

Sunday 23 May 2021

'Pray And The Lord Will Bless You With This' - Message 23rd May 2021

This morning, woke up 7:17 am with hearing singing 'Amen, amen amen'
Hearing exactly as this in 'The Blessing'. With the time noted, scripture can also be identified that may compound this revelation.

Revelation 7:17 it is written:

'for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

Message: 23rd May 2021
Start time: 10:18 am
End time: 10:45 am

'I will make all things right in your life.
Trust me because I am the Lord Almighty and One with all my people.
So my children, turn to me with all your heart and let the wellsprings open and overflow, for the Lord of heaven and earth will listen to you now.
Let the rebellion stop now.
Let the heartlessness stop now.
Let the jealousy and hate stop now.
There is no competing for me.
Your Lord and God waits for you to come with all your hearts clean, so that I may purify your hearts and souls with my Holy Spirit. 
Dear ones, do you forget I am the one who can do all things and nothing happens before the right time?
Dear ones, do you hear the birds sing?
Do you know who wrote their song?
Do you know provision is given when there is least expected?
And those who rob my people will be robbed of the Lord's Blessing; for my people who have been persecuted and suffered so much will be blessed even more by the Lord of Grace.
Even in His Mercy, He forgives sinners.
But if you continue to murder my people by your ways, you will be cursed in the river of fire that will sweep your land.
You will be burned in your heart and soul of all your rottenness; and you will never know to be satisfied in your life.
You who hate my people will never know love and will not sleep peacefully at night; because your fear is being hated and you know retaliation can come at any time.
Take no life for granted and do not look at the lofty because the Lord looks at the lowly, the meek, the broken, the destitute and those left for dead by those who prevented their ability to live and thrive.
My people do not serve the enemy of my people and they will not do ill deeds to place my people in harms way.
To silence you is to silence me, but they will be silent about the Lord your God because they do not know Him.
They will all know when the Lord, Your Saviour switches on the light within and this comes with love.
As you love you will be loved; and as you show mercy you shall be shown mercy. 
Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will raise you up.
Humble yourselves in front of the enemy and the Lord will fight for you.; for His army of angels have a cause in your life.
Humble yourselves in your meekest and weakest state; and the Lord will banish the enemy if you let Him.
Do not retaliate and fight evil with evil.
Bend your ear to hear the Lord's guidance and wait for Him - for he will always lead the righteous in truth; and the wicked will not get away with what they do.
My children, you did not have anyone to defend you in danger, because mere mortals are scared.
Mere mortals seek weapons to fight other weapons.
The Lord is Lord of all creation and when you pray, hearts and minds can be transformed overnight. 
One day war and destruction; the next day peace.
Who can do this?
How can calm the storm?
Who can bring the people to see the Lord is One with His people; 
And hurting angry people are justified too.
But who sees the lesson and reason for all this?
Can the Lord gather His people without helpers?
Does He need people to speak on your behalf to Him?
Can you not see the curtain has been lifted and the doorway to heaven open?
The Lord sees and knows everything that is going on.
In your most humble broken state, the Lord sees your tears and you will know joy - all who return with sincere heart.
You will be hated by those who do not know the Lord, but let me, Your Lord and God deal with that .
Pray that their hearts and minds be turned from wicked ways, and for all to live in peace and harmony again. 
Pray and the Lord will bless you with this.
Let the Lord's Will be done in your life and He will do it.
If you relinquish the ways of man, you will discover the divine.
May the Lord Bless you and your children with His Love and Mercy

