

Thursday 14 September 2023

Queen Kate vs. Lady Gaga Born Brave Foundation

Queen Kate vs. Lady Gaga Born Brave Foundation 

There is a saying, red and green should never be seen except on a Queen. 

Because of the content I am going to include other information that is revealed from the images that are shared in the original article. These insights concern everyone.

Recent pictures show Kate Middleton dressed in green - wearing McQueen and also wears Beulah London. Heavily promoted Kate is 'admired' by the masses. She does not promote peace or justice. People describe her as a fashion Icon/ She is a model for clothing brands.

Kate Middleton was pictured a wearing floral crown in the Solomon Islands. 

Kate Middleton cannot be accused of deception because she does not say anything. One of her husband's titles is ruler of Scotland. People in Scotland 'believe' they are free and independent!

Lady Gaga is with the reminder of Queen's song title Radio Gaga.  

Lady is a Noble formal style of address showing respect. 

Lady Gaga dressed in a very smart green black and gold jacket, teamed with black tights and very tall black boots. She is also wearing dark glasses and a hat. The photograph is identifying her as coming out of Shamrock Social Club, on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood.

Lady Gaga with friends show on her wrist a Peace sign tattoo.

Lady Gaga pictured with long blonde hair and black dress split high to grab attention. She has a Unicorn Tattoo on her thigh. Curling German script on her left arm quotes poet Rainer Maria Rilke. 

This is also revealing more information. Briefly:

Finding this 'In the deepest hour of the night, confess to yourself that you would die if you were forbidden to write. And look deep into your heart where it spreads its roots, the answer, and ask yourself, must I write?'

Rainer means Advisor - Maria relates to Amira - the Arabic and Hebrew meaning Princess. A Princess in ancient Israel and Arabia by Right.

A Unicorn with a golden horn is featured on the British Crown crest. The Golden Horn connects with the Bosphorous in Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, where the Ecumenical Patriarch of 300 million Orthodox Christians resides. We understand from this that the British Crown is connected to the Golden Horn. A bridge connects Asia and Europe with Istanbul uniting two continents. 

The Crown of Asia is identified in the Holy Bible.

The other day I was looking at an image of the Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries to share this is timely. Here the Lady with the Mirror with the Unicorn shining a reflection. The Unicorn a mythological creature, has been associated with ancient Greece and Asia.

There are laws that need examining because God never said he will kill anyone who did not follow him. God has not said 'to me' anything about stoning women - especially who speak out about violations. 

Christ made a point to prevent women being stoned. 

Lady Gaga does not want to be like anyone else - she is promoting individuality as a way of being. She sets an example to show, it is OK to stand out from the crowd. 

A very talented woman with a powerful voice, makes a very clear message that she wants to make a positive difference and is doing so in her choice of way. 

Lady Gaga does not seek support or acceptance from anyone. She invests fully into her self and her creative expression. She has earned her following, even if her critics do not understand her.

Loyal fans look to Lady Gaga who is the highly creative individual

Living on the edge is with sometimes taking risks. 

Lady Gaga has a growing fanbase who see her as “Mother Monster,”

To change the future, we need to lay the foundation now for seeds that will blossom in the future.  Teach children the right way, encourage their growth, learning, healing and individuality. 

Children have a voice. Listen to the children's truth too.
There has been a time when children were silenced, told they were to be seen and not heard. This has changed now. The children today are born to be the teachers and leaders of the future.

Born Brave foundation is to empower young people. 

To be a public figure is with the opportunity to make a profound difference in our world and to be a positive influence in any chosen area with a purpose beyond to fulfill.. 

Lady Gaga has gone through her own personal difficulties and overcome tremendous personal challenges to reach her goals. She recognises bullying as being harmful and why young people are not realising their personal potential/ She is spiritually connected. 

What is most profound is the Born Brave foundation is a joint partnership set up with Lady Gaga and her beautiful mother, who has been supportive in her daughters process.

