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~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~

~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~
♥ Divine Justice, Global Peace and Healing ~ As it is written: The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth (Matthew 5:5) ♥

Friday 24 May 2024

The Holy Spirit is Your Teacher to Remind You - Message 9th May 2024

Message: 9th May 2024
Start time: 11:54 am
End time: 12:22

'In the peace and noise silenced outside, the birds are singing their song.
They are free and live among others in the nature kingdom that man cannot fathom the simplicity of freedom of expression.
The Godless in your land crush the innocent soul and condition to conform to a way that is not of the Lord.
You see it and hear it and yet can do nothing for your soul has been crushed by their evil deeds.
There is no repentance and no remorse for what they do for the powers of darkness, think nothing of the light in truth and righteousness.
Your King oh humble one is He who was hung on the cross that all would see the choices they made and the price they paid for rejecting the Lord God Almighty.
And it is He who is revealed in the flesh that comes to the children and the pure hearted ones, wherever they may be in the world; 
that one may see me and have hope and faith and inspire the rest that he will choose the right way as you have known.
They reject the ones who bring truth and show the way because they do not understand the salvation of souls is nigh.
Well my dear, you can do nothing more than you have done and a people who lack care for the ones injured by the system will see that injury does not escape then,
O my people who have forgotten me will come one by one to understanding - but what price will they pay because they refused to come willingly?
All I could offer at the time time is my love.
All I can offer is my hope and all the father bestows on me is for the salvation of souls.
You dear one has once come to understanding of elementary and mystical truths that you know of their existence.
Again is to keep your focus on the Lord God Almighty and see that the structure cares not for yourself or the salvation of of man.
The war drum beats and the financial war enduring; as the people complain of the foreigners in the land, yet they think nothing to go elsewhere.
O what hypocrites and what terrible deeds are being done, but you are to have no part of that.
The Lord set you aside for His sacred service and from this humble place you can receive divine revelation.
It is validated; it is truth that has been given before.
The Holy Spirit is your Teacher to remind you of what has come to pas and what will be is written in the scriptures of all and ancient days.
Let those who do evil and wicked deeds be and reveal themselves for you must have nothing to do with them.
The repentant sinner does not go and cause the flame of death to ignite in the hearts and souls of men.
The children will be many without a house and a home and what will be will depend on what they rely on.
The land can be saved when repentant sinners come willingly to the Lord but there is the ego spirit that does not want to be in humility.
Even the Noble families have been struck down with fear, pain and shame that has wiped out all aggression. 
It was meant to be; it was meant to be and love must replace hate and terror.
Love will extinguish fear, but what is not love will be exposed to harm and disillusionment.
Oh the baby carrier full of hate that she will harm another and cause the downfall of another - one day her day will come.
What lesson does she teach to her unborn child?
My dear, your soul was entrusted to your righteous mother who suffered and fell to the floor and the Lord allowed it.
If you had not lived for her you would have never found the strength to endure.
And all your studies for credibility were never needed as I told you long ago.
Pure heart and pure intention in prayer is all the Lord Your God seeks from you my dear.
So go forth in humility and all that are not of the Lord let them be.
Who you are, you are my handmaiden and are born in faith in suffering for so long.
The workers of iniquity do not see their life is coming to an end; and if their soul is reborn they will have to learn the same lessons.
Rest in the Lord my dear and wait for me for I will return to you as I have before.
Pray for the salvation of your people and repentance.
Thank you my child in the Lord.
You are baptised in the Lord and cannot be taken away from your birthright.'

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