

Tuesday 15 August 2023

'The Lord validates His truth over and over again' Message 14th August 2023

Personal revelation message with prayer

Message date: 14th August 2023

Start time: 16:32

End time:17:01

'Holy Holy Holy. the Lord God Almighty who is and is to come in the new age of enlightenment for all beings and all creation.

He is the One at the beginning and at the end.

The Lord gathers His children who did not understand the ways of the world or the ways of the Lord.

A great distraction is prevailing in the world to divert attention.

The addictions for gains and exhilaration; momentary highs are not life.

Same as the gentle lift out of danger ie drowning and being rescued onto dry land and given food. clothes, warmth and shelter. 

The West promotes illusion as ideals and the Eastern States came back to question spirituality and its state of being. 

The origins of wisdom givers were not lofty people but lowly chosen ones for their purpose. 

They were not self promoting.

They were not at all valued and respected in their roles; yet the task they were given at a specific time for a specific people had a purpose at the time and times ahead; even beyond their lifetime on this earth plane..

So you know the Lord is the same yesterday and today, nothing new is given.

The Lord Validates His Truth over and over again.

The Lord chooses specific people for specific tasks even if they do not want to do it.

There is a role to serve ad a purpose in this too.

Who can deny the Lord God Creator of your heart and soul?

Your heart keeps beating - how is this so?

The Lord brings you to rest because if you were active, you would not be doing what the Lord requires of you; 

And the Lord prepares the way for everything and everyone in the Grand Orchestra Symphony.

It is not a matter of who believes or not for as long as you have life by the Grace of God, you can be an instrument of the Lord for the greater good of all.

The lofty arrogant believe they are important; yet they distract from what is most important.

The world promotes false idols ...

And as people progress in their success and prosperity the danger is becoming greedy for more and arrogant too.

To make mistakes in a humble place people may laugh and even mock an inspired idea.

The child who dreamed to travel and go to university when the entire village had known basic education - were they wrong?

The educated one does not forget their roots or reason to put in the determination to succeed. 

One educated person can serve to educate others. 

The upliftment of the condition of humanity is with many helpers.

Many leaders are leading from behind or in the shadows; not seeking fame, praise or even to be seen.

Do not idol worship for the time will come and you will be disappointed and disillusioned too.

The time to correct your thinking and adjust your processing might be with wounds.

Be careful who you serve and pledge your loyalty too.

Families turn on each other ....

Best friends can become enemies too.

That is not to say do not trust family and friends, but be wise and mindful that not everyone wishes everyone well.

Temptation comes to trip people up and steal ideas  - as many business concepts were stolen and built by someone else.

The song written by one man and shared with his friend would become a global hit, while the originator did not earn a dime from it.

The Lord knows.

The Lord does not forget.

The person who tried to help was exploited too.

The one person who was inspired to help in a new lease of life and purpose in a song written would see and discover the ruthlessness of greed, lust for power and control.

The lowly creators and originators all have a profound purpose.

The Lord is sifting the wheat from the chaff.

If you think back carefully, you had a role that was not quite as expected serving the Lord.

You might seemingly be injured and suffer losses ...

But the Lord gives you His Grace and Mercy and money cannot buy what is being given to you.

As your eyes  and mind open to truth - understanding comes more easily.'

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