

Tuesday 12 July 2022

The HOLY and Great Council: Athanatos /Jesus with Jewish people. Message 28th June 2016

A couple of days ago I came across some notes written at the time with the words given precisely documented with times noted as observed, allowing to include this later on.

Firstly I would like to share some connecting experiences - with each time looking up (using google to search specific scriptures) with validation and consolidated learning this spiritual way.


'What if' there is a New World Order that is HOLY ....a HOLY AUTHORITY being denied, with God is being defied ever so blatantly, particularly in England. Here n the HEART of England the Lord appeared a few times to children on this land connected to the crown wearer. 

It is here in England Jesus spoke to a small four year old boy and told him his name. 'Jesus' also stated 'I AM THE KING' and asked he will give Pauline a message for him.

This visitation happened in September 2013.

Just after police said 'this land is ruled by dark forces' (2012), Jesus made his living presence known. Another young boy saw Jesus in a local Catholic Church.  His grandmother asked me about this. He told her Jesus was sitting WITH THE PEOPLE. This significance is precise too. 

Years have gone by, documenting my learning experience, sharing personal revelation messages openly/ At first I did not realise a greater purpose. I did not know of any prophesy. Several times during 2013 I saw in interior visions different crowns. Also at different times asking "Jesus what do you want me to do for you? Each time the immediate reply clearly given was ' WRITE FOR ME'

Then one day reading that Yeshua/Jesus will appear in Israel in the year 5773 - remembering this date being part of a telephone number. The year 2012-2013.  The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Year.

In 2013 on Elul (looking up the significance) during a vision,  I was observing within a building - Jesus was standing alone on the floor alone. His right hand was on a white pillar. He was wearing a white kippah, long robe and long cloak over this. There were perhaps three tiers of Orthodox Jewish men dressed in black suits and hats with white shirt. Jesus was looking directly at me.

This experience lasted only a few seconds, long enough to take notice of what was relevant to see. There were no other women present in that particular room to be seen.

In looking up the date meaning with seeing Orthodox Jewish men:


One morning while waking up, hearing Spiritually clearly 'Yom kippur' - two words only to remember and look up that I did not write down at the time. Time passed however, I had forgotten the exact words.  Seeing the words again written, I could seek the significance and meaning. 


Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year—the day on which we are closest to G‑d and to the quintessence of our own souls. It is the Day of Atonement—“For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G‑d” (Leviticus 16:30). (Chabad library)

All these experiences are not with feeling elation and I do not get excited - if anything when first seeing Jesus in dreams and visions, I thought it was to prepare me for death being extremely weak physically. Young children used to come to my door asking if they can draw me a picture...or talk to me. They were persistent to stay with me; sitting at the table. I did not send them away to play outside.

At times individual children spoke of their experience. None had religious input or indoctrination - and I had no idea of what was written about the children in the Holy Bible at the time either.

So let's continue with this message again. In my notes I had written of 'another message given on the same date and this continued - with my mind still focussed on Jesus Christ.' The former message is likely already published on this blog with the date in the title. 

Exactly as I have written noting the times, word for word is shared. 

Regarding the message about the Holy and Great Council:

'The Holy and Great Council Cannot be without Christ  (5:50 pm)

Athanatos - He was dead yet is alive (5:55 pm)

Come dear ones I wait for you (5:58 pm)

I love my people. I love my family.
Let those who hear understand.
I did not change.
The Father did not change.
He is the same forever more (5:59 pm)

I love my people
I love my people
I love my family even the rebellious ones.
Let no one rule this world - not hate fear and terror.
Let the antichrist fear now.
My love is stronger for all.
I forgive the sincere repentance.
I love to teach love and I hate evil.
But I will still love forever more. Selah (6:01 pm)

Let them know is Do it what I ask of you and then you will know the LORD lives.
TRUST in HIM for He did not lie to the people.
He knows the errors made and the fight between the lost children
but you are found now.
Come, come and drink of the water of life.
The stream is not empty.
The water is crystal clear.
The Father loves his obedient children
and the sober minded ones who wait for His word.
Let them be.
The instruction is given ((6:06 pm)

End of message

The meaning of Athanatos: immortal, deathless, undying, everlasting, eternal 

It was with trepidation sharing these messages from the start in the hope that they would inspire faith and prayer. These are my personal learning experiences in this spiritual journey.

My focus has been global peace and healing with there being a mulilayered healing need in our world. I am also with suffering greatly with two cases of legal corruption here in England with refusal to work for justice - learning recently from a woman who said she is a junior judge that there is a block on them being heard. She told me she would help me but said it would cost £10,000. Needless to say i did not pay her a penny with the serious and blatant human rights abuses taking place. 

But again, this also validates scripture warnings...

God is making His truth known that we may Trust Him.

Do not look to me, but seek quietly wherever it is you pray, and if you do not pray, where you can be alone and contemplate from your heart and soul. In prayer I ask God to guide me in the right way and help me to clearly understand what I am meant to know and understand...

In humility without changing anything, it is like this.

May this message bless you all. 

Pauline Maria

Previous article: The Lord Will Judge His People

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