

Thursday 14 September 2023

Killer Storm Katie - The Duchess Pub Roof Blown Off (March 2016)

Killer Storm Katie - The Duchess Pub Roof Blown Off

 After my previous article about seeing the crucifix with someone wearing a gold coloured halo - and Jesus face appearing in 'shades of grey' interpreted to write about this, the following day, an article was published in the Daily Mail. It is just from this I am going to share from today.

Storm Katie
is reported in the Daily Mail news with images

Firefighters clear away some of the rubble strewn across the road and pavement after The Duchess pub in Battersea had its roof blown off

With bricks on the floor, we forget how easily buildings can fall. 

When someone blows their top - this can means they are raging +angry. While we can never know the truth about what is happening behind closed doors, is something ado with the Duchess?

Reports Storm Katie ripping off the roof of The Duchess Pub

Pictured, Jason Flemyng outside his pub The Duchess, in Battersea, south London

The landlord British Actor Jason Flemyng seen outside the pub, while side by side another photograph has shown the pub painted in a different colour...Is there another entrance?

The roof exposed bare - is like the unfinished pyramid.

With structural repairs needed, is there any more to this?

Pictured, rubble is strewn across the road outside The Duchess pub in Battersea, south west London

The above photograph took my attention after shown in a vision, As I recall the day before a scene as if looking from the right hand side above to where the triangular facia is missing. Strange.

The following photograph took my attention for I wrote about this some time back seeing this foam appearing in Queensland Australia, also in Scotland and South in England. This foam appeared after the Diamond Jubilee when have to be honest, thoughts were perhaps God is washing this land.

Natural phenomenon: Max Butler-Cole, aged 9, plays in the unusal foam during stormy weather at Newhaven beach in East Sussex

Some people might find these suds as novelty - I recall at one time writing of this being reminded of fairy liquid and while it has changed to different recipes, the suddiness was reliable.

A crown is featured on this...and two flags too..

Here seen is a wall fallen as if lego would be more sturdy. Whatever is shown here, I think is just the start of what could be seen happening later on but this is happening for a reason. As with the landslides and sink holes being blamed on fracking and global warming/climate change. We can also consider if
those who exert power over people and nature with earth connected in some way.

Walls coming down...terratorial barriers being broken down.

This car in Gravesend, Kent, narrowly avoided being smashed by a fallen brick wall after last night's heavy winds

In a video titled 'Ferocious winds batter and shake Irish Coast of  Mullhaghmore' - the term ferocious seemed rather dramatic....meaning 'savagely fierce' The name Katie is identified in this too.

Thanks to their thick woolly coats, a flock of sheep brave the snowy weather conditions in the Peak District near Buxton, Derbyshire

In the Peak District the sheep are standing peacefully.....

With God's Providence what is being revealed with this?

Perhaps the Duchess will not be wearing The Crown.

What happened...the full moon passed..what else took place?

Pictured, winds rip scaffolding covers to shreds at Portsmouth's Anglican Cathedral

This is the Portsmouth Anglican Cathedral covered while the scaffolding has been placed for works. It was ripped to show the upper parts...'The protection covering is torn and reported so we can see what is going on in the news. We could speculate but might never arrive at the truth with this.

Queen Elizabeth II is Supreme Governor of the Church of England.  It has been said the Queen was set aside by God for her selfless service - others say she was chosen by God for her role.

A divine appointment - there is more to this mystery hidden and yet to be revealed when the time is right to better understand. As more is revealed we can observe and connect the dots.

Several photographs are published...Lastly this one.

Walkers on Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh take selfies as they enjoy the view of Edinburgh Castle, after most of the UK was battered by winds

Walkers on Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh take selfies

Legends and mysteries of history....

King Arthur is associated with the Round Table
... and there is the search for the Holy Grail -  

It has been long promoted in time gone by that William would be quite happy living a quiet life without being King....but could both William and Kate give up their titles in truth - really?

With fame, adoration and a lifestyle that comes with the titles, could they really give everything up and lead ordinary lives. Many extraordinary people see themselves as lesser beings.     

The engagement announcement of William to Kate Middleton was announced in the Throne Room of St James Palace official residence - senior palace of the Sovereign...

What was really going on when David Cameron went to the House of Lords asking for a lesbian Queen and child born by sperm donor to succeed in Royal Succession to the Crown?

Anyway I thought it quite interesting that the roof was blown off and the front facia of The Duchess Pub and wondered if God does not approve..(with wizard wand waving too) Also I am concerned with the increase of heavily armed police - Who do they serve in truth? Who do they protect?

A storm is often associated with arguments...Fury is not.

Killer Storm Katie was named in the headline capturing the attention of readers. At the time there was more than one article reporting this storm/ While I just clicked on the link to see the Duchess Pub roof and frontage removed thinking...has God revealed this in a vision a few days ago?

Perhaps to keep trusting him - after all God is The Boss.

Not everyone believes in God or even a higher power.

There are a great many people who will serve some sinister decisions that are detrimental to masses of people and I guess these are times of tribulation we have been warned about. 

Queen Elizabeth II made a solemn promise to God Almighty when she took her coronation vow. This same God is the one I reinforced my promise in front of three barristers and a district judge in London - to then experience planned legal corruption, losses and blocks to progress..

God is My Witness as I am His too!

Is this not what happened to Jesus injustice that was to cause his death and prevent the Kingdom of God thriving in our world...with people being free od Godless rule...sic

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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