

Saturday 28 May 2022

'The Lord Will Judge His People' - Message 25th May 2022

Message: 25th May 2022
Start time: 14:58 pm
End time: 15:28 pm

'The Lord will judge His people.
I will come in my own time to each of my people and they will know who they belong to.
Those who demand; those who boast will wait til last because my little ones in their quest of survival in this world must be made to feel secure in their soul.
All who followed the Lord of Grace in history were persecuted and killed for their faith was ridiculed.
Fear was the way of truth and love lost its way in the world.
Again fear is the way of truth and love has lost its way; yet the spiritual hearts of truth do not seek to live in fear and pain.
The children of the new generation are not to learn the ways of the past.
The faith in the Living Lord who is merciful to all he chooses to be merciful to, does so in time people notice.
It is not all about you and the next person.
The Lord's purpose in your lives is as a gatherer of people who may sit alone in their time of prayer and contemplation - returning to the Lord in their heart and soul.
It is not enough for you to be doing this in your service?
Is it not enough to pray for my people?
Teacher, they say they want to be leaders and teachers and then reject the right way in this teaching. 
The history of truth is documented.
The Lord has come down from heaven to His people and returned to heaven again.
The angel of the Lord has come down from heaven and spoken and then returned to heaven again.
The truth that comes from heaven is known in heaven.
Why are you arguing about this between yourselves?
Go into the way you were shown and serve accordingly.
Pauline I told you to write and you are writing.
The Spiritual message of truth does not need to be read by everyone.
The Spiritual essence as a conduit of Spiritual Truth just has to receive the energetic transmission and all who are lovingly spiritually connected receive it.
The Lord is love and loves His people and the Lord is outpouring His love on his people.
Feel His love with your being.
Feel the comforting Holy Spirit move within you to take notice of the Word and what is revealed to you clearly. 
The outside messages to the people are scripted and the people who rely on mechanical deliverance of any news, must also know there is more to the story presented in the media.
The Lord gives all that is necessary to know in a moment that you may learn to trust Him wholeheartedly.
When the Lord says 'Go right', turning left is in defiance.
When the Lord says 'Turn left' and you turn right you will not discover His reasoning.
The Lord is training you in righteousness and obedience to His word.
He will tell you who to help and who to be careful of.
Be gracious as you are a vehicle of graciousness.
You have been raised to see all people as having value and yet not all are gracious to you.
Let people exit your life accordingly because your intervention and lessons you will both learn has come precisely for this reason.
You will be harmed by some who are not careful with what they say or do; yet perhaps they have something going on and hurting too.
The one who is angry might not realise he pushes people away and it is easy to build a shield that protects pain.
The one who has been hurt deeply and disillusioned with life and people will come across as being distrustful to all.
The one who is depressed by circumstance might be alone in his misery and yet may he never be left to think he is alone and forgotten.
Pray for the ones who are hurting brothers and sisters because not everyone asks for help.
Not everyone can handle the suffering in silence and yet hold back to speak to anyone.
You can speak with one as a counsellor or pray for the many and the Lord will shower His Grace and healing light to those who need it.
Yes I know you are weak and limited and yet you would not be able to do, if you were strong and dynamic energetically.
You have to be still to hear the still small voice of the Lord within your being.
Outside the world loves noise and some of my people love nature and tranquility.
If faith is brought forth by the closeness of nature, near misses of precarious incidents or life saving miracles, so be it.
You have seen it and you have known prayers being answered too.
Those who curse you and scold you do not know the Lord.
Many are curious. 
Many suffer and pray and discover the Lord and His Grace in this way.
Be a light for your truth and learning.
Soul healing is more important than physical exhilaration and competition.
My Lady of Grace is to be graceful and receptive of need in her people.
Be gentle and kind on everyone.
Be gentle and kind to you too'

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Nothing is hidden from everyone all of the time' - Message 23rd May 2022

Message : 23rd May 2022
Start time: 3:39 am
End time: 4:06 am 

'Living in the truth of man is different from living in the truth of God.
Man lies to himself and keeps what is hidden in darkness.
Woman displays herself who has much to hide and be ashamed.
The accused is in hiding who is persecuted and left for dead;
Then the one who is at risk of losing their life is not in a position to defend theirself to the ones who want him dead.
The Lord does not lie.
In Him there is no darkness.
He cries for the lost souls and wickedness of this generation.
You cry in sorrow for you cannot see what is hidden from your eyes and you are protected from seeing what would be shocking as a witness.
Nothing is hidden from everyone all of the time.
And all are tested for what they will do and say in this generation of rebels.
The Satanic regime is what it is and while you will not compromise your soul for the wicked one, you are injured by those who serve the evil one.
Choose your company wisely.
Some of the Aristocracy pride themselves on being upright and meticulous in their conduct at all times.
Yet those without strict breeding did not learn the expectation of graciousness to all; that would not bring the Aristocrats into disrepute and distrust.
She who climbs the social ladder with her beauty in her youth needs much more than physical attributes and wealth to gain respect of those who strive to maintain honour and decency.
Respectability has been covered before.
The misguided ones see wealth and fame as desirable qualities regardless where this has come from; and what had to be done to be in the eye of the media for attention.
In the polarity of life, there are those who are the targets of condemnation and shame fuelling hate, resentment and divide as a distraction.
Very few people have led a perfect life without mistakes in judgement and even regrets that could have changed the course of their life.
Everyone makes choices and some people suffer experiences to open their eyes to a reality that is silenced.
There is a world of darkness and sinister goings on.
There are levels of existence and what people do to get ahead will depend who they give their loyalty to.
The Lord forbids you to take an oath to serve those who harm my people;
And the Lord will block any liaison with anyone who will hinder your path and purpose.
You saw with your own eyes and listened with your own ears the manipulation of words and intention.
Very easily overnight your life could have been transformed overnight to be a miserable existence with one who does not see your worth.
The social climbers have no regard for the Royal Priesthood family and the hypocrisy of being Royal brings all the Royal Dignity title holders to shame.
The discipline of respectability is with grace and graciousness.
To be kicked down and lied to by one who lies to their own self is a symptom of the times that could bring a revolt from the people.
The Queen is loved by many by their conditioning and trust.
There are those who have no regard for the Lord or even selfless service.
You will not choose one who condemned you to be in a position of trust and respectability; 
And one who is disloyal to you does not merit your trust.
While you will be gracious, there will be those who will be raging at you with weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Who knows the plans of the Lord?
He changes His mind by the acts of condemnation to His people.
The Lord is a saviour of souls not a destroyer of good people who never intend to harm anyone at all.
The Lord has preserved those who destroy so they learn their lessons.
Have faith in the Lord even though you do not see clearly everything;
Yet what is revealed to you will be revealed clearly.
Too much will be too overwhelming when you have a mission and purpose to fulfil.
Then you will know why '

