

Saturday 14 March 2020

'There Are No More Warnings To Come' Message 12th March 2020

Immediately following prayer writing word for word.

Message: 12th March 2020
Start time: 1.29 am
End time" 1.53 am

'I will understand every dilemma presented before you and know the cause of stumbling too.
The enemy has no love for my people; and in your land many are being harmed and killed.
You are my survivor battle axe with the Word of God guilted in a belt of righteousness righteously repeating what is necessary to know.
If they do not repent from their wickedness they will fall and the end will come like no other before.
The world of lies will come crashing down and people will shake and tremble.
The Lord is angry and no longer patient with the arrogant ones.
They lost the race and the ones who repent will show their face for what they are.
Let no one dictate the contradiction to the Lord's grace and favour for you my dear have been given another chance.
Let no one condemn you for being called and chosen for this you were prepared for long ago.
Do my sincere believers plead with the enemy or look to God the Almighty for their help?
Your King is with you and within you made known - so why would you deny him?
You will not.
But I tell you dear one many deny the King of Creation and they deny the Lord God Almighty of the ages to come.
Who is the Creator of all creation and blesses you all with food and nourishment to come?
Oh the enemy has many helpers and if they do not repent from their evil ways, they will be cut off.
They laugh and think the Lord does not know and does not see what is going on.
Dear it is written.
Everything is written since times gone by until this time gone on.
Nothing is new.
A predictable outcome will be as expected, yet the Lord will rise up against all that harm my anointed ones.
The Guardian of your soul is the Guardian of theirs too.
And if there is rebellion that compromises the soul - warnings are given again and again.
There are no more warnings to come.
The manifestation of wickedness is for all to see and suffer consequences for wicked deeds.
Be sure not to harm in your words when a people are many who are confused with what is going on.
There are many who do not understand the spiritual calling in their life even in utter brokenness.
Your physical body has been harmed over and over again yet you survived.
If the ignorant rebels in your land continue to violate they will wish they were never born.
There is the Law of Return and no one can set out to harm anyone and not expect consequence. No one can deprive anyone of their ability to survive and not expect consequence.
No one can calculate to cause death and not expect consequence.
Fear not those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
Your soul is not compromised because your soul is saved by grace for service.
Your love has been rejected by those who wanted it the most;
And the jealous rite of wishing harm and bad luck to anyone who is set to get right with God is going to manifest with such regret at a later date.
You who do wrong to anyone will not get away with what you have done.
You who hide behind an army of corrupted souls who thrive with harm and terror  - they will not save you.
When the Lord God Almighty decides your life will end - and your Spiritual Life goes on
O immortal soul born with understanding in a country who say they fear the Lord yet do not.
They do not see the plans that are made for good because they refuse to relent and right wrongs.
Well as long as they resist they will be a cursed people and this is brought on themselves.
It is a choice to repent - or the Lord's wrath will come when it is too late.
The birth pains of suffering and loss with calamity - who can stop?'
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The Lord is sorrowful

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