

Friday 29 August 2014

The Real Reason Michael Jackson Was Silenced

King of Pop Michael Jackson..Murdered by legal prescription drugs. What state had this man got into to even be dependant on drugs?  

Millions of people are addicted to the pills instead of choosing healing. feeling their own feelings and listening to their intuition...It is not OK for doctors to prescribe drugs without responsibility.

Michael Jackon was about to tour with 'THIS IS IT'

The Jubilee Tour Message...returning this world back to the Lord.

THEY DID NOT WANT THAT. They wanted to silence the truth and how those involved with Black Magic can influence people too. What was Michael trying to expose to everyone.

Michael Jackson in his sensitivity and eccentricity was inspired. He was reminding people to remember the Lord and the Return of the Lord. Michael was another referred to as King (of Pop). He was not perfect but there is no doubt he had a purpose. Was he also guided to awaken humanity?

Then he did something else...that caught my attention. 

Michael ordered furniture with Byzantine imperial symbolism.

This Imperial furniture was to be brought to a house in Kent. UK

In Smyrna, now Izmir in Turkey, the travel card is the KentKard. 

Smyrna, is one of the 7 Churches of Revelation in the Holy Bible 

It is not known who now has the Byzantine Imperial furniture owned by Michael. Yet Michael made a point before his death revealing this. Is the Byzantine Imperial bloodline relevant here?

Those who try rule over lands and people by deception - who would know, other than this be exposed to all. Who would believe when everyone is being brainwashed in the media. 

Katerina of Russia, the actress played a part and declared,

 'On Our Sacred Throne is a man who despises the Holy Church....".

The double headed gold eagle is associated with the Byzantine Empire. It is a traditional Anatolian motif dating way back to Hittite times. 

The double headed gold eagle is also a symbol of Russia and can be found at the old palace in St. Petersburg. Which King despises the Holy Church today....

In Michael's life he was crowned king in a small village in the Ivory Coast.

Prince Phillip claims to be related to the Imperial family of Russia and so his son and grandsons could stake a claim...perhaps. There is something about this connection that is not clear yet.

If I recall, in September last year I closed my eyes while at the computer, when suddenly seeing looking ahead a sandstone colored wall with menorah engraved, It had energy lines coming from this and also a big X through the menorah engraving.. Next the X disappeared. The bottom of the menorah was curved outwards instead of like a spear head as depicted in the image below. 

Deciding to sleep more, exhausted with these experiences, a few hours later I decided to see if there was any news about a Menorah. The day before a Menorah Medallion had been found in the City of David with 36 gold coins, in a Byzantine Ruin. The Coins depicted the Emperor Heracles.

We know from this that the Temple, The Menorah, Byzantine Emperor and City of David are all connected - The Menorah is made, the flame that lights the Menorah is the mystery.  

The attempts to silence the truth will only make this go louder.

On 3rd February 2011, Wikileaks revealed Prince Phillip owned a prime plot of land in Jerusalem that has been controlled by the Romans, Ottomans and the Assyrians during its turbulent history. 

The Daily Telegraph writes 'Despite pleas from some Israelis, the Duke did not intervene as the plot was handed to Russia as a goodwill gesture.

There are numerous incidents and discoveries taking place from historical times and what is being revealed in the present time. We are surely meant to know..but how to understand?

Michael died at 50 years. Was his death suspicious?

Michaels children were named, Prince, Paris and Blanket.

Were these names also for a greater meaning too?

Paris the name of France and French connection. 

Blanket - a cover...has there been a cover up too?

During his goodwill trip to Africa, Michael Jackson, the King of pop, rock and soul, is crowned "King Sani" by King Nana Amon N'Djafolk IV - King of Krindjabo, who rules more than a million Agni tribes people on the Côte d'Ivoire, during vast ceremonies held in the in the land of his ancestors.

If recognised and crowned King, Michael could identify his successor. 

In 2012 there was a request published in the Daily Mail and other papers that Angiers was demanding the Crown Jewels 'as compensation'....Are the Crown Jewels connected with France? 

The Sceptre is most important. 

Serpent is a snake also the symbol of Tribe Dan -

Cunning and deceit to rule over lands and people...

King of Pop - michael-jackson Fan Art

This is why the Declaration of Independence has again been this time set in stone, with the expression when laws are set in stone they are unbreakable laws.

The Death of Michael - was there more to this event?

Prince Michael (name) can be found in he Holy Bible too.

Michael is singing a song to the Queen of Egypt

On the phone til dawn and til 3am...

Reincarnation - Past life IN SPAIN. 

The warnings to humanity and promises God made that the meek will inherit the earth...lookat the destruction that takes place and then the great wind comes before it is returned back again.

Michaels wears a pendant with 7 stones. In ancient times these related to tribes so this could also be connected, especillay with the seven Churches. Michael conquering the world with song is exactly how it was meant to be...The THIS IS IT TOUR was set to lauched in the O2 Arena London.

O2 is the abbreviation of oxygen humanity needs to survive.

Has Michaels life and death served to awaken us all? 

Michael's songs indicate he was inspired to share with the world - was this an idealistic view, or was he revealing truth that impact everyone of us.  His message was distracted from.

Remembering the words... Heal the World. Make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race.....'

We all have a positive role to play in this if we choose ..

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended

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