

Thursday 1 August 2019

"Let the Word Begin" - Message 11th July 2019

Message: 11th July 2019
Time start 10:23 am
End time: 10:47 am

'Let the word begin'

'Let the word begin because I am the one sent by man of God to break the bonds of the wicked.
I am the Son of the Almighty and My Father Rules and Reigns over the nations.
I am the Son and heir to all things.
I will do wondrous things but not for trickery and deception.
I will lift up the lowly and crush the seed of Satan and I will do My Father's Will as instructed to.
No more will the wicked and those who hate me rise up and pretend to my people for I did not give permission to rule over my family. 
The Father God Almighty did not give permission to rule over my family and my family are gathered in faith and by the Ruach HaKodesh for all to see.
They will praise my name because they know I love them and they will serve me as helpers in my Kingdom in righteousness because the wicked do not.
The Hope of mankind has gone out in the world and He is here but who seeks him?
Who seeks the Lord of Righteousness?
Who seeks the Prince of Peace?
Who bows their head in shame for the wicked deeds and suffering they cause to my people?
Well I tell you The Father God Almighty, My Father and your Father hears their pleas and cry for help/
Do you think He will allow the wicked to continue their ways forever?
Watch and see what he will do to bring all to their knees in repentance. 
But woe to the wicked who continue to kill my people and the prophets and messengers so wicked rule can endure.
Woe to those who deprive justice to the orphan and the poor.
Woe to those who sanctify the unholy and condemn those made holy washed clean by the word of the Lord God Almighty.
Woe to the wicked for all their deeds will return on their own heads.
Execution is too soft punishment and instant freedom from this life with momentary shame and shock to the people.
I do not justify death as the Father forbids killing and you who plot to kill more people are dead already in your soul.
My son's and daughter's are children of God promised under my care and protection.
They will not kill people.
They will not work to compromise their soul for the wicked to laugh as people perish.
The Father God Almighty hears the prayers of the righteous.
Pray to the Lord God Almighty my people. 
Pray and call out to He who implanted the seed in your mother's womb. 
Pray to the one who gives you life for until your life is over there is work to do.
Do you know your prayers for your people, your community and for all who live on the land you dwell are not ignored?
Do you feed the poorest of people or leave it to someone else?
What if you had no food where would you go?
The Lord provides - not greed survives.
My helpers are everywhere but tell them to confess my name openly because many will not. 
Let them know who cause homelessness and death they will reap what they sow. 
And let them know that God gives His Grace and the Spirit of Truth flows to all He wants to; but the desolate who might be rich do not have this Grace.
The bloodshed poured to maintain My Kingdom is to be no more.
I do not need murderers in My Kingdom and those who serve injustice by their core. 
Where is righteousness holy people?
Where is repentance for your sins?
You want money but you do not want God and if you have God you do not want wealth that is stolen from my people.
You thrive as a Kingdom on robbery and not on the Lord's Grace.
Do you look up to the Throne in heaven?
Do you seek Yeshua Your King?
Who do you serve?'

 Scriptures identified with the times as written:

Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!” (Mark 10:23)

A fool finds pleasure in wicked schemes, but a person of understanding delights in wisdom. (Proverbs 10:23)

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)

When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" (mark 10:47)

“Can anyone withhold the water to baptize these people? They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have!” (Acts 10:47)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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