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~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~

~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~
♥ Divine Justice, Global Peace and Healing ~ As it is written: The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth (Matthew 5:5) ♥

Monday, 25 August 2014

Parents of James Foley & His Memorial Service

In his final words to the ones he loved, James Foley thanked his family for getting him through his almost two year hostage ordeal, saying the memories of home 'takes me away and happiness fills my heart'.

The 40-year-old journalist, who was beheaded by Islamic State (IS) militants, was not allowed to send letters from his hostage cell in Syria, but asked a fellow hostage who was due to be released to commit a letter to memory.

Danish photojournalist Daniel Rye Ottosen, 25, spent 13 months imprisoned alongside Foley and, when released in June, released in June, his first call was to Foley’s mum Diane, when he dictated the lengthy letter to her.

James Foley, pictured, dictated his final message to a fellow hostage who memorised its contents 

A photograph published shows James Foley withhis hand concealing with smiles - on the table cards and showing him gambling....he knew the games to risk winning and losing everything. Numbers reveal scriptures:

You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. Romans 8:9

Mourning: Diane and John Foley, parents of journalist James Foley, sit for a portrait at their home during an interview before his memorial service

Mourning: Diane and John Foley, parents of journalist James Foley, sit for a portrait at their home during an interview before his memorial service  
Diane and her husband John Foley have now released the letter in full on a Facebook page set up in their late son's honor.

The letter was posted following a memorial for Foley in his hometown of Rochester, New Hampshire, on Sunday.

'I know you are thinking of me and praying for me. And I am so thankful,' Foley said.

'I feel you all especially when I pray. I pray for you to stay strong and to believe. I really feel I can touch you even in this darkness when I pray.'

Foley described the conditions of his cell in the letter, saying he was held in a cell with 18 others, Sky News reported.
They passed the time talking about movies, sport and trivia, and managed to find ways of playing chess, checkers and Risk.

'They have been a huge help. We repeat stories and laugh to break the tension,' he said.
'I have had weak and strong days.

'We are so grateful when anyone is freed; but of course, yearn for our own freedom.
'We try to encourage each other and share strength.'

The letter, which includes messages for different family members, ends with Mr Foley addressing his grandmother.
'Grammy, please take your medicine, take walks and keep dancing. I plan to take you out to Margarita's when I get home,' he said.

'Stay strong because I am going to need your help to reclaim my life.'

Hundreds in attendance: People attend a special mass in remembrance of journalist James Foley at Our Lady of the Rosary Church
'Hundreds in attendance: People attend a special mass in remembrance of journalist James Foley at Our Lady of the Rosary Churchon Sunday'
FORTY YEARS IS HIGHLIGHTED - in a time when the saying is life begins at forty, James Foley reportedly had his taken away by execution. An innocent American man whose life was taken - by am Man from England.

As it is that the 'power of influence' British royals have kept hold, with power over people as their subjects - assuming to be maintained to the Queen, her heirs and successors. Did at one time this identify Queen Elizabeth? There are officials who state they have ONLY TAKEN AN OATH TO QUEEN ELIZABETH. (not the wizard wand wavers in her family)

Not forgotten: A parishioner holds a prayer card in memory of James Foley after a Catholic mass at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary parish August 24, 2014, in Rochester, New Hampshire

In the last words recorded by James Foley - a journalist, in a previous article, he pleas to his brother John - asking hom to think about what he is doing - who is he serving? 

He said the day that the invasion of Iraq came he died and this might be an expression not just for the death sentance by any capters but in his heart, all the hope and good work being done was being destroyed because people are carrying out the orders of a superior. 

It is written: I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Revelation 20:4

ONE MAN HAS BROUGHT A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO HUMANITY.  The messsage that was published in his memorial service was shared with everyone that they can also remember the role we all hold to banish the evil that has been ruling over this earth. It is not with swords but with the Word of God and with the Power of the Lord that he will destroy the evil one and wickedness taking place.

Lord Make me an instrument of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love, Where there is injury, pardon, Where there is doubt, faith, Where there is despair, hope and where there is sadness, joy. Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to undeerstand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we recieve. It is in pardoning that we aer pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born to eternal lfe. (St. Francis of Assisi)

'I wish to extend to you of all people of goodwill, our deepest sympathy, our continued prayer, and our pledge to keep the witness of Jame's Life as a personal call to faith courage and love'

MANCHESTER BISHOP spoke directly to Foleys Parents..

Just on Friday I was standing int he grounds of the Cathdral in Manchester, England facing an open gateway - I did not go in because if the men that serve the Church are sincere servants of the Lord, they are being guided in truth by him..Not everyone is..The ones who are are revealed.

The Bishop said 'Jim went back again that we might open our eyes - that we might indeed know how precious is this gift. 

Remember, Jesus Christ was resurrected alive...and the little one asked me if we could pray last week. The little ones who are inspired asked that the LIFE POWER of Jesus save all the good people alive and let the evil ones stay dead so we can live in peace...What could I say other than Amen!

This little one has been a witness to Jesus Christ! 

In England 'the evil one' is removing children from homes'. As long as people stay blind and under the spell that has been cast over them, man's laws can oppress people and they do not even know. The children are the instruments King Jesus is communicating with to bring adults back to him. 

Follow the Lord in Truth and Let HIM RULE in Righteousness!

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended

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