There is nothing stronger than a mother and daughter team. 

Lady Gaga recognises the powerful role a Mother holds. 

Unconditional love, support and encouragement can help transform lives. Not everyone has a mother they are close to or feels loved and supported. This is why the greater community in the world we live in offers the opportunity for all who have love in their heart to share their love.

People who do not believe in theirselves with their innate gifts, being part of their own uniqueness are not always encouraged in their expression.  In these times we are seeing an immense burst of creativity and expressive voices speaking out now. 

Lady Gaga is revealing she has a huge heart that cares, yet cannot take the role of a Holy Mother. Perhaps this is why the Mother Monster name came about, just a thought to consider.

Lady Gaga has shaved her head that reveals a tattoo. 

We are all born with a higher purpose, not everyone will discover this - with being distracted. When/if people take positions as leaders and assume roles of rulers over people, they can only lift people up as far as their understanding allows. Not everyone wants to lift people up.

Not everyone truly knows the inner world of other people.

Some time ago I wrote about the Chi Rho symbol being connected to Jesus Christ. Chi, the Universal life force energy is healing energy . RHO is another way of writing Rhesus O negative. 

This particular blood group is also known as the universal blood group, however this blood group cannot accept blood of a different group. The blood mystery is for a reason./

All blood carries life force energy. We hear of the blood of Christ as being physical, spiritual and symbolic - as when drinking consecrated wine in remembering him. 

The other day I was thinking about the thousands of crucifixions, the punishment for treason. One man who was born to be king was never given honor, high regard or forgotten all this time. 

Attempts to silence the truth, even with muslims being told it will be safer not to associate Christ with God. It is with the willingness to understand why this has been told to people - that we can grasp, being a Christian and follower of Christ carried much risk. People had to be brave.

The Chi Rho symbol with the Crown of Victory. 

Saint Paul wrote to the Galatians. While Christ built his church on Saint Peter, Saint Paul is also vitally connected. As Christ has said, 'I am the Alpha and the Omega' - all truth comes from God and with this, anyone who is appointed as a messenger of God, is always going to lead people to the truth. There is no conflict in this and so Pauline Christianity was established (Saint Paul)

Just one year military spending, could fund 300 years of United Nations programmes to benefit people. When people pray for peace, this must require we do out bit.

...we are all instrumental in assisting healing too.

Lady Gaga was photographed recently wearing a long green gown and wearing a 'full crown' of flowers to show, by example a message that might be hidden in what she is wearing.

On 12th September 2012, Lady Gaga posted a picture and tweeted the following message. as the reason for sharing her head saying, “I did it for u Terry. I’m sorry about ure mommy. She has princess die, but were all princess high.” (im memory of her friend Terry Richardson's mother)

It is through loss, grief, psychological trauma and emotional healing that by praying in private many people find their way through prayer and even be strengthened by this process. 

Sometimes the world needs to learn of those who have overcome dark times and living with love, prosperity and growing despite what held people back - to be inspired by this.

There are people claiming to be clinically trained healers, therapists, coaches and even educators. Yet it becomes a concern when these people are tellng others to ignore their feelings.

If anything, we need to acknowledge our pain to heal our pain and by doing this is to realise we are not the cause of our pain....often we become stuck because the light cannot be seen ahead.  

Sometimes people experience the most horrific violations yet somehow find their way out of darkness - find their voice after being silenced and scared to speak out - then everything changes.

The Born Brave Foundation is a reminder that this is a foundation stone that has been laid down that is widely accepted and legally recognised. It takes courage to speak out. 

Some people are bold and go on stage. Many people are not. 

We can also use the internet to express our inner truth too.. 

Dare to be take of the mask and be who you are.

After a time, people on the healing path and empowering others are living their live with this purpose. There are people who are knowingly serving to help uplift the condition of humanity.

Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right....

To use this in a way for the greater good is a gift. 

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria