

Thursday 15 July 2021

'Hear The Word Of Your Lord Clearly' - Message 24th May 2021

Message: 24th May 2021

The opening of this message began at 10:35 am and resumed 10:36 AM and ended 11:06. The message was interrupted at 10:44 with the telephone ringing.  Word for word it is written:

"Walk in my shoes."

'Hear the word of your Lord clearly in your soul for we are one and you are you, and I am the I am that your soul knows.
Sweet children, come to me in your innocence. 
Do you not know I am the forgiver of sins and I do not judge you by your fall?
I know you fall over and over by trusting man and the woman who misleads your heart and awakens passions that you cannot resist the temptation. 
Do you not know the souls rightfully aligned with the Lord Almighty will not do this to you - because they will not spoil their soul.
My heart aches for all who have been mislead and are hurting now, for the age of innocences has gone and the age of innocence must return again.
My child, my sweet children, You have all fallen because of the wickedness in the world.
And unless you were held and preserved in chains so no one could be near you, at some point the influence of evil would get to you.
You are to know the world but not be part of the world.
To live in this world but not to do what they do to get what they want and fuel temporary passions.
That is with violating each other. 
You are not animals of a primitive nature. 
Your heart when hurting and violated enters a stage of some healing and ( telephone interruption) 
It is with this the evil one knows. 
He can approach you because your guard is down and you are unaware.
You are unaware because your intuitive senses are questioning something else; and you are unaware because of the shock of what you have been through does not prepare you.
Your shield is wounded and if the right temptation comes; even to lean on someone who is not helping the healing and rebuilding the moral value and spiritual protection - it will show as numbness.
In times of violations, feeling alone and hurt is because of isolation with being alone and hurting. 
It is a protection way to put the heart and mind in order again.
Time to heal to become strong again.
Yet time passes and healing delayed, because without love the soul perishes into abyss.
Without feeling love, the soul cannot sing.
Without love, the man cannot function in the place of Holy Presence and His Sacred Union with Me.
The Lord of Creation cannot do His work in him.
The man of God loves his woman.
His soul is merging with hers in divine union.
One soul, two bodies; two souls come together as one.
In his separateness of Divine Love, and yet if his heart is blocked with pain and injury to his heart, he will hold back.
You who understand, lead the man in prayer and encourage him. 
Do not force my child to feel something he does not. 
Woman you are so powerful and yet more powerful is your unconditional love driven by nurturing and caring and not passion unfulfilled. 
The animal kingdom take their place in the territorial markings, and man interrupts their natural habitat. 
The animal kingdom breed with their own.
The human generation who have forgotten the principles of mating, have forgotten the exchange of love in intimacy as a Sacred Act. 
I did not promote fidelity in promiscuity and I did not promote celibacy for life for these are body ways. 
Your soul is dwelling in your body and your body houses your soul.
To allow the contamination of your soul, your body is to be purified, but your soul in its purity is no more. 
So who can change this?
No mere mortal can cleanse the Holy Sanctuary. 
No one can enter the Holy of Holies at Will.
The Lord asks you to purify your hearts, minds and souls with prayer.
And it is He who will purify your heart, mind and soul.
The body has symptoms of illness and the plague has come to warn all.
You are not invincible
You are scared of dying but you do not seek with passion what is pure to live a holy life - with love that is pure.
Your sacred union is near and far.
There is the reminder in front of you such love is possible. 
So prepare my children and love your wives as the Lord loves His Church.
She who has been purified by the Lord, in the preparation was given something that she will know.
She walks gently and in humility now.
She who is broken and facing Mercy in the Lord has known remorse. 
She is not shouting and preaching inflating an ego.
No, She came to me willingly.
Will you do the same?'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Pray and the Lord will bless you with this

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