

Thursday 1 August 2019

"A Promise Made Long Ago" Message 22nd July 2019

Personal Revelation Message writing word for word as given.

Message: 22nd July 2019
Start time: 18:34
End time: 18:58-59

'My dear one who suffers for righteousness
You are a sinner reformed to be holy to the Lord Your God to serve in the spiritual realms that call upon the Servants of God who are prepared.
You are long prepared for your role. 
You did not want fame and did not want to be a target of hate but your name will be known and you will be hated by those who are not my own.
A promise made long ago my child secured your inheritance with me and the scriptures write.
You know nothing of your ancestry when this is hidden and the noble values you have innate within your being - Where to they come from?
From My Son nobility shines not Titles and science; Not laughing in the face of the Lord Your God while people perish where you are.
My child, my precious child tell the children they are loved and tell them there is a Father who will never wrong them and let them down.
My dear one as fragile as you are, a rose is beautiful and each petal delicate. Yet for the time the rose will flower in blossom it endures unless battered by the storm. 
My child the roots do not perish because long before the rose flourishes the roots are established. 
So it is with you and many other people.
Take off your shoes and walk on the ground you live.
Let the earth energise you as you focus on me and the earth will be nourished.
Tell my people to return to nature and respect the natural order of life. 
The abomination that causes desolation has no regard for life. 
The deliverer of Israel I am and the people of wrath are not all who reject God.
The political climate is changing with the seasons and life will be lost again.
They who have no regard for life have no regard for your own. 
Many in your land are the cause of death and sorrow.
A pattern happened before and people are blind.
They do not want to see and do not want to know. 
There is want for more by those who have plenty where people next door are perishing to their death. 
There are not enough vehicles to deal with the deaths.
The isolated reports do not all tell the truth. 
A seed is planted - the subconscious understood. 
I told you before there cannot be awakening of everyone to enlightenment for the eyes would see and be shocked at what is happening. 
You struggled with the court of injustice in your land; so imagine how people trained to trust will be when the illusion of lies and deception is stripped away.
The soul is not regarded in the land you live by those who climb a social ladder.  The want of more and promise of pay for gains satisfies. 
So my people for centuries have suffered oppression and self denial yet in depression pray; and in self-denial came quickly to understand Christ the Son of God for who He is. 
The men were asked to become like Christ but the hatred towards women is not their fault. 
A mother's role is not to be underestimated, A fathers role too and yet if they did not stay around for long or perish in war, who is the Father of the children of your God?
Well the Father sees and knows what goes on.
He rebukes, disciplines and corrects His children.
He lets people climb high who neglected their loved ones and at the top of their ladder there is nowhere to go.
The rush for pills for symptoms is a distraction from questioning what is my body telling me in this time?
You feel sick with what is happening. 
Your heart is breaking with what is happening in the world
You struggle to breathe because the war mongers and those who hate Your Lord and King choke you with what is going on.
You inhale limited oxygen yet you survived
I kept you alive for your purpose.
Prepare the way for Him, My Son and Your King'

Scriptures are identified with the times: 

34 The disciples did not understand any of this. Its meaning was hidden from them, and they did not know what he was talking about. (Luke 18:34)

33Pilate went back into the Praetorium, summoned Jesus, and asked Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?”  Are you saying this on your own,"  Jesus asked, "or did others tell you about me?" “Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed You over to me. What have You done?”… (John 18:33-35)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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