Again Kate Middleton all smiles when masses of people are without homes and flooding over England is with being not in just an isolated area - there is reserve with other family members.
The flood land is connected with the Crown wearer.
And I wonder actually if with Yorkshire, it is connected with the Imperial Crown...This saying because in the ancient times, the Archbishop of York proclaimed Constantine Emperor - land where what was once known as Byzantium, now Istanbul was actually named Constantinople after him...Who is Isis?
In New York, Bolton, Manchester, Athens and Greece