

Monday 21 February 2022

'Injustice from a judge is not without accountability' - Message 21st February 2022

Message: 21st February 2022
Start time: 13:12 pm
End time:  13:40

'Be kind to all even if people are unkind.
Be a teacher of kindness by genuine care even if you have bad days, not everyone is aware of theirs.
You know your limits and limitations, not everyone knows theirs.
You have seen the Light of the Lord, not everyone has eyes to see He is theirs too.
You have privileges given to you that many in power want but do not have.
The abuse of power and positions of gains is why they fall short of the Glory of God.
My humble handmaiden, you were brought low, yet the lofty ones with royal status do not come to your aid.
They will not want to get their hands dirty with association of wrongs the system has created.
The days are coming like before with prayers asked that the Lord shine his face on the one who is old,  yet what about the poor people in the land who need the Lord the most?
The blind cannot see the Lord is trying to open their eyes and something is wrong.
What is considered wealth and treasures hold no value for the Lord.
He who raises himself in lofty arrogance is nothing to the Lord;
And she who was lowly and exploited chose to stand that all who were oppressed and abused will not be silenced or go away.
You are in a helpless situation without the help of one to resolve your situation that you can be free to be in a better position financially and in your health by circumstance.
The damage is done. 
Years lost already and the arrogance with corruption of the court exposed over and over again.
They who sit in wealth and comfort are pricked in the way that impacts them the most.
None can relate to the poor person who is alone and stripped to the bone and core of their being raw with violations exposed.
The abuse of power in your land is going to come to an almighty end unless they choose to stop it now.
The exposure of lies is nothing compared to what still remains hidden from the people.
A glimmer of insight proved to you that there is much more going on.
Brawling tiara wearers and tantrums in the palace is not showing reverence to the Lord or to the kingdom they serve.
The disgrace of behaviour is exposed and will be made widely known.
The circus will escalate as egos clash on the world stage again.
It is a power game that feeds into the distraction of what is going on.
Many will gather to help with the clean up and there will be many that help.
But there are multitudes of people who suffered great wrong by a system of denying people their rights.
Pauline this is biblical prophesy foretold and warnings are written in the Great Book of Testimony called The Holy Bible that the fulfilment of scriptures is given and written;
And the warning that the Lord is Lord over all.
The injustice from a judge is not without accountability.
The one who claims to help and offers to help in a life saving situation, only to change their mind - must realise their time will come.
The sanctity of marriage is pure yet there are those who distrust what is trustworthy and trust what should be looked at with caution.
If the warning signs are given and you were to ignore them, if you trust someone who has let down others, you are to blame.
The friend must see this for their self and not seek to blame anyone else.
The decisions made hastily in love and investment of finances with risk do not always pay off.
As the good that can be found in unfortunate circumstances,
Siblings of spiritual experience, as brothers and sisters you should guard yourselves seriously with the enemy striking in whatever way to cause divide.
The prayer focus lost and work sabotaged, nothing gets done.
Progress is halted.
Put your egos to the side and then you can serve the Lord wholeheartedly in your roles.
Do not assume a lofty status to look down on anybody.
Your role is to lift humanity not the opposite.
You were crushed because you were seen as a threat.
Many suffer with the choices they made.
Many rejected the Lord in your land.
Who will hear their prayers when they cry out in desperation?'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Wednesday 16 February 2022

'The Lord is a Transformer of Souls - Message 15th February 2022

Message: 15th February 2022
Start time: 11:26 am
End time: 11:59 am

'The Will of the Lord be with you in the Glory of Light evermore. Amen.
It is with the Lord's Grace that He calls and imparts His knowledge to whom He Wills with not one dot or iota changed, for the Lord is a God of precision.
There are no mistakes with Him and in Him.
The Lord awaits His people to turn from wicked ways in their heart.
The mind is cold like stone and none work for justice in your land.
There is no correction of wrongs.
There is no admission of guilt to me your Lord and God.
They hide their face with shame and their hearts forget my name as the one who saves their souls.
They do not want help to walk the right way because they walk the wrong way when they err in judgement and cause devastation to people's lives.
You are misunderstood because you do not follow the trend of conformity to rules and you are too weak physically to jump through hoops.
They do not practice what they preach and there is no help for those who need it the most.
The system of paid people to pretend compassion and care is not compassion and care.
The neighbours do not speak.
They hide away and cannot bring themselves to see the dying world they all created.
A void is living without life; without care and compassion and without touch of another human being.
It is the animal kingdom that keep the human existence real.
The husband who speaks to his dog rather than his wife did not appreciate his wife at the start. 
The wife who punishes her husband with silence and no words of love, did not love her husband.
Two people get together to be together and not alone - is this love?
Is love possible at all?
Well it is actually possible for two people to love each other at will and with determination to make it work.
The one who lives thousands of miles away is no different from the doorstep neighbour.
Here is many lonely people trying to keep going and the world of loneliness know it.
Take heart my child for the children of the Lord are many healing and throwing away what does not serve them well.
Take heart my lonely ones because there must be a clearing away of the old until the new way is known.
As one door closes another opens.
A glimmer of hope in your hearts and you hold on.
Hold onto love and love heal your hearts from the heartache that caused your heart to be stone.
Soften your being with whatever tenderness you can show to yourself.
Be kind to yourself and you will be kinder to other people.
Do not put your guard up when there are walls to tear down.
Do not lose yourself in the words of a stranger who does not care for the love of the people or for the God who is watching over all that is happening. 
The lowly handmaiden speaks with a broken heart and soul that dwells here with the hope of waiting and learning patience too.
How many wait for the Lord's arrival?
His kingdom is lost to the distractors of truth and there are many who cannot see the world as you, with a people who are scattered and faithful too.
If it were not for the praying people, who would know of the Lord?
He is not a fixer of whim.
The Lord is a transformer of souls of rebellion to souls that are with pure intention.
The lost tribes lost their way and blind from the light and distraction.
They want because they are bored from the limitless life of possibility.
They choose to be with a desire of a moment, instead of seeing a lifestyle everlasting with love, togetherness, prosperity and hope in the Lord - the provider of all things.
The family who do not love, something went wrong.
Hearts of stone must soften.
Multitudes of lonely people alone not knowing the plan of the Lord is written.
Can He who is the creator of your soul; a being of light not lift you to see a little brightly.
Of course.
The Lord of all creation can do all things.
The Lord waits for His creation to live with love again.
Love and you will be loved.
Hear the Lord the lover of your soul for He knows you above all.
Be patient my dear in all things.
The Lord moves you to write and speak when you need to.
There were many who made a promise to serve Him yet justice with a price to enter the courts is justice denied and your losses ignored.
You are not alone.
Respect is yours.
Your Lord shows mercy to you and His children who repent in the Lord.
Trust the one who loves you most of all.
And bless you as you go forth today,
Do so mindfully in the conscience of the Lord's Will in you to serve others in the music of love and healing.
Grace given to you to bestow others.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

