

Saturday 7 March 2020

Dream Private Jet, Standby, Military Invasion - City  (Not Expecting) Or Something Else

02/02/2020 at around 3:33am I woke from a lucid dream a if this is happening is a serious revelation. This experience while asleep on the chair with my feet up - facing southwards. 

Directions were highlighted in the dream, visually especially. 

First I would like to share some 'background' revelation and what is happening at the time of writing.
Before falling asleep watching a Youtube interview in a studio with two white shelving units - exactly the style I thought to buy recently and did not. Obviously I noticed them again too.
These open display units are used as room dividers too.
The white display unit in the dream was standing on grass in a front garden - not my home. The reason was not known, perhaps someone was moving out or into a home, It was not known if it had been assembled outside, or, someone giving this unit away waiting for collection..

Dream symbolism revealed is to notice the 'display' unit and in this instance, especially what is out on display outside our homes. In other words, nothing is being hidden now.

What we are meant to know we will see clearly,

In reality, a news journalist discussed the meeting between four senior British royals - at the time had not yet taken place. This was reported to be in regards to Prince Harry and Meghan leaving UK to live independently (to fully exploit business and financial opportunities freely) Financial negotiations likely discussed in 'parted ways' with Prince Charles funding the boys lifestyle a few £million a year.
The interview also identified when any royals attend 'appearances' a panel selects who is most suitable or preferable to go - The term 'soft diplomacy was mentioned' too.

Everything is planned to detail. In private arrangements - perhaps there are financial incentives with opportunities to exploit furthermore available. Official visits are monitored by the firm.

I cannot say the dream is about Harry and Meghan - They did not feature visually to be linked directly. Dreams are complex as what is revealed,; as in our world more complex in this time.
The timing of this was with Harry and Meghan leaving UK.
Days before I uploaded an image of compass directions on facebook. This was for the purpose to gauge a location and path of the sun rise and setting.... and then decided - 'I will remove' this'.

If remaining, this would have been an interesting correlation.

It is also said the sun never sets on the British Empire display is with nothing hidden - Being outside, on the the grass - on - symbolically this was showing everything out in the open.  Grass is living and mowed to be cut down.

The land locally is connected with the crown wearer too.
Shelving unit can also symbolically mean to put things away - to shelve until a late time. Moving house has been on my mind for a while but obstacles and problems prevented this - to keep me here.
With lucid dreams - they are clear; as if experiencing reality. We are aware of 'being there' seeing, thinking, and if any interaction particularly dialogue, this has reason to take notice of too. 
Lucid dreams are not meant to be ignored. 
Lucid dreams might not give all the answers. Dreams can act as buffers to prepare for s something to come. Lucid dreams are for a reason - even if unknown. Everything happens for a reason. 
Military actions are also planned ahead of time with many involved.
Is a military invasion being planned and waiting to proceed in UK?
Mans plan's are planned and yet the divine plan is enduring.  

Writing notes immediately on waking up about this experience. 
Dreams are rich with symbolism - not always just literal.
A dream to take notice of - the message might be found within the dream -perhaps something our soul already knows. This dream is a reminder we are living in critical and dangerous times. 
- I cannot say this is prophesy unless it comes to pass. 
Waking up from the dream, I had gone to check what is written in the news in case anything related. The Corona virus is named with several media articles - but I cannot say this dream was about that.

The Corona virus might be an excuse to justify strategic military decisions for this to the detriment of people? The date of this dream documentation is days after my dream.
Outside a house - a white open display unit was on the grass. It appeared as if someone was moving in or moving out of a house - with this piece of furniture - display unit placed outside. (daylight)

