

Thursday 16 November 2023

'Be with me wherever you go' - Message 14th November 2023

At times, a short message is given unexpectedly to take notice of.

These initial words came forth thinking about Jesus ...then praying to focus on any further message as documented. What is given is written.

Message date : 14th November 2023
Start time: 14:19
End time: 14:45

'Be with me wherever you go'

'I know you are hurting and when you are suffering too. 
But I also know when to Bless you and the ones who are suffering the most think they are alone.
As long as you have me you are not alone and with me you will not suffer alone.
It is your perception of the world and people around that fuel your suffering and yet, when you are focused on me my child, how can you suffer when you are loved so much?
You seek the love of one who cannot love when their heart is not open in me to feel me and the flow of love through them.
In me and through me all of you are loved and all of you are connected in love.
The Father of all did this my precious ones that you may know the love of the Father through the Son; and through the Father and the Son you will know the love between one another that flows; 
Not as gestures but by the Spirit of Truth within that lives to love above all things.
For love is the healer, the reconciler, the comforter and the force of protection of the immortal soul; that you are never far from God the Father or the Son in your thought and prayer.
You need something and so ask for it and when you do not get what you want, you blame God.
Do you not know that God is the knower of all your needs and wants and what will bring emptiness; and what will bring fulfillment too.
The want of more is never satisfied and then you must get rid of everything because you have too much.
The want of more is distracting from what is most important.
Who are you and what can you give to the world?
Your purpose is already known but you have forgotten.
Who are you in the Lord?
You think you are not good enough for the role - who decided that?
If God in His infinite plan wants to choose you for a purpose then it is for a reason and His purpose too.
There maybe seemingly better people, more eloquently spoken - yet God looks at the hearts of all.
You are chosen for a purpose
Consider that you will grow and learn more with your purpose.
You who avoids doing something believing you are not good enough - if the Will of God is in it, your will will align with it eventually too.
Resist your destiny and you will force the hand of God in a way you can never imagine.
Sometimes people will learn very hard lessons, that they may be presented again with the opportunity to realise;
Your insecurities get in the way of the work that needs to be done.
And you arrogant ones - you know who you are. 
Put away your egos for the ego is a persona that deceives all.
Your ego is deceiving you if you believe you are above the LORD
So the humble Son was born with nothing and the Wisdom of God flows through his Spirit from the Throne of God to the hearts and minds of the children of God.
All that wait, need wait no more.
The Lord waits for you to speak to Him and the Lord will guide your steps when you seek him in truth and ask to be guided accordingly too.
Anyone who tries to elevate themselves as an authority over the Lord is not.
Many are the false prophets seeking adoration and praise.
The Lord Jesus your King only ever sought the Glory of God.
Do not be deceived people.
You are my family, my friends, my sister and brothers in love - 
For as long as the Lord lives God is the King of all nations and the world created; Father of the universe - Father of all souls.
He is come in all humility in prayer and worship.
Fear of the Lord is wisdom
For all who go against Him will suffer
And all who persecute and cause suffering to my holy ones - made holy for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of truth are to repent immediately or suffer the consequence.
Of the lowly ones, many found the Lord and choose to renounce the world.
Many willingly help others
But if there is distraction from the Lord their purpose is wasted.
Kill the ego and embrace the Spirit of Love and divinity within'

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