

Thursday 26 March 2020

'The Lord Does Not Tolerate Murder At All' - Message 20th March 2020

Message: 20th March 2020
Start time: 2:15 am
End time: 2:45 am

'Hear me, My voice speaks louder over the heavens than over all of those who make a noise on earth.
My child, my children where are you now - thinking and worrying about a plan that was set out long ago?
Where is your focus, on me or the world?
Where is your prayer and offering of supplication for my people in time?
Where is your ministry of unity in Christ My Son; also being all the effort to point all to me?
There is still effort to distract in your land.
Well I have laid out my plan and given my instruction wisely to those who can implement this with the least resistance of all.
All I have exposed.
Those who say they serve me and yet the building of the ministry - was this really selflessly for the Lord?
Your Creator loves your soul; purified in truth and the word given that you may know Him in the Spirit and in Truth.
I do not preach and teach - so why do so many assume to speak for me when they do not?
Humble in the Lord of all Creation many will see now and hearts broken and stunned to how quickly organised military control takes over.
My child you are weak and vulnerable in the world, yet spiritually you are strong in the Lord.
You hold on when there is nothing to hold onto purely in faith; and you have seen the invisible too.
My dear I had to let you see to understand that this is not the Holy Order but the prerequisite to something else.
The Lord your God loves His people yet who seeks to find? Who asks to be given and to whom has the door been opened?
The plan long ago was revealed and what you have seen others have seen too, even if it cannot be explained.
The power is not given to all for the manifestation of earthly destruction would bring everything to fall.
There will be a dismantling of power and the loss will be with living relatives too.
You keep your focus on the one who saves your soul no matter what you will go through.
Breathe my child, breathe and stay calm for the toxins in the atmosphere aggravate my loves; and the children have suffered enough.
The wind can blow all the toxins away.
Can you see the reasoning for floods?
Can you see how easily lockdown is implemented and she goes into hiding when the next generation has been made secure while my people are held to ransom.
My child there is nothing happening new.
In different ways my people are held in captivity but this could be the ultimate defiance; when my heart and guided minds must continue reaching out when no one took notice of their misery.
You earn your ticket to enter the race of all time and you lead with your leader ahead of you; guiding your path.
Do you think I will trust my people to the care of anyone who causes death?
Well the influence of evil continues and rational decisions made under the circumstances too.
England is not safe and the people rebel and rebel against the Lord Almighty.
What can I do but to leave them to see the way of wrongdoing; and harming people is not the way of the Lord Almighty.
I have broken the hearts of people who erred in their ways and quickly they return again.
Yet who is transformed by the Holy Spirit that cannot be seen; yet revealed so clearly?
The One Man chosen to preserve humanity was rejected by the rebels
The defiance is against Me and they think that choosing can (cannot) touch them.
Even you are affected by illness and this virus can harm and kill by suffocation of the soul in the physical body.
Your lungs are weak and yet you do not need to use your voice anymore.
You were silenced over and over again.
You were denied righteous justice.
You were denied your right in agreement with the nations.
The land you live in broke its promise to the people.
Who will cry out: 'Save me Lord Save me'?
If they do not come willingly now, will they ever be willing to repent and return wholeheartedly?
I do not do blackmail and bribes.
The earthly prince has and he will see this time the Lord does not tolerate murder at all.
Keep strong.
Be calm.
Hold on for  a little while longer.
Children speak to me
I am listening.
You who are sincerely seeking will find me'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

There are no more warnings to come  

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