

Wednesday 10 November 2021

'Let the Holy Spirit lead you all the way ' - Message 9th November 2021

Message: 9th November 2021
Start time: 12:34
Emd time: 12:59

'You will succeed
I will not let you fall down again for the enemy's snare is cruel but my love and mercy is your salvation wand.
You hold the sceptre of righteousness in the pen you write.
Do not wish for more than I give and what you are given to you that is Holy from the Lord, share that all may be blessed.
Many are the imposters that drown out my words; yet you see in your heart to create a space to share these  words with everyone openly.
I know you do not want to do this but you made a commitment to serve me and the way you chose was blocked. 
Now I show you that land of injustice where you live, what it means to be guided by God.
Many are humbled and prepared as you are to listen to the soul guidance.
The Light of God shines from within when the soul is guided by God rightly.
My darling children, listen here and listen very carefully.
Jesus Christ your Lord is the one who showed you all he was neither born in lofty place and he suffered the most humiliating death.
He gave up his life in complete trust, that you his people and his family could know the God who loves.
The Christ who lives, the Christ was born and even if they try to kill him again, they cannot.
It is to their frustration; yet if only they will return, they will see the way of light and truth and righteousness in the Lord.
He will make sinners saints and they will pray for you.
First seek the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul and you will see how he will transform you.
Your life might be a mess. Your home is broken; yet your heart and mind focussed on God, He who is holy will bring you through this.
You who are persecuted and injured by the ungodly - do not attack them.
Turn your heart and mind to the Lord God who loves your soul; not those who cause you injury.
They know what they do when they harm and willing to harm over and over again.
My child, you are a child of God; not a slave of the enemy that hates Christ, the one born.
The great deception began as distraction; yet see who is realising there is something more.
The people who pray and worship your Lord, they do not give up in these.
For the day of reckoning comes sooner than you realise and they who destroyed your life with injustice showed their hatred and contempt for God.
I will use my inspired people to set right wrongs and the day correction is done will be Great Shame who masquerade in my name.
The enemy of the people is not dressed in foreign clothes.
The enemy of the people dresses in lofty robes and expects adoration and respect.
The profane cannot be respected unless those who are profane will it.
And the distraction from the holy goes on and on.
Even in the circumstances today, there are many whose hearts and mind are far from the Lord and when you are distracted in your daily life - Be careful. 
Who is your influence?
Remember who you serve and who you made your promise to.
You were forced to take an oath within a corrupted court as my servant and lowly handmaiden of choice. You did not know what you were doing at the time.
You were led like a sheep to be slaughtered; to be permanently forgotten like so many before and after you.
Well, my Justice will be done and you will se there are people who see and know what is going on.
One day you will see all the suffering was worth it for the price is with reward few can accomplish unless they are chosen by me.
Let your voice be heard clearly through the pen as you write to my people who seek advice and guidance. 
Let the Holy Spirit lead you all the way in your Spiritual life. 
Enjoy your distractions; yet do not get caught up with addictions to try and maintain a mortal lifestyle.
Write passively and the flow will come; and when you find ease from pressure, greater things will come'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

A few more steps and my people will know me

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