

Thursday 1 August 2019

'Who Will Deny The Lord God Almighty' - Message 30th July 2019

Message 30th July 2019
Start time: 16:44
End time 17:11

'When the winds change the seasons change and when the seasons change new life begins it's journey from a seed planted in the ground and a tree taking form.
What you see above does not always mirror below but what is above is a reminder of what is below ground.
In the heavens there is a celebration with the realisation the Messiah is come and will come to people. 
The people are ready in the land of promise yet the system is not that fights against the Holy Order of Truth.
You did well to endure so long in suffering yet it is not over yet. 
The distance to the finish line is made known.
You do not need to run or sit to conform to Godless rule for they will not be going anywhere at all. 
The lesson presented to you as a child and made known to you in your early adult years you teach and gave life hope to the most important lady in your life.
Your spirit is not your body and your soul is expressed in truth in the Lord Almighty. 
Yet your body is weak and your mind very tired now with the enemy snares that expose them all.
Decision time to cut ties and move forward even in weakness or to endure that which zaps your energy with pointless dialogue.
Your intention to be open in truth met with those who reject the truth and the doubters in faith. 
This is not for you to try and change as you know.
All will come to the truth when they repent from manipulation and agenda and they will know the Spirit of the Lord too. 
I am that I am and can express my truth to whomsoever I choose and you my child find yourself in this predicament not of your choosing, I know.
I am the I am and ancient of days the one and only Lord of the heavenly realms.
The Lord of the Universe is the Father of all souls and creation of all that lives in nature and natural form.
There is attempt to defy the natural order and already condemning those who bring the reminder of the divine order. But this will not stop the divine plan as it should
When the ricochet happens for all that is done to the detriment of my people - Who will stop it?
Who can stop it?
The social climbers who oppress my people are like ants that can be squashed. 
The leader crushed and a new lead will form. 
Yes you are mother a leader or follower and neither will this be expected of you.
A mission was given long ago to love humanity and even in pain to love for love above all is the greater healer to broken rejected souls. 
In a land where people are trained to reject and hate the foreigner love cannot thrive and flourish.
The people where you live are many who do not feel deep love within their being and the lack of love is why choices might satisfy a whim.
Love is not manipulation and demands.
Love is acceptance of life and the miracle of life born.
The season of seeds for fruits is with planting, nurturing and pruning - yet you have done something different. 
What is meant to be left alone you have left alone and what was excess and too much weight to bear you trim off.
The Lord will use his helpers to trim off the excess so the fruits of the Spirit can flourish.
The misery caused by struggle is leading so many people to death - yet there are blocks and obstruction to cultivate lands, still not for long now.
The meek will inherit the earth and the lofty will fall. 
The benevolent wealthy will do what they are guided to do - but the perverted abusers will surely reap what they sow.
Woe to those who pollute the waters and expect tax on food. 
Woe to those who deprive the poorest of people their rights and access to justice too. 
Face the judge on earth that you told mass murder is taking place. 
Show them how injustice destroyed lives- yet where is justice do you know?
My child your Jesus comes to you in Spirit and in truth. 
To the mockers and scoffers he does not. 
To those who despise the people - this right He does not
Child of God promised and consecrated at your birth and baptism who will deny? 
Who will deny I chose a broken sinner with a heart of gold?
Who will deny the Lord God Almighty in your land?
You did not.
Tell them this. 

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