

Saturday 4 November 2023

'They do not want to listen to reason' - Message 4th November 2023

The following message is written exactly as it was given, with my prayer focus included after the initial words and instruction to write as shown is shared openly here.

Message date : 4th November 2023

Start time: 15:02 pm

End time: 15:29

'Pauline, will you write for me dear? 

(Lord what do you want me to write for you?)

'My people are perishing through lack of knowledge.
They do not want to listen to reason and are falling for the traps the enemy sets because they are distracted from the truth in their hearts.
Take heed little ones:
Your master teacher did not tell you to go to war and kill your brother and sister in the Lord.
Why do you suffer?
Did the Lord not warn you what will happen if you forget your Lord and God of all creation.
My dears, I gave no one permission to rule over my family and my family by adoption are mine by choice.
Let them come willingly in humbleness and brokenness if need be, but let them come and do not prevent them lest you make the Lord your God angry with what you have done.
Set my people free from the chains of ignorance and slavery by deception;
How all you that seek to rule over the children of God have not even mastered to tend to your own children in the Lord.
The mother who loves her child in the Lord loves other people's children.
Yet the ambitious women without love in their hearts are ruthless and competitive to the end.
Rather a loving mother who does not expect her child to be anything other than a loving human being, she hopes her child will make the right choices so not to fall into the snares of the devil.
The beautiful harmonious souls that found love and tranquility have done so by the Grace of God and it does not matter if you are rich or poor. 
The love you hold in your hearts is the wealth you carry with you into eternity.
Share your love, compassion and prayers to include those who have lack; 
for many are chosen for a purpose of light and love bringing forth a testimony of the impossible being made possible for all to see.
If you are ignored, you will be noticed;
And if you are injured, your heart will know healing to give and bestow on others who can relate.
If you know success through effort and grow the seed of an idea into something beneficial for others - then do not hide the way.
The seed will grow with tender care and attention need.
The enemy will destroy what is good, but the Lord equips you to start again and again.
And the more you are put down, oppressed and crushed, the Lord builds the inner you until you no longer give your power or fear to anyone other than the Lord God Almighty, The Creator and your Maker.
Why do you want something that you do not want or know?
For in every role of responsibility, there is a duty of care that must be upheld for the whole realm hangs on this. 
As in the courts that perpetuates injustice - there is no righteous king.
The one who boasts of wrong doing to my people, what evil he allows in his heart that he forgets who he is.
Do not be eager to be the devil's helper for your gains will be short and never satisfy you.
Your heart, mind and soul are like a ground as in heaven and on earth.
For as long as you seek to do good in the nation of the Lord, seek to be guided in the right way.
The Lord knows the steps you will take and when you need to rest.
Woe to those who deny my people their rights for your gain was more important than their right to life and to live freely.
You plummet them all while watching a war rage on.
You are no different than the ones who oppress my people and keep them poor.
If your life is not purposeful for the greater good - is your life purposeful at all?
You may be a parent if a child, working to provide in an honest way...
This is the greater good for the preservation of your soul too.
But woe to those, that they are oppressed and prevented to do the Lord's work in the way they have been chosen.
The broken vessels are not useless ...
They will bless my people'

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