Next. I am standing on a road with what looked like crash barriers in the middle. As I look ahead up in the sky a long slender airplane has evidently departed from an airfield coming from my left side facing onwards - while the motorway was in front of me. It is is flying towards the right side elevating to wherever the destination. It did not appear to be a traditional passenger plane.
Looking across now eye level towards the crash barrier, a man in black with a helmet was calling out to me telling me 'You need to move from where you are'. There appeared to be more people behind him. The people were also dressed in black with sensing this was a military plan.
It was as if I was standing on the motorway when this happened.
To my right on the motorway I could see a line up with vehicles and that halted and were standing still as if waiting. At the time I got the impression there was to be a military invasion to the city for some reason, however it was not clear. These vehicles were people ...not officials.
Woke up.
Open display, nothing is hidden,
Land where live - connected with the crown wearer
Flight activity taking place - (large slender 'private' airplane?)
Military man with helmet stepped over the Crash barrier..
Official warning - man in black.
Instructed have to leave from where I am
Traffic travel in opposite direction of plane leaving.
Military control vehicles waiting as if to enter 'city'
All the directions were brought to my attention
North, South, East, West - and skies too - global control?
Corona virus...Corona - Crown connection
If a vehicle crash had taken place - it might be severe enough to halt motorway traffic. The man in black and serious orders indicated this was something else. The reason vehicles and people were stopped 'blocking all the lanes' on the other side, the same side I was located I do not know.
The vehicles were as if ALL 'waiting' to proceed forward.
The impression I had upon waking up 'if this is to be a military invasion then it was well organised. The people were not expecting what was to happen. OR, people were being held back in their vehicles and prevented from entering the city....they were at a standstill all in a line across the lanes on a motorway/freeway.
Having not published the dream at the time, deciding since to post it here, there is since with the increased activity with Corona virus panic buying especially loo tools and sanitiser. Crazy panic buying.
Regarding air travel on what appeared to be a private aircraft, I cannot say who the plane belonged; nor recall seeing numbers to document them at the time. For some reason 'The President' came to mind. 
Prince Harry is The President of the Commonwealth. His wife Meghan holds the position of Vice President of the Commonwealth - whoever was leaving on the jet plane travels in great style.
I wondered if The President of the US was leaving ...but for certain 'The President' came to mind - not a specific person that can be actually identified. Keep an open mind with this as I have to.
Whoever is travelling in and out of lands on private jets is also known somewhere. Air Traffic control operates with the military too. All is not quite as it seems (as with planned war games that take place)
Someone/a group of people on board were travelling away from the land (I am in UK) given what was seen, and someone spoke to me to suggest this is connected with somewhere in UK.
The aircraft was ascending and travelling - though I could not tell the exact location, nor know direction - even facing on the road and will not guess because this could be totally in error. Someone knows the truth.

Locating this image, the impression of the plane in length and proportion is much like the second from the bottom. Although I cannot say it was exactly the same. It was a slim jet plane and appeared unusually long..
With Prince Harry just leaving UK, a lifestyle with private jet travel has been with the media publishing outraged opinions too. The lowly tax payer in UK are expected to pay for the the Sussex's security (£ 20 million)- yet for many years there is concern with people not being protected by the police here. 
It is not known if with military control if there will be limitations of private jet travel by people who are connected to those who are in power and control....The media masks the truth and easily we are blind.
I got the impression someone 'significant' was leaving this land before any invasion could take place - waiting for the right time and instruction to proceed..IF there was to be any type of invasion..
There was nothing else revealed in the dream other than the sky was dark like night time - though the the time to sky gets dark is still early. I could not see beyond on the other side of the motorway. Evidently I was not shown everything that was going on - but sufficient to say something was happening and shown. 
There have been no further dreams that would indicate more to this. Yet in our world much is going on.
Any other significant dreams I will publish them here.
However several years ago I did have dreams seeing food store shelves being empty - and in particular recalling from memory a store as if was operating from generator lights that were dimmed.
My apologies not sharing any more detail - yet just to put this out there...I do not believe this is a dream that I was meant to keep quiet about and write notes in a book, before closing the page.
What I have noticed - the more we get closer to the return of Jesus Christ, The appearance of Christ there is a rise of chaos confusion, particularly political chaos and distraction from people knowing this truth.
Nothing is happening that is not written and warned about. We might not understand what is written but since 2013, the Spirit of the Lord has spoken of those who refuse to relinquish power and control..
My intention is not to stir up anger, hate and promote war..
Jesus spoke of His Peace...He is the Prince of Peace!
There is scripture that I will include at the end of this:
For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated. (Luke 8:17)
So do not be afraid of them. For nothing is concealed that will not be uncovered, or hidden that will not be made known. 27What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops.…(Matthew 10:26-27)
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
No copyright infringement intended with image.

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