

Tuesday 27 June 2023

Dream, The Late Queen Elizabeth II smiling etc 27th September 2022

Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022) was Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms from 6 February until her death in 2022.

Much loved and respected by so many people around the world.

With sorrow, heartache, losses and divorces in her family, grieving and dealing with these difficult times were in the stoic way our Lady Elizabeth know how.

'Never complain, never explain' were words the Queen held and practiced - while if she had spoken out more openly, perhaps she would be regarded differently as a human being. 

Some say Lady Elizabeth was 'Chosen by God'. Look what is happening ...even her family are exposed as being flawed mere mortals too. The Role to Preserve the Kingdom for Jesus Christ yet who considers that? Who truly cares about the population and our spiritual welfare? 

I could not ignore what was happening in 2012 asking a police officer  why the police refuse to work for justice in this land - His reply 'There is no justice ...This land is ruled by dark forces'

Calculated injustice was being done in Queen Elizabeth's name. She has ensured that lawyers are not exempt from prosecution, even if police and lawyers disregard this vital action.

A few times over the years the Queen has been seen in my dreams. One time she was with a crowd of people explaining how she can go out to the shops without being recognised. People laughed with snootiness. She was then photographed wearing her mac and scarf while out. 

The Queen, to me was an approachable figure...I noticed media images when she beamed huge smiles greeting young children.  She is a shy person I was told. Very Reserved I thought. 

Just before Covid Lockdown, locally, an elderly neighbour and I got chatting. She told me she used to work at Windsor Castle, with the horses...She spoke of Princess Ann when a young girl and also a very cheeky Andrew who used to stick his tongue out.  Respect for the Queen was evident.

Soon after this connecting with a female relative of the Queen in friendship. She had asked the Queen about me; who remembered my paralysed mother with clarity; even how old I was around 12 years at the time. My mother affectionately referred to Lizzie, the young lady recalled.

My Greek Athenian born mother was offered an honor yet did not accept. Her courage and zest for life as a woman paralysed from the neck down from a freak car crash was noticed. Her private work was to encourage and inspire other people...She knew who she was by birthright, but doubted her purpose once she became paralysed. My learning was consolidated with this experience too.

Why and how did the Queen remember so clearly? 

We form emotional bonds with heartfelt sharing and experiences that move our heart. Genuine affection is not denied when experienced by two or more people. Our hearts do not forget.

The passing of the Queen marked a time of sadness touching people n different ways.. The loss of her husband not long before...a grand age she had reached, she was in her twilight years.

THE DREAM - 27th September 2022

As if standing in front of me wearing beautiful Royal blue hat and coat dress, the Queen was beaming a big warm smile.....It was as if were outside somewhere...then I woke up.

Remembering Lady Elizabeth warmly as a woman who knew her own mind and heart. She, like my mother commanded respect probably moreso by position. The Lady by Grace.

Being reminded that I am my mother's daughter. As a woman of faith who has been tripped up, tricked and injured profoundly,  it is impossible to overlook what they did to Jesus Christ.

When a newly qualified barrister said 'you are a nothing and nobody who will never get justice, unless you are a somebody with a lot of money' - evidently judicial overhaul is overdue.

What is happening all this time is validating the holy scriptures.

When people boast/confess the most violating crimes against humanity - boasting in arrogance of the harm, loss and 'millions of people are denied justice in this land' - God hears too.

There was a block to progress...silencing me for reasons I could not comprehend but the Queen knew who I am and my name...This was validated and her razor sharp memory too.

My dedication and commitment to study was with preparation.

While we are alive we do not have all the answers....

We do not know the plans of God but England has been chosen by God as a location for a reason. In the restoration of faith; as with attempts to unite people together in peace - when done with self serving agenda, this cannot succeed as God Wills it to be to the benefit of everyone.

Queen Elizabeth spoke of the Imperial Family to whom we all belong.  

The big beaming smile of Lady Elizabeth was seen clearly after her passing.

It is not knowing if our dearly departed know more of the continuation of the unfolding of the divine plan, with Love and Mercy. It is not known what secrets are carried beyond the grave.

But one thing for certain, there is one secret that has remained hidden, perhaps for the protection of those who might not be ready to know and understand their purpose in this time.

The Late Queen Elizabeth II was often identified as being stoic. 

'You must practice daily the habit of going into silence and putting your mind at rest. This is a method of replacing a troubled thought with one of peace, a thought of weakness with one of strength.' - author unknown. 

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