Previous article : You are Mine; I Claimed You Back at No Cost

Saturday 21 May 2022

'You are mine: I claimed you back at no cost' - Message 21st May 2022

This is a personal revelation message shared of my Spiritual learning journey. As with all before, this is an ongoing testimony demonstrating one way how the Lord is validating His truth with his People. 

This message immediately followed prayer; word for word is written.

Message: 21st May 2022
Start time : 13:55 pm
End time: 14:20 pm

'You are mine
I claimed you back at no cost after what they have done to you without mercy, repentance or remorse. 
There is a wicked generation that exists like nothing before.
There is suffering that exists like nothing before.
There are people perishing to death and no one can help them.
That is what the lord of this ungodly world has done that he might rise up indiscriminately. 
Oh my people perish without knowledge and you hold onto One who many regard as a myth.
Your love and tears cry out to the heavens and the Lord have mercy on you for your heart is pure.
A sinner by name and saint by nature; yet the Lord came for the sinners to show that there is mercy and forgiveness when there is repentance from self destructive ways.
I did not want you to be caught in exposing the diabolical acts of the system if you had gone down the path of employment in the system;
And while you study to learn, it is enough to show you know what you are talking about in the land that has a court discrediting professional training.
Many have cheated their way, or have found favour to be in prime jobs, but the dedicated ones who will not be compromised will not bend and reject their Lord. 
They know the way to salvation of souls and not one will be compromised.
See I told you I will prepare you and all you need to do was write this message as a testimony of truth.
Your spiritual journey is your own and your learning according to your ability to understand.
Few trust blindly the Lord and His divine plan and want to change the words given.
If I instruct you to do something and you know it is from the origin of the Holy Spirit of Truth, it is with reasoning that the rational mind cannot comprehend.
The rational mind analyses and rejects what it does not want to know.
The subconscious mind absorbs everything; and from all the information given and what you have seen revealed, you will gain a clearer understanding of your purpose later on.
If you were willing to step into the public eye and help people as you were guided; with the opportunity to be a leader in your field, you would not have so much difficulty today.
You were filled with self-doubt and hesitation that created a time of repercussions; when the need was greater than your confidence dented but you did not see that.
You did not realise you needed to take the steps to be sure of what you were doing was and is your purpose and preparation.
You listened to people who did not want you to succeed and unfortunately learned hard lessons about human nature in need.
The people who will promote your progress, see your potential and even your purpose. 
One who will ridicule and condemn you has much to hide and does not want you to shine brightly in a darkened world.
So many people seek fame and adoration, yet you do not.
You still have a purpose and a role was given to you to fulfil.
Trust in the Lord your God as you are on track now, despite weakness.
I will return to you your smile and you will see how many lives are touched because you exist. 
A woman of faith even in humble circumstances can still make a positive difference.
Pray for my servants who love and sacrifice their lives for the benefit of others.
You are not alone in this mission but you are separated for a while longer.
Your people will reveal who they are when they reveal their true heart.
The pure hearted ones will see the Lord in all His Glory and the Father will Bless His Children.
Your mission is almost complete.
Write these words.

Identifying scriptures with the times

Is this not the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? (Matthew 13:55)

At that day you will know that am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. (John 14:20)

Name Day St Helena and St. Constantine with Prayer

On this day, commemorating the Name Day of Saint Helena and Saint Constantine, equals to the Apostles. We are reminded of the Crown of Thorns and the great injustice of the Lord.
Constantine is best known as the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity. Constantine had a vision while praying seeing a cross of light in the heavens. Afterwards the vision was validated when Jesus appeared and “commanded him to make a likeness of that sign which he had seen in the heavens, and to use it as a safeguard in all engagements with his enemies.”
In these precarious and perilous times foretold, may our prayer petition be to bring an end to all the wars, human rights abuses and injustice that is taking place all over the world. Amen.
'The Lord's Prayer' - 'Our Father Prayer' is written and instructed by Jesus for people to say.
In this manner, therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen
Be mindful whenever tempted to proceed prematurely, or pressured to do something that goes against good conscience. God is in control when you took an oath to serve him accordingly.
Remembering always this: Thy Will be done Lord (not my will) Amen.
It is also written:
Let not mercy and truth forsake you;
Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart,
And so find favor and high esteem
In the sight of God and man.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:3-6)

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Next article You are mine, I claimed you back at no cost

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