

Saturday 23 July 2022

'My people, My loves I did not forget you at all' - Message 23rd July 2022

Message: 23rd July 2022
Start time: 9:35 am
End time: 10:04 am

'My people, My loves I did not forget you at all.
You wait and you are distracted by the world.
You want me yet you do not draw near to me.
You live in helplessness and hopelessness in the world's situations.
There are those who rise up to elevate themselves as power and authority when they have none and will not be trusted in the crowned role.
There are the meek and lowly who are crushed by the system of oppression.
On their own they can do nothing at all.
Those who deny me have no role in the world in Spiritual authority, except in the demon hierarchy.
They do not want to evolve. 
The Holy Ones of Israel are not recognised and Israel is with so many people cursing the name and not knowing I Am Israel. 
I Am the Lord of Creation.
I Am the one who saves souls and if you look to Me your Lord and God, then I will reveal my truth to you too.
It takes trust to trust the word.
It takes spiritual ears to listen to the language of your soul that your soul understands as truth.
The Lord lives.
The Lord speaks.
The initiated in the Lord can communicate and be led in the word of understanding promised long ago.
There is no race.
There is no time to run out.
If your heart and mind are right with me, your heart and mind will not sit right with the world.
You will see many wrongs and injustices that were warned about.
The wisest look to the Lord for the right way to deal with that.
The wise know the Lord will resolve the wrongs in a way they do not know because they cannot see.
Half of the world are blind and the other half are given eyes to see.
Half of the world are deaf and the other given ears to hear.
Yet only when ready do the eyes see and ears hear clearly, not before.
There is no race for salvation.
Salvation of souls is when you know you wronged someone and destroy their life, that you not only repent, you seek quickly to correct the matter. 
But where you are the spirit of wickedness is the norm. 
Closed hearts cannot feel love. 
Compassion and care is lost.
The system of abuses cannot hide the atrocities that have been done; and the people who see and know yet are silent, allow these to go on.
The devil has many helpers and may will say they are good people yet all have fallen short of the Glory of the Lord. 
They serve their master of earth for money and do not worship the Lord of Creation.
They do not fear to confront a wrong.
They worry if they will be paid to feed an addiction.
It is the system of slavery and oppression warned about that many are involved in; and if you see the truth or expose it they will hurt you too.
So what would you do when your loved ones are lost and the death toll rises because of the ease to defy the Lord?
You cannot force anyone's free will do to right if they are choosing to do evil; to cause harm and loss to another. 
The enemy of the Lord is your enemy too.
But your Lord fights for you in ways you know nothing about.
The Lord of Creation built the Foundation of Righteousness and all that turned to evil was torn down.
The Lord will build a Foundation of Righteousness again, yet who is serving Him in truth?
Who will save a life without payment?
Who will serve justice without a bribe?
Who will correct the wrong that has cost so much life to be lost?
Who will pick up the broken, lowly and fragile one who can barely carry on?
The Will of the Lord will be done and carried out by the Lord's people. 
The Will of the people who defy the Lord disregard their own destruction.
The Will of the people in the Lord can build God's Kingdom in the world.
The false idols are not in the Lord.
The people are not loved by those who lust for power.
The world is full of infinite possibilities; and the manifestation by forcing the will of another is not as the Lord intended.
You make your choices but choose wisely who you will serve.
The man loses his way by manipulation and lustful desire.
The woman is injured by the man who lost his way. 
The man must return to the Lord and wait for Him.
Do what you must do with pure heart and you will remain blameless

Previous article: The Holy and Great Council, Athanatos/Jesus and the Jewish People

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