

Thursday 6 September 2018

'My Builders Wait to Restore The Kingdom of God' Message 5th September 2018

Immediately after prayer the following message is written word for word, being guided by the Spirit of the Lord:

Message: 5th September 2018
Start time: 11:03 am
End time: 11:34 am

Who helps you and who is not you will know them by their fruits.
Worry not about anything now for the enemy of the people has done his worse to the people in your land; and the planned agenda will fail if people wake up now.
They rob the people to provide for the rich landowners and yet they forget this land was taken long ago. 
They are humbled who know the truth; arrogant who want more and more.
The defiance in the law is already known.
They are scared to rock the boat that pays promisery notes. 
Does She serve me in truth who laughs as people perish? Not at all. 
The mighty are arrogant who climbed the social ladder by ill gotten deeds. 
So many people willing to sell their soul for such a small price to gain a temporary illusory status. 
They will be humbled and made sick on their death bed and never know peace in their soul who have harmed my people.
They will come to ruin who plot to kill my people even in ways that are not with murder by their own blood stained hands. 
Yes  that is what they have blood stained hands and whether to kill creation that is made to remind of the Creator for sport - what difference is the war games they play for sport and conquesting lands? 
The hatred for the people shows their hatred for me, the Lord God Almighty because they cannot rise any more. There is nowhere to go.
So the people are blinded and led to distraction.
Do the people who worship the Lord God Almighty and revere Christ the King, the chosen one of Israel, worship the idols?
They are rebellious. They are leading the lie of the ages; and the price people pay; one to be obedient to them if they instruct harm to those who serve them. And many serve them.
You must persist in your journey as I gave you a role of responsibility denied. And if there were no gains to indulge in, they would not block you.
If you were the only Doctor where you live, the sick would be running to you and you would send them away to heal the cause of their ill.
The Doctors are many now and the prescription too. But you must pay if you have not reached a certain age.
They make you ill and then place restriction on your ability to survive.
The consciences are pricked but they are not brave enough to stand on your side. Of course they were worried about how you were to survive but who demanded justice for you? 
You have paid one penny too much to a system who refused to work for justice all these years. 
The court is corrupted and they hold the evidence too. But they do not care of the lower court that you who are truly noble in the essence of your being are regarded by some like dirt on their shoe.
So what right do they have to rule in your land? 
I tell you the truth - None whatsoever.
It is an arrangement of compliance to laws and statutes while preserving those who have gains from ancient rules. 
Many live by grace and favor by the monarch and yes she has grace and favor only because it is given.
Why is Elizabeth not calling out your cause? She knows about you only too well. 
Is her family able to say they serve me in truth? Are the people in their land who are equal in the eyes of my Son? For no favor is given to the rich and arrogant from the Holy One of  Israel that is for sure.
The great distraction is of his coming; and the rising up of people who pray and worship him - Do they care about the plight of justice denied over and over again?
Are they preparing for the return of Jesus Christ the King to his kingdom, prepared and preserved for him? 
For you young lady you are compared to the elders in years, prepare the way in the wilderness mentioning his name at every opportunity.
So many people reject Him and so few are curious to know more and seek to talk to him as he talk to you - heart and soul clearly. 
Do you not think I can know who is sincere and who are not?
I give you a task and you do it. Another you do not. Another you delay and another you doubt and yet the tasks given are not long, just sufficient to know I am instructing you with clear commands. 
As I speak with My Son and he speaks with my People, can I not also speak with other people too?
I tell you, if they reject me and My Son who is My Son in truth, they will not hear my voice and they will not be partakers in the promises from heaven.
Many think they live in the light now but their soul is in spiritual darkness.
You my lovely one suffering and tired; yet your soul sours when you are called to the heavenly realms
When you are rested I take you to see what you are meant to see and there is more to come. 
Do not will anything now.
'By thy will be done' say always and trust in the Lord your God always.
My Son is not of this world and he is showing you what this means.
In the coming times expect more and want less. 
Be nourished by the provider for you and worry less about the great calamity to come for many must learn the lesson.
I will be done when I am done and not before.
My builders wait to restore the Kingdom of God; so be it for everyone'

With the times the following scriptures are identified:

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do (Psalms 11:3)

“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”(2 Corinthians 11:3)

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. (Hebrews 11:3)

"And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth." (Revelation 11:3)

If any man hunger, let him eat at home that ye come not together unto condemnation and the rest will I set in order when I come. (1 Corinthians 11:34) 

Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light. But when it's evil, your body is full of darkness. (Luke 11:34)

For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Who hath been his counsellor? (Romans 11:34)

Of many years studies; professional training includes counselling but with every effort made , being guided to keep requesting justice, this was met with fob offs and refusal; both police and lawyers stating 'the system is corrupt'

Biblical prophesy is when that which is written in the Holy bible comes to pass in such a specific way that it can also be identified in the scripture.

As it is, my learning is in reverse. With personal revelation following prayer and dream revelation, I sought to see what is written. This way I am being guided to trust this process and when validated in scriptures I know this message is coming from the Lord - the Spirit of the Lord who is Holy.

In personal revelation messages, are complete for personal learning; in seeking to find what is written in the scriptures we can all do by choice.

Noting the times, when any words that are given to you, can lead you to read and see what else is written and can be expanded on.

There are many people even from the West condemning the Holy Bible yet have never even opened the book. They are not seekers of truth either.

The truth must come from the original source. When angels who are messenger of God have been sent - even they do not seek worship.. 

God is different ways is trying to grab our attention.

The Godless rule in our world will not endure forever..

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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