone, may say they want to be alone, or put up many barriers to be close to anyone.
They might fear abandonment and rejection.
Yet what they do is create an environment where people cannot get close and what the fear they have created for themselves.
Loving prayer and remembering the suffering alone with love, compassion and care - without knowing the circumstances can melt even the icy hearts.
Prayer can break down the walls of self protection that is feeding the pain when all alone.
He will not approach anyone for help and support who is suffering in silence.
She will complain of a life that is lacking in something that will indicate something is wrong.
The Rule of Life is to love one another and not let anyone feel rejected in a Christian society especially.
There is no competition in Believers; yet there are those who hear the Holy Spirit guiding them to return to the Lord God who is home.
When separated from God there is misery to the soul and when reunited to the Lord with miracles and prayers answered, there is joy again known.
The joy that many of you are yet to experience is with the Spirit of Divine Love and showering of Divine Blessings on you.
Open your heart to the Lord and He will do the rest.
Do not force your Will with anything anymore and do not say what you do not mean.
Loved ones, siblings in Christ, you are learning a different way than before.
Let love be sincere and let your service be conscientious.
The Lord waits for his people to return
One by one they come; knowing once they have stepped on this path - what was before is no more.
A new life is given with renewal of love and hope in those who are joined together in the Lord.
And those who are not, must decide what they want.
The price for sincere love is sincere hearts and the Lord will do the rest.
Be faithful and you will see your Faithful God.'

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