

Saturday 7 March 2020

'The Lord is Sorrowful' Message 7th March 2020

Following prayer I asked what is on the Lords heart

Message: 7th March 2020
Start time : 2:24 am
End time : 2:51 am

'I will forgive whom I will forgive and I will show mercy to whom I have mercy.
Let no one be betrayed or mislead.
The enemy is rife and thriving in your land; and the meek and merciful choose gentle ways.
Who knows the heart and mind of the Lord Almighty?
Well the revealer of truth is the same of all time;
And who is tall in their own eyes, yet the Lord sees them as nothing on the world stage.
The want of more exists and never satisfied is the whim of adoration.
The lack of soul food will never satisfy a viper of snares that wait for their prey.
The Lord Almighty predicts, foretells and changes the course of destiny when he chooses; 
Yet never forget your lowly place of grace and favour with the Lord who loves your soul.
You have shown willingness to let go of people who did you no good at all and those who wish you well will be many to come when they realise what has gone on.
The blindness of spell casting and illusory games is a distraction from truth - while many do not want to face what is really going on.
One does not awaken and become spiritually awake until one is willing to see beyond the illusion.
Humans are subject to human whims; yet divine will concerns you more.
You are being shaped for your role and being prepared for the sacred role of robes you will wear where there are those who feel it and sense within your being that you had something they did not.
Instead of being uplifted, the crashing down and smashing down of my lowly handmaiden came with treachery of a system that is causing death.
Oh they say words to apologise and speak of failing policies; yet they were designed knowing the consequences.
It is for many in your land impossible to survive and the prince of death thrives with this. 
There is no want to uplift and save anyone, when the want of more and lust for power is rife.
The threat goes away and another presents itself.
The Lord causes the tides to ebb and flow, yet the undercurrent is deadly.
Who can rise up to the throne in heaven and be in the presence of the Lord in His Command?
Who can do it by demand?
And none who have betrayed my people have been invited to the assembly of the Lord.
Who is selfless to care about my people who are their prey?
So the Lord gathers His people; and the very gentle tender hearts he nurtures and gathers together like a lion gathering His cubs He will watch over.
So many injure because they can and jealousy is rife.
The want to. show off and appear to do so much is a symptom in society. 
You have now been called to rest and recuperate but the enemy of the people does not allow this.
They violate and emotionally rape my people and so many are mentally distraught in this time.
The enemy thrives with chaos, confusion and creating reasons to fear - yet who fears the Lord Almighty?
Who submits to the Lord God in truth?
A Christian nation cannot be when you worship false idols and this is happening over and over again. 
The condemnation is silenced.
The Lord God will be silent when their prayer comes.
My people who are called by my name cannot look to those who cause so much poverty and death.
They feel repulsed and do not know why.
They see the rise of poverty, homelessness and death - they cannot see why.
The day will come when realisation comes - remorse is too late.
The Lord is sorrowful' 

Who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes you were healed. (1 Peter 2:24)

 And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart. (Luke 2:51)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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