

Wednesday 27 October 2021

'A few more steps and my people will know me' - Message 26th October 2021

A few days with heavy heart and soul searching with prayer, this message follows two dreams days apart, not yet documented. One dream people lay dying in beds. The second dream: City of Gold.

Message: 26th October 2021
Start time: 10:50 am
End time: 11:18 am

New Jerusalem Arise
Arise my child for the new world is before your feet.
The Lord your God goes with you in this difficult time.
Do not fear
Do not give in.
A few more steps and my people will know me
A few more steps and you will see more clearly the reason for everything.
You are my loyal servant in Christ for all run away and do not confront the evils in your land.
O they escalate and all are silent.
I will lead you from darkness into the light of holiness and Glory of the Lord if you choose to follow me with all your heart.
I will place a crown of righteousness on your head for you have followed this quest unto the point of losing everything dear to you. 
You have followed in faithfulness the Lord your God even when you did not see.
My child, My children - Submit to me your Lord and God who waits patiently.
He will wipe your tears clean and He will wash your sins away if you repent wholeheartedly.
My child, My children - Wait on me for the Lord your God is slow to anger and yet vengeance is mine says the Lord.
They do not want unholy rule and yet rule with unholiness
They do not want the protection of the Lord, choosing weapons of war and might instead.
You preserve your bodies for who?
The Lord preserves the souls of the righteous and no one can boast.
You want to be free and yet your soul is set free to return to me at any time.
Talk to me - I am listening.
I Am that I Am from eons ago and did not change.
You want to represent me and serve me; then bow your heads in seeking self righteousness?
Stop boasting what you are not.
You are all like ants who work as you are told. 
Your influence is who?
The Rebels think they are doing something useful by rebelling yet they are wasted in their lives and lost. 
If you serve your Lord and Master, that is your influence. 
Many reject the Lord and when their master falls, so will they fall.
Many people perish because there is no value of life and there is no value for the soul.
The great source of energy keeps people alive and the electrical charge makes hearts start again.
Who keeps the hearts beating?
You rely on being charged and you will not know the one who gives life to all. 
You rely on pills to monitor a body function; 
You do not rely on your creator of all.
You do not look at the reasons you are ill and so choices are given to you.
My dear you struggle with some knowledge and discover some more.
Everything is connected.
If the doctors do not look at the whole body, the mind, emotions and the manifestation of works that stunt or cause someone to escape their painful reality - they cannot offer a cure.
The dependency of drugs in this world now has caused so many problems.
The addiction to the medication to sleep does not invite the taker to address why they do not sleep.
Too much worry and stress has a detrimental effect.
The Lord will take this away that you may sleep peacefully at night if you give it to Him.
He will calm your mind and heart if you wholly trust and ask of Him.
You will have to deal with certain things in certain times; yet to worry and concern yourself all of the time is not helping you or anyone.
The Rebels rebel and there are many who have got attention by adversity.
No one works for justice in your land and people perish. 
The people perish who reject the Lord. 
The people who do not know the Lord have no fear of consequence, or remorse for what they do to my people.
They have caused so much misery and my people return in prayer.
My people who are saved from the perils of evil bees the Lord God's Holy name and they continue to inspire prayer.
My people pray for My people;
And My righteous ones suffer more because they are Mine
'Look at her' they say 'and God chose her'
'Look at the loneliness, poverty, famine and people dying in the world. Where is God' they say 'who allows this'
The Lord allows evil so that His people can rise and bring forth the goodness in their hearts - to break the cycle.
They wait while the Lord waits patiently.
Even Jesus healed on the Sabbath without payment - who will do the same in your land?'

End of message.

New Jerusalem is identified in Revelation 21
Other scriptures, Isaiah 62 ((Isaiah 62:3)
Crown of righteousness 2 Timothy 4:8

It is written: 

Now, discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

My children wll always be welcome back

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