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

'God Did Not Forget Your Promise To Him' - Message 3rd April 2021

Message : 3rd April 2021
Start time: 5:23 am
End time: 5:52 am

'Hear my voice faintly in the distance ...
So many people do not know that I live and have lived and died and came alive again for my people. 
My family are spiritually united as one; and my family by adoption are by choice and communion that is holy and pure.
My spiritual family are rightfully aligned with me with my heart; so they are rightfully aligned with the Lord God Almighty.
He who is the Creator of all did not want to leave you as orphans; 
And the Holy Spirit is given to you that we are connected spiritually until the end of time.
All who reject God and the Lord of all creation, they did not hear of him.
And they would reject you and all who find the right way - to Fear God and not the man of rebellion and sin, for his soul is poisoned with hate and vengeance.
The Lord wants to set His people free, but now many work in the enslavement system and they cannot see any way forward - except to do what they are told; and continue to injure my people. 
The system in society is sick and thrives by making people sick.
Yet the system of solutions will give toxins to the brain; that leaves people further doubting the path of liberation and peace in the Lord who loves His people.
The Lord of this world, the Prince of darkness does not love the people - He does not even love himself. 
A shift is taking place and a divide created.
The enemy of the people does not care what happens, or will happen to anyone at all.
He knows his time is short and he knows the great rebellion is foretold too.
Where are the intercessors of prayer for all those stuck at home and left to perish to death?
There are many commanding leadership yet without the Lord's permission.
And there are many drowning out the still small voice of the Lord who stills the hearts and minds of his broken and forgotten children.
What you went through and others is with scripture being fulfilled;
And what you were to see and know of that rebellion nation, you had to take notice of or you would have never spoken. 
You are weak physically, yet your body is the vessel for your soul 
You fly free when you are sleeping and the soul never sleeps.
The love and longing in the aching heart is a yearning preceding growth.
You are leaving something behind for a future unknown.
Your heart aches for familiarity; yet the Lord called you for His purpose.
You were warned and foretold.
The higher you climb the spiritual ladder, what no longer serves your life will go.
You will strive and meet new people and they will welcome the faithful woman; in faith and in marriage of the sacred union.
The world as you know it is with people being moved;
And eventually you will move, but will you be ready when He calls you to His mission for you?
My sweet children, come back to innocence in your hearts; and return to God the Father as a preserver and protector of your purpose. 
As you prepare to navigate this journey - the way has already been made clear. 
Already preparations are in place and the timing for all to come together harmoniously is with willing hearts and souls to follow the guidance.
This is a solemn time for the believers and then there will be joy in resurrection commemoration.
And then where will be sorrow in circumstances and joy in a little freedom.
But there is no joy in the man of lawlessness.
Sweet children, turn to the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not harm anyone with intent.
Do not cause suffering and loss;
And do not expect the loveless rebels who defy God are not without punishment and being reprimanded. 
They will suffer and feel the pain when their time comes to feel what they sow.
Disgraceful is the man who oppresses and abuses women - and there are many abusers in the land where you live.
The lawless one hates women.
He rejects righteous teaching from the Father
The woman can busy herself with many things or nothing at all.
The man who can focus only with limited view will analyse his purpose and whom he is loyal to.
God did not forget your promise to Him?
Did you remember?'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

You dare with arrogance and contemptment

'You Dare With Arrogance and Contemptment' - Message March 2021

Message: March 2021 - Date not recorded
Start time: 16:23
End time: 18:52

'We all know what happens by the actions that speak louder than words in that hateful nation of yours. 
Yes there are good kind natured people but many are not - not caring, not compassionate, not willing to help or lend a helping hand unless there is some reward.
Oh my people, for what have you been led to be enslaved to and look upon another with suspicion and distrust. 
You trip up the frail and weak and you rob the poorest of people.
You punish the weakest and helpless and you scold the orphans, who were made this way by circumstances of their own choosing - they did not.
My friends, how can you be a friend of mine and say you love me when you have lived with hatred and jealousy for the apple of my eye?
Not one of you are perfect and I am not perfect; yet you seek to inflate yourselves while disregarding good works of the lowly who seek to be guided by God.
You place people above you who reject me and defy the Holy Order; and you look to those who are lowly with contempt. 
But did you cause their lowly fall?
Did you go out of your way to lift someone up?
Did you reach out to someone who fell on the ground?
Did you leave a morsel of food for the hungry?
Did you offer water to someone who was thirsty?
Did you give of your heart as a human, a few moments of your busy day to show you care?
Because it is in the uncaring condemnation, rejection and abandonment that has caused illness, poverty and destitution too.
How dare you claim to be working in a government of the Queen, they say is 'set aside by God' and cause death.
How dare you rob my people blind.
In their confusion they fear!
How dare you dish out injustice in the mockery of the Lord Your God - You are children of the devil who plan this;
And you who boast of eating while others starve to death;
That you would rob people that you could survive without care; and even depriving people of their rights to life and to live in peace and prosper.
You dare with arrogance and contemptment. 
Well if you do not turn from your wicked ways then the Lord will not hear your prayer when destitution falls on your head;
And if you do not show mercy on other people, mercy will not be shown to you at the end of days.
You did not heed the words of the Lord Your God and seek to be guided in the right way. 
Did you agree to wrong others, or did you decide to injure the most vulnerable - because you can?
My people are perishing because they rejected the truth and my people are being murdered by a system of abuse.
The murderers were before in the course of history with the attitude 'the strongest will survive' - yet if they killed me, do (you) not think there is heartlessness to kill you too.
What is gained under the influence of evil came at a loss of the Grace of God and soul salvation.
Be happy in small ways and be humble in your circumstances, no matter how high you climb the social ladder of success and society.
Be humble.
Be sincere and the right people who are rightfully aligned with me will be your extended family.
Renounce all that is evil and keep your distance from those who will expose their intentions.
Mix with the good, gracious and generous loving hearts for the Lord loves the one who loves when they have nothing else to give.
Your prayers are not always answered as you wish and your will cannot be compromised in this.
Remember, it is the Lord's Will to gather His people back to Him.
You returned and returned back to inspire faith and prayer.
My child, faith must come from within not without.
If people are serious, they will get on their hands and knees in desperation and yet is this enough?
The Lord seeks sincere souls and waits patiently.
Be a part of my holy mission and not part of the unholy empire.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Do not return to the pack