

Saturday 23 September 2023

Simple Spirituality: Faith consolidated by prayer

Spirituality is simple - Faith is consolidated with prayer

We make a mistake to over analyse, compare, ask opinions, to ignore the most natural innate gift we have been given - that no one taught us to do. The right to pray is enshrined eternally; our God given right!

With every prayer, we acknowledge the source of focus. With every prayer answered, our faith is being consolidated. When we pray for understanding, when ready, wisdom is given.

Over the years I have documented personal revelation experiences, as this is also my learning experience. If I had already studied the scriptures and knew what was written, I would not be convinced to know for certain there is something more...that my prayers to God are in someway answered too. Mostly I ask to be guided in the right way. 

A young lady told me quietly 'I do not believe in God' and it was not my place to say you must or even to try and convince her of the far greater power identified as God Almighty.

Instead intuitively I asked: 'Have you ever been in a crisis or situation you felt in danger and cried out to God to help you? 

A moment later she replied: 'YES!;

Sometimes we may forget but our soul knows God.

In remembering God we can pray...

In thinking about God our bond is strengthened. 

When we forget to pray, perhaps a situation is created that the only way to seek shelter from the Most High is with pray....and that we survive and pull through crisis and endure with strength in difficulties - our prayers are heard when answered.

The approachable God the Father, exists and can be called out to - we can talk to, open our heart to, seek comfort from and confess our sins, repent and seek guidance and protection too.

If your life has brought you to face difficulty and great sorrow, God knows and does not ignore the tears and suffering in our heart and soul when we are alone in our struggle too.

Divine Wisdom cannot be bought...

God cannot be blackmailed or manipulated ...

It is in our most private times with deep soul searching that we are more likely to seek assurance if there being something more..Are we on the right track, especially if our former life plans are blown apart and the only foundation to get by each day is focus on God to pray the right way. Being forced to take one day at a time, is what it is..

Trusting in the Lord is with being trained accordingly.

In the Lord's Prayer we say 'Thy Will be Done' Lord,

Becoming an instrument of the Lord is with relinquishing the want of power and control over anything and anyone - however, we all have responsibility and duty to do right by everyone.

Along the way, people may appear who are deeply religious and serious about their life in prayer, This might be a priest or rabbi even a nun who relinquished all worldly ways. 

When insight and wisdom is given by the Holy Ones, it is timely.

When validation is given - it is meant to be given with grace.

We are travelling through this earthly life either caught up with earthly things and somewhere taught to accept a social status with egos assuming importance over one another.

However once we acknowledge our soul and essential being within - divine wisdom is given and inspiration flows that we might even doubt at first...yet it has a greater purpose.

What did Jesus in the world but not part of the world.

It is written:

'They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world'. John 17:16

Once we learn to take notice of the clear message given in our soul, never to cause harm or suffering. or loss, destitution or death to anyone - all the other nonsense loses its hold on us.

When certain words spring to mind particularly relating to prayer, faith and especially with Jesus and God Almighty - identifying God the Father, take note and go and read what is written.

When revelation is given - first there is preparation to listen.

The first words that had me go looking to what is written were just three CROWN OF DAVID - while sitting by the computer I just typed 'Crown of David Bible' on Google to read more.

Our spiritual journey is our our own.

We can be spiritually connected however, who you are connected with and look up to might be a block to your progress and even distractor from your own unique purpose in God's Kingdom.

We are all with unique gifts and a purpose however sometimes we are misguided and even distracted from what we are called to do....what we are long equipped to carry out faithfully.

Never compare yourself with anyone else or consider yourself to be less worthy in the Eyes of God for over the course of history, the most lowly, broken people were chosen to inspire faith.

Wealth and riches might enhance material gains yet these cannot be taken with us when we leave this world. The Wisdom of God is given without cost ....

You can be rock bottom and your world totally fall apart, yet while in your prayer crying for help and comfort, it is in this lowliest place the Lord draws near to His Child.  

When you pray...take notice of what you are asking for.

What do you really want and need?

What are you really seeking?

The Lord knows everything in your heart already.

It is written:

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.; Jeremiah 33:3 

Peace be with you

Pauline Maria

Multitudes of people are hurting - Message 12th May 2017

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