

Saturday 28 March 2020

'Jesus Prays: Our Father Who Art in Heaven' - Message 28th March 2020

In remaining in prayer focus, with pen and paper at hand, exactly as the words are given; written in my spirit - every word is documented without any change whatsoever.

Message: 28th March 2010
Start time: 16:59 and 17:00
End time: 17:30 and 17:31

'Lord Yeshua'

'Your Yeshua Jesus hears you my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ.
You are in me and I am in you
Here my call in love and mercy.
Hear my words spoken within your heart.
Focus on the God of your forefathers who were believers in truth, for there is a line drawn against the who do not.
Focus on the God of Israel and King of all Creation for He alone will bless you and help you in your time of need.
The hour has come; a testing for all who rebelled against the warnings given over and over again.
Your money will not save you and your police will not protect you.
They cannot even protect themselves.
They live under the curse of the law and inflict that on the people they see as less worthy than the Queen and her family.
The protected ones are not protected against this curse and wrath unleashed on those who are most vulnerable.
There will be many survivors and many not.
But who will save their soul in this time?
You cannot rob my people and cause destitution and death and expect the Lord forgives you.
Why should he - who would never harm a blade of grass?
For the wilderness is not kept by human hands.
The trimming of branches and cutting of trees has been with laying new roads and barriers to freedom  - The Lord God abodes.
The defiance is with forgetting who is The Authority; and the people in safety do their duty that it might save lives and preserve the death toll low.
Well the Lord gives life and the Lord takes away too.
Those who lived a life of selfless service are not found in lofty roles.
The humble broken people who are challenged daily to do right by all in obedience to God the Father who did not ask for hate or terror.
He did not ask for my people to be persecuted and killed.
I did not ask for my people to be prosecuted but there is a prince who did.
Who follows and serves the one who has no regard for people will have no regard for people in truth.
The waste of life and waste from greed is seen and the Lord permits this to show utter selfishness too.
Do not criticise anyone in this or what they do for none are perfect.
Only God is perfect.
If you can go and do good then help someone in need - would you?
If the Lord God sends you on a mission in truth, would you listen or would you obey the one who has no regard for life or for God?
It will strike them down - All will feel the impact of what is to come from the lofty to the lowly, weak and vulnerable.
All will see why a virus is spread by contamination.
There is no discrimination at all.
And those who lost loved ones at a distance, they long for in their grief and pain.
Turn to me and let my love comfort you in grief.
In a little while you will see your loved ones again.
And in the loss of life the soul is set free from the abomination of life and what is to befall the world in this time.
People were warned over and over again
Live simply and want for no more and you will learn to be grateful for small blessings.
The food industry is halted because the starvation of love and giving, sharing and ensuring that all are provided for.
Such waste is laid bare and the rats will come and pestilence will rise in your nation because of greed and starvation of God the Father of all Creation.
The want of more has not ceased with those forced to do without.
The mere morsels can be shared but now what will people do?
Wait inside until this time passes and only go out when necessary.
Anyone who sets to harm or condemn my helpers are a curse and will be condemned with what they do.
If the shopper is an NHS worker will they bring food to you?
Or will the attitude prevail with being 'Me, Mine' and 'My children before yours'
Or will there be sharing and caring?
Woe to those who buy in excess to throw away while my people do without and held in captivity;
Woe to those who issue decrees that rob my people to pay their wages.
The wages of sin are great in the time.
My children, my loves Pray with me
Our Father who art in heaven - you know this.
Stay strong in the Lord Almighty your Creator and stay strong in me for I am your King and I love my people.
I am denied and defied in the land where you live.
The lawyer of righteousness speak and protect the people;
for if you do not may your voice be ever silenced.
By the Will of God all will be done according to what is written.

Your Yeshua'

Scriptures are identified with the times in this message.

For thus says the Lord God: “I will deal with you as you have done, who despised the oath by breaking the covenant. (Ezekiel 16:59)

Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.” (Acts 17:30-31)

The Lord's Prayer - Our Father who art in heaven -  We are being invited to pray together. Even if we are in different locations, buildings and countries, united in Christ as multitudes wait for his return, Jesus ensured God Our Father is accessible to everyone.

With sincere heart we must pray (communicate)

As it is written in the English translation:

 In this manner, therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
 Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
(Matthew 6:9-13)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The LORD does not tolerate murder at all

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