You are given free will to choose - choose wisely

Thursday 10 February 2022

'You are given free will to choose - choose wisely.' - Message 10th February 2022

Message: 10th February 2022
Start time: 13:41
End time: 14:16

'In the beginning the Word became man and man understood without God he was nothing.
He was born in a new generation to bring the kingdom of the heavenly realms into the heart of the universe where you dwell.
The Lord Almighty did not preach rules and orders that would devastate the soul of life. 
He gave guidelines for life that still remain today.
The Lord asks and people listen.
The Lord commands with instruction given.
The hearts of the Lord's servants are guided clearly, not to the Will of the Lord, yet the enlightened being to build the world rightly.
The future generations would know the lord from his ancestors and his family will fear the Lord instead of people.
As history has shown the people rebel and fall and return again.
A wasted life is not with doing anything at all.
A wasted life is defying in the Lord and destroying what was built before. 
A new generations are born of builders and refiners of life, until there is no more destruction, hate and war.
My power is not measurable in human ways.
The ego inflates and is nothing among the few who save people in their roles of responsibility. 
There is ignorance to who is who and whom I have chosen as the eyes look one way, with questioning minds, they are blind to see the most obvious.
He who serves me in truth s selfless in a matter of urgency and he does not act without clear guidance to.
He waits patiently for the sign of guidance and then he continues after knowing the message. 
The Lord will prompt your soul to remember and show you what you do not know - that your eyes will see and understand more in the world.
The dilemma is here.
The one who seeks power has none and the one who relinquishes power is bestowed. 
The lowly places are where the hearts pray; for the Will of the Lord is understood in lowliness and brokenness. 
They want and then do not want in the throw away society.
Never satisfied, the want of more leaves an empty hole. 
The world is not yours to own but to preserve so my people can live freely and go about their business as they are guided to serve.
The widow who lives alone without support or help has a greater need of the Lord's care and attention in her abandonment. 
The widower who married the love of his life is not interested in anyone else. 
His life is with contemplation and his head is fixed on the Lord with his wife's destination.
Where will he go when it is time?
Will they meet again is on his mind;
Love continues to be strong and yet he is alone.
Let him cherish the memories of his love because love is all there is.
I despair in a world who destroyed creation and the hatred that rises in your nation.
You must live a quiet life in safety and not become a warrior with weapons among the masses.
It is enough you have the power of prayer and hands to decide
Who will be the bigger object of your desire to help and bless?
Bless all who bless you without hesitation and if your enemy turns from their wicked ways, then bless them too.
For the way of the Lord is not with destruction of the soul of His people. 
The destroyer for the tempter and compromise the very heart  and soul of the Lord's servant. 
The tempter destroys trust and loving bonds
The tempter causes divide among spouses and nations of people.
The tempter does not hide what he does to you to lead you away from righteousness.
The tempter is sent to test so do not fear as they have no power over the soul of the chosen ones - and tribes of Israel must return. 
The Lord waits patiently for His people yet the people are distracted by the tempters snares.
The Lord seeks your hearts and faces, yet you turn away yours.
You hide in shame when you know what you have done, yet the Lord waits for your return.
Your heart aches for all that went wrong, yet the Lord waits to correct your ways.
The Lord will make your path straight and he will give your life meaning if you let Him.
Give your life with purpose serving the Lord and you will never go back to mortal thinking.
The Courts of the Lord are Righteous and Just.
The Courts of man are full of criminals.
The Lord's children chose to rebel and reject Him causing loss, fall in shame and devastation in the nation.
Trust in the Lord anyway because the Lord is Just and He will set wrongs right in His way when the time is right.
You walk in brokenness and no one helps.
The Lord helps the broken in ways people do not see.
The ego blinds the mind, yet the light shines within.
Many will compromise their soul for refusing to help my people in their greatest need.
Many caused death of the body, but the soul goes on eternally.
Do not grieve my people, your Lord knows the pain and suffering you go through to survive these dangerous times.
Seek the Lord with all your heart and mind and He will strengthen your soul
Navigate your life with remembering the Lord every day and think: Would the Lord approve of this choice? 
You are given free will to choose - choose wisely.
The Lord be with you always in peace.
Walk gracefully in humility.
Love your people

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

You live with the spirit within you