

Saturday 24 September 2022

''I give to you My Servant of My Choosing' - Message 25th July 2022

Message given on a Monday 25th July 2022. 
Start time: 09:30 am
End time: 10:04 am

'One more time.
Hear me My children for I AM the I AM of the nations and of the heavens and all the earth forever more.
And I give to you My Servant of My Choosing that nobody knows because he is not looking for fame, praise or adoration.
The One who glorifies Me will lift you up from oppression;
And the One who serves Me will deliver Justice from the oppressor;
Because the world has not known Him and do not seek Him in truth.
Since old I have chosen the leader of Israel and My holy ones are prepared for the task.
They are not perfect but they will lead My people in truth, mercy and righteousness.
Who is the One who can settle disputes and arguments between you?
There is arrogance and egos who disregard the Lord of Creation.
There is no fear and no care about the safety and well being of a neighbour.
The foreigner is looked at with suspicion and only finds community with other foreigners.
The outcasts are rejected and yet those who outcast have excommunicated themselves from the Lord's Grace and Salvation.
You will not look after your elderly and vulnerable with a compassionate heart.
You call yourselves teachers and many are not.
You mislead my people as being experts in truth and yet you reject the truth of all.
You, my friends are among the ignorant - ignoring what is important and remaining blind to God's Grace's too.
The LORD Wills and whatever He Wills will happen.
It is like this.
The LORD manifests what is not there to appear and be made known.
The LORD lifts up the lowly and humbles the arrogant who compromise their soul.
The LORD seeks a dedicated people who can live in harmony and not endless battles and wars.
You do not take care of each other because if you did there would be no one left behind and forgotten.
You all followed the rules to not meet your family and friends, but did you break the order told to check up on people close to you?
Did you leave your elderly rejected and alone?
Did you break the rules to check up if they were OK?
Let me tell you:
When you were children, many parents did without so that you could have a roof over your head; 
And many mother's gave the food from her plate so her children could be fed;
And no one would ignore an elderly neighbour alone.
Many children ran errands and the reward was peace of mind;
And duty to care about someone else. 
It was to be an extension of family for many people, 
While there were many spinster's alone. 
On losing a spouse meant many remain alone.
Oh the joy of children playing together and laughing with people greeting each other in Brotherly love - is this not what I commanded?
That you love one another -
Love your neighbour as yourself.
I know many of you have difficult neighbours and inconsideration too;
But all are learning lessons as you did too.
The loud music plays while people try to sleep, yet something happens to disturb the sleep of the inconsiderate ones.
The kind one who thinks about others and blesses people with her kindness is looked at with suspicion.
She is My servant too
The homeless one who lost his job because he confronted a wrong that caused injury to others - He is My servant too.
 The lady who picks up litter and brightly smiles and greets everyone - She is My servant too.
She is alone and yet faithful and reaches out to everyone without knowing Me, is my little lamp lighter in this place. 
The elders have had many years of earthly experience in comparison to the young ones.
They are not fools in what they know, but many have been left alone; and even push people away because they do not want to appear weak and helpless.
They will not reach out and ask for help; and many elderly will not ask for food if the store shelves are empty.
The ones who lack compassion and care will reap what they sow. 
The meek generous hearted ones will always find a home. 
Welcome the children who come with their troubles; 
Let them share their worries too.
Comfort when there is a need for comfort and set them on their way with knowing you are thankful for coming to you.
To suffer in silence is a terrible plague in these times. 
My children are loved and My children love other people's children.
This world will change it's ways with loving one heart at a time; 
A loving heart inspires hope in the one who is struggling alone. 
No one is alone.
The Spirit of the Lord is within the loving hearts moving you that you may be receptive to the need and instruction given.' 

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