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~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~

~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~
♥ Divine Justice, Global Peace and Healing ~ As it is written: The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth (Matthew 5:5) ♥

Friday 24 May 2024

The Lord Your God Will Make Everything New - Message 16th May 2024

Message: 16th May 2024
Start time: 5:19
End time: 5:49

'You will win this time - persistence is the key.
Oh the damage they do to my people through lack of knowledge and understanding.
As you hold onto me you cannot be whipped away from my hands as I give you life in the resurrection of life.
The wicked will perish and must all come to terms with what they have done. 
The Lord knows everything and yet only acts in the Father's instruction.
He will not upset the status quo to save one or two, but wait until those who go against him get out of the way and then act towards his children. 
You must be patient all of you and do not force your will for the Lord does not force his will.
Learn from the one who submits to God in all things and you will see the unfolding of the Kingdom of God in front of your eyes.
My dear one, you are precious to me my child and my children are not forgotten.
The lost sheep was found and the living Lord made his living presence known.
How can you forget him who loves your soul for you my dear have been purified and have gone through the refining fire that you may stand and be present in the Lord of all Creation. 
It is not a myth and all who wish to return willingly can do so, but there are no short cuts.
You will be taken through stormy trials and great tribulation to be tested and tempted, even to the point of hatred for another and if you can maintain the love of the angel of love and strength of authority given to make a decision in the Lord, you will be prepared for that.
Before a judge can rise up in the world, he must be rid of ego, but he must be firm enough to make a decision that will be right and just. 
Those who can be swayed by bribes will pay a high price for the loss of life and liberties of so many people, but you won't see it or know anything at all.
The better way is not to see the enemies fall or those who do great wrongs reap the consequences of what they have done  - but to know the Son has seen it and judgement has been made that is right.
You have seen first hand where there is no mercy and no repentance to push you over the edge.
But the situation will not be resolved because the lesson is to show you that evil exists and the forces of darkness at work.
You have trained your mind to listen and fact find when you need to and to arrive to what you know now but the decision of what will happen to the evil doers and workers of iniquity is not in your hands.
You are born for another purpose and equipped for what you must do.
There is envy and jealousy from those who want other people's roles but you never wanted a superficial life.
Even if you studied in the medical profession, you would be limited as a great number of Doctors are limited today and respect is lost.
To find a good Doctor who is trustworthy with your care is a needle in a haystack, but many strive to be' and you did get the help you need and surgery with safety precautions too.
Do not be anxious about anything now and let everyone reveal their truth for I will bring my helpers together and your purpose in this situation is not over yet.
Hold on dear one. 
Hold on for the road is still rocky ahead, but better the boulders fall on the ground instead of landing on your head. 
The evil doers care not for the people wherever they may be and the suffering and extreme punishments and violations are ignored.
I keep you hidden that you can be undisturbed for the disturbances are many and the distractions have been wearing you down.
Rest and when you are rested, the Lord will lift you up again and this time, when the time is ripe people will wonder how did you survive everything.
You will not even have to say the Lord did it but you know He did.
You are loved and my family are loved and all the people who are alone and suffering are loved too.
The enemy does not know love but hates those who are loved and seek the Lord who loves.
Eventually all will know the Lord of Creation amd have to face what they have done. 
After the storm there is calm and after the floods the earth will be cleaned.
The Lord your God will make everything new for you and for everyone in the Lord, Selah.

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