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~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~

~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~
♥ Divine Justice, Global Peace and Healing ~ As it is written: The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth (Matthew 5:5) ♥

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

'What a fight to get a worthless inheritance' - Message 4th January 2025


Message: 4th January 2025
Start time: 17:45 pm
End time: 18:16 pm

'Here I am for you and all who seek me in truth.
I am your one true God in the Father, the power and authority over all and yet let everyone have free will to find the truth for themselves.
The door, the barrier to pray to God the Almighty was stripped away and the gateway is narrow, but all who seek it in truth, in truth will find it.
You must be willing to step alone if need be and walk in truth and righteousness.
The God of truth knows why so many have erred on the pathway to light.
The world is shrouded in darkness and deception, in distraction from me and the heavenly throne.
But this will not stop the true seekers and one called and chosen.
A glimmering light cannot be forgotten.
A spark of pure love can penetrate the hardest and most broken hearts;
But the reward from heaven comes with willing want to give up worldly wants and desires that corrupt the spirit; and temple of holiness prepared and cleansed to be a vessel of truth.
If you return to a life of reckless ways there is no return to redo the purification process for the time is ripe for the great cleansing to take place.
The hearts in sincere prayer might be in suffering and hardship, but many times before there was no willing desire to acknowledge the God of all power and authority over this earth.
There was no complete willingness to accept the anointed King - not by his choice, but by the Will of the God of all creation, yes even the rebellious ones too.
So many will suffer before they are eager to repent and return and many will perish for their earthly purpose is served; yet in their passing another purpose begins.
Many people neglect their loved ones when living and then cry when they are gone.
More honor is given to the dead than to the living.
The want of more is never satisfied and the grave robbers do not even wait for the nearly departed to leave their bodily home.
What a fight to get a worthless inheritance to tear apart families, friends and loved ones.
To dishonor a woman who stood by a man shows there is no regard for either who desecrated the commitment. 
Stolen inheritance is not blessed and one who does not take care of their relatives is dishonored.
Better to leave a few pennies with honorable intention and honestly earned, than a mountain of stolen riches that belong to someone else. 
The earthly order will discover such cruelty prevails in this time where choices are without heart or pure intention.
The suffering think they have lost out when in truth you will see everyone for their deeds and intention.
The vulture will take all they can and consume it to then look for another victim for survival.
Take care it is not you.
Beware of energy vampires and for the drama demanding your time and energy.
The spiritual battle is real especially for those who have attained realisation and seek the higher soul way of living.
So many of you are exhausted and battling to keep going with an overload of nonsense.
In this time, be careful who you swear allegiance to and make promises to.
The rebellious one is not leading anyone to salvation.
The injustice is planned.
Daylight robbery is taking place.
The sick, disabled and elderly treated with contempt - that only a hateful heart could justify.
When humanity wakes up and compassion flows within communities judgement will disappear. 
When communities gather and take care of each other, faith in people and building bridges are restored.
The one who has no heart for the sick, elderly and disabled even if they fall into this time and season in their life, might be blameless.
But for all, the lesson is to value life and to love each other with tender care as you would want.
Want nothing from nobody and travel light as you touch hearts and souls with your help and kindness.
You are sunshine on a cloudy day and when your tears fall, the rain washes your sorrow away. 