

Tuesday 27 June 2023

'It's been a long time waiting for me' - message 24th June 2023

 Message with prayer focus on the Lord

Message date: 24th June 2023

Start time: 10:10 am

End time: 10:41 am

'It's been a long time

It's been a long time waiting for me.

Hear the voice of your God within your being.

Your heart and soul know who are true to you and who despises you.

Focus on me your Lord and saviour for I am the one who gave you permission with grace and mercy after suffering for so long.

See the enemies of mine in your country and those who despise doing right no matter how desperate the situation. 

They rob you blindly of your rights not knowing one day they will feel remorse only because they have been wronged when they least expect it. 

The loveless land is desolate of tender hearts so I bring tender hearts to you who love purely,.

I bring you neighbours who are mindful on caring and compassion too.

I will show the hard hearts who think nothing of the well being and health of others that they are part of the great problem and darkness that befalls in the world.

If they decide hate and greed their choices will reflect this.

Pure love does not fraternise with hateful people whose words and intentional energy is with spite.

The ones that exploit my most vulnerable people in their care will not know what hits them when the door is closed tightly - slammed shut in their face.

You cannot cope with toxic arguments of people who do not want to change or do right for their own sakes.

You will be injured and suffer more by enduring situations that are poisonous to your heart and soul.

Rest my child, rest.

Rest away from loud and raucous people who do not acknowledge even the gentleness within that is their right navigator and guide.

What have you in common with people who are living their lives trying to impress and boast of drinking and drug taking. 

Did I not warn to be sober minded?

How can you hear the voice of the Lord in your heart and soul if you reject the Lord?

Tell them this.

But many where you live reject me and their hearts are far away from me because they do not want to listen to reason.

Many will choose partners without love for gains and control.

Many have no love or value for the person sitting next to them and then get angry when things go wrong,.

Control and exploitation of one another is not the way of soulful connections.

Value each other with love and mercy

Be patient with one another.

Choose your company wisely for you will pick up habits and evolve and fall accordingly. 

If you have a friend who wants to see you happy with love and to prosper in life - they know the best of you is yet to come.

If you have distractions from your tasks at hand and being weighed down by the lessons all must learn. you will be tested in patience and setting boundaries.

Give your time to those who do not ridicule the way of holiness.

You are cleansing and purifying your heart and soul of hurt and bitterness that is justified too; as you do not understand the bigger picture of your life.

The playfulness and smiles while unaware people are watching of those who place themselves as superior beings cannot see that the wisest of wise is not for their counsel.

The Lord does not entertain the arrogant. 

The Lord lets the arrogant entertain the masses until he decides no more. 

Oh the lofty goals and egos gow in the want to be important and superior than all; yet their ego must go and be cloaked in humility instead.

The false idols are not your masters and you are not their slaves.

The boldness to set free a population of oppressed people who are enslaved with debt and fines for control - Who cares about the Lord?

Who cares about their soul?

Keep the company of none that rob and harm my people for gain and those willing to kill each other to feed their addictions.

Be pure in your intentions.

Advise when you can.

Warn when you must to prevent another in danger or harm and then be silent.

Many choose the fallen lifestyle because they reject God and many pretend to be happy who are not.

Be you.

Be true to your heart even if you are happy or not.

Give space to allow healing for all.


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