

Sunday 18 August 2019

'The Word Of The Lord' Message 14th August 2019

Message: 14th August 2019
Start time: 14:04 pm
End time: 14:31 pm

'The word of the Lord'

'The word of the Lord comes when it is needed to preserve humanity and the human condition has fallen into abyss. 
So soft are the steps as he who serves the Lord with all his heart and soul.
Never will his mind be taken away and shaken for the King Almighty is tried and tested eons ago.
Go forth into the world my love and my broken hearted who have been wronged. 
Go forth in truth for you are given the Lord Almighty song.
You will sing for joy when the evil one is fallen and you will no longer sorrow for what is lost. 
You are given hope to the material world - when your soul is preserved forever more.
My children you will be washed clean from impurities and poison in your hearts due to bitterness, hurt and hate. 
I will show you who is mine and who is not. 
Let them see your heart and let them show you theirs.
My people do not destroy life at will. 
I do not let them do this in the wicked world there is. 
Let your hearts be softened my people - not want more at the cost of your own soul.
I will provide for you and I will deal with the enemy as before.
I will reprimand and discipline my children and then they will know I am LORD. 
I will forgive their iniquities who turn around from wicked deeds and I will return what is stolen for I am the Almighty and if I do not give back what is lost and gone, I will return more than before. 
Who will deprive my people of a home and land to live on?
Who will deliver the Lord Almighty of His Woe because I will show the arrogant who Rules and Reigns.
By my word all things stand and all things fall.
By the earthquake all will feel and be scared and by the opening of the earth buildings and men can fall. 
By the lava cities can be buried and by the crushing of a mountain, the valleys are no more. 
Behold I will make all things new in my way to preserve my people. 
The remnant few - who will join them in humility?
Who will keep their silence in the face of the Lord?
Who will humble himself to see and to listen to instruction? 
And who will impart the word of warning and comfort today that is given?
Stop your nonsense of competing for there is One LORD and One Maker. 
The Creator of the Universe wanted to create a perfect race and a people He can call His own.
A father fails his child too often today and his father failed his son. 
The Father God Almighty did not fail anyone. 
There are no excuses. 
Run from evil and wicked ways.
Turn your hearts and minds to the one who loves you.
Humble yourselves and clothe yourselves in righteousness towards everyone. 
Do right by your neighbour as you would your best friend.
Look after the elderly and frail because one day you might be this way. 
Sow seeds of righteousness and good deeds that they may sprout and flower. 
Expect nothing back from who gives to you because giving comes as energy flow. 
Will you line the pocket and fill the basket of food to one who has none?
Do you care about your mother and grandmother?
Who brought you into this world so that she could fulfil her mission?
Do you value your wife? 
Do you know the Lord God of all pared you with people to learn your lessons?
He has prepared you to be husband and wife and chosen the most terrible deeds to cut people apart so their soul connection cannot endure.
Do you know the Father Creator and your Maker loves you beyond what you know?
He does not play games and He does not lie and cheat His people.
When you trust God and walk the steps He guides you on, He will make all things right.
Relinquish your will. 
Relinquish your ways of unrighteousness and remember beacon of faith, when your life goes wrong, The Lord God Almighty is correcting your way and bringing you to what is right in His eyes.
Do not feel sorrow. 
Wipe the tears of your eyes.
Ask your Lord and God to help you and guide you.
He will.
Listen to Him who loves your soul.
He returns to bring His children home again.

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