

Monday 11 September 2023

Multitudes of People are Hurting - Message 12th May 2017

On this day 12th May 2017 'the breaking of dead wood branches' came to mind - the sign when we need to prune the dead wood,

If dead wood is cut off and burned it will turn to ash.

A tree branch overhanging part of my property, Asking the neighbour if he would prune the branches, he responded as if not to hear me several times...I tried different polite ways to ask. When I offered to get someone else to do this, he reacted warning me not to touch the tree or I will know about it...

The following night I had a dream with him climbing partly up the tree that is in his garden. He was clinging hold of the branch but did not have a saw in his hand. Odd dream.

The next day my other neighbour said he climbed up on the garage roof clearing off all the tree debris -  this had gathered from the overhanging branch from the tree in his garden. (update edit: Summer 2023, the neighbour began to process of cutting down the overgrown tree)
As many times before with prayer, often a message would follow immediately afterwards. Penning down the message given, it is written word for word as given and now shared openly.

On 12th May 2017, at 15:00 and ending 15:21 this was given: 

You see, I have shown you how I am with you always. How amazing to see the surprise on your face when you discovered the roof had been done. You did not expect that did you?
So the timing was for many to learn lessons in the time including you.
Your dream showed you a dead branch and breaking this off.
There are two and yet the living branch is for a reason, so let it be.
It took  humility to clear the garage and the right thing to do.
Your neighbour has become hard in his circumstance but he will discover doing right by strangers and the most unlikely will reap rich reward.
Be patient with the people around you. They are learning lessons. So are you.
And if I want you to see more I will show you when you are ready to see.
How instrumental you are in the Holy Spirit.
There will be some work taking place and perhaps you will be approached.
Listen and do not be defensive and help out when you can to those who ask this of you.
Ask the neighbour for their support and offer kindness and small gestures.
You will see they like you and bring this side of generosity of people who have become insular in their ways.
You can do nothing about those who threaten and intimidate or those who manipulate to gain what they do not even want.
There is so much work to do dear Pauline. So  much to do to sort your house internal and internal and the clear the rubbish from your mind and heart too.
You do not need the distractions of hurt and drama when you have so much to do.
Write for me dear one. Write for me in all you do, all you learn and the healing path is the right way to go too.
So many people hurting, multitudes of people are hurting and the pills do not help.
The job does not help.
The feeling rational mind that is processing their own hurt or pain and hearts is what you can write about. Lead them onto the healing path without pills.
Lead the people to me and I will lead the people to the Father.
Point the people  to the Throne in Heaven. Did they forget?
Indeed they will seen forget those who led them astray and away from safety.
Such an ignorant mind set on wanting the illusory position that is non existent, to feed the ego, when the position in the heavenly realms he can never gain.
I come and go as I please and the Father is sending me back for my people.
I have a wife to watch over - a bride who is mine and my obligation in the promise of betrothal is to marry her and take care of her as she will take care of me.
When I left I did not leave her knowing she was not loved. I assured her she was loved by me and the Father of all souls.'

These messages are documented as my spiritual learning and progress with validating certain truths and what is written in the Holy Scriptures too. They provide spiritual guidance too.

To add to this message. November 2022, a new neighbour moved in. He noticed some problems with their adjoining garage walls. A roof leak from the side of the neighbour who refused to prune the tree years before. While on our adjoining wall, a car crashed into the pillar and with the damage our wall needs to be rebuilt. The driver and former owner showed no intention to sort it out. 

The former neighbour said she did not care about the damage on my side when getting quotes.. She also did not declare this the new owner before purchase.  The crash happened days after the surveyor did his report....Anyway this incident brought my new neighbour to reach out to me to discuss the damage and he asked if I will contribute to the cost. Of course I said yes.

One of the most significant lines in this message is this:

'Be patient with the people around you. They are learning lessons. So are you.'

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: Dream/visions people dying, gold city, gold throne, indigo eye 

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