

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Dream/visions 1) Old people dying 2) Gold City 3) Gold chair 4) Indigo eye (Oct - Nov 2021)

The following dreams/visions occurred on different days:

1) Seeing old people lay dying in beds  24th October 2021
2) Standing at the gate entry of a City of Gold - 25th October 2021

3) Gold chair - throne seat - 28th October 2021

4) Seeing dark indigo eye symbol - 11th November 2021

Notes shared openly here are as recollected at the time.


Observing in a room what may have been a hospital or nursing home. The walls were plain with pale green colouring. A row of four beds were lined up all occupied with people .

The people were all grey haired and grey faced faced. Their mouths were open. They were seemingly covered just by a sheet on the hospital type bed with their faces exposed.

They looked like they were dead or close to death. The beds were in a row (death row came to mind). Their faces were not covered by sheets.  I deduce from this the people were still alive.

With the impression someone else was there, I did not see anyone else or any more - only what was revealed to see.  This main focus was to notice and record in writing.

The impression I had these being forgotten people, or had no visitors.  No outsider would have been at ease how these people were being kept behind closed doors.

Also I did not know where this location was, if here in UK or somewhere overseas. The room was a cold old clinical type setting. There was no homely feel whatsoever in the room. 

The overall impression from the dream/vision: people are dying in hospitals and care homes with no visitors. 

In reality, no one was granted entry to visit during COVID. 

Not only during official lockdown durations, at times of COVID outbreak at the time of writing, visitors are still being instructed not to attend in residential care homes. 

We will never know the truth about the residents care or what takes place behind closed and sometimes locked doors. However there are people within who are not silent about concerns.

Vast numbers of people have been devastated at not being able to say goodbye to their loved ones in hospitals and care homes. There are also people wondering if their relatives were put on the 'Liverpool Care Pathway' historically, helped to die prematurely. A retired nurse spoke about this - she was furious and refused to be part of this, bringing cups of tea and cake to patients..

The most valuable care for our elderly, disabled and/or clinically vulnerable comes from loved ones: family and friends. We will have peace of mind in doing what we can, while the people dependant on medical and residential care, will know at their most vulnerable they are not abandoned..  

Regarding Care Home concerns. The Guardian reported on ethical concerns brought by the healthcare professionals who were exceedingly concerned.


Standing front of a huge dark ornate open gates at the entrance of a city. One man was standing outside near his right hand gate post. No one else was seen in this experience.

Looking past the open gates from a few metres away, straight ahead a huge gold building was seen with a dome roof and what can be described like ancient Greek/Roman pillars in the frontage.

The building dominated the view past the gates, that it was not possible to look beyond this. If I had entered into the gateway then perhaps I would not be here today to write this.  

The dream appeared as if being in the very early hours before the sun was shining. It did not appear to be day light or night time - Yet the gold building was shining moreso in its splendour.

The entrance was with open gates. They were not locked closed.

The man had brown wavy hair. I cannot say it was Peter, Jesus or someone else. It was not an angel having also seen angels revealed in dreams with their wings seen clearly too.

Revelation 21 writes of New Jerusalem is likened to pure gold 

It is indicated Saint Peter is the guardian at the gates of heaven 

Regarding the City of Gold, Revelation 2I identifies 'the Holy City,  new Jerusalem and promises made to people.  One of the promises is that 'there will be no more death'.

It is not my intention to try to influence people to believe in God when they do not. Still as with my own learning, if we remain open minded and willing to read what is written in the scriptures - for certain I was surprised to learn that even warnings are given about human rights abuses.


At a location somewhere, I am near to a chair/throne seat made of gold.

No one was sitting on this chair - I did not notice another next to it.

My attention was taken the side of the armrests in particular.

The structure design was a row of pillars (like temple pillars) with an arm rest platform over them as the support.

No one else was seen in this dream/vision.

I did not see anything else beyond this chair that is 'somewhere'.

The pillars were an evident focus point to take notice of.  

I remembered the dream of the gold domed building with the Roman pillars and did not know if connected in some way.  This vision is documented as it was revealed at the time.


This experience was when closing my eyes - not aware of being asleep.  I could see an oval shape that was appearing as an eye - just one eye. The colour was a dark indigo. 

I cannot say what was revealed was looking outside of myself. Also if anything. I cannot negate seeing the inner eye being revealed opened within my being. Clear seeing is clairvoyance. 

Upon opening my eyes. 'Third eye' came to mind with finding this. 

'The Third-Eye Chakra also called the Ajna Chakra, This Chakra is the centre of perception, consciousness and intuition. It is the sixth chakra.

The third eye Chakra is known as the Ajna Chakra. This is identified as being the seat of judgement, emotional intelligence and wisdom.

Your 'sixth sense' regulates the five lower Chakras.

While our two physical eyes see the physical that we may remember the past and the present, the third eye reveals beyond and can  provide insight into the future'

Regarding the City of Gold, Revelation 21 is for these times.

Just related to the eye, I have had a few experiences seeing something as an observer. 

Remembering another dream experience from a different time. Standing outside (in the dream) looking up into the heavens - seeing an 'old' gold coloured astrolabe with the moon cycles around the circumference. (the gold was not bright and shiny as new)

In this experience the vision transformed when then I also saw a blue eye - Egyptian style and 'Eye of Isis' came to mind at the time of waking up.

Learning that Strasbourg's astronomical clock gives time, day, month, year, star sign, moon phases and planets positions. This is located inside Strasbourg cathedral, Strasbourg.

Another dream vision, an observer, I was inside a hidden underground temple. There was an upright triangle seen with an eye formation engraved ahead on a dark grey wall.

And another dream/vision experience -  I was inside a tall building with large glass windows on a bright day. The reception had a bar style top. The wall behind was red with white decor. A company logo was a gold eye shape with (sun) radiating energy lines outwards.

The eye shape was not distinctively obvious. I had associated the eye with the previous vision. At the time I had the impression already may exist somewhere. 'Golden eye' - a James Bond film was named,

One final experience, with my eyes closed, just resting. Immediately seeing the most illuminating golden light mass expanding my visio. This was seen for the first time.

This experience took place with seeing from my inner/third eye. 

Seeking more about this: The golden light is your energy/aura.

Golden light means mastery and divine energy or presence.

If you experience unusual dreams and vision experiences (seeing with eyes closed) write the details down and date experiences too. These are revelations given to you for a reason; even if you do not know or understand why the experience takes place. They might be connecting with your situation and/or events happening outside in the world. Such experiences are bringing awareness for understanding later on. Do not analyse. Document as much as you can remember. Do not change any detail that is being revealed 'clearly' to you. Time will reveal all.

Previous article: the Lord validates His Truth over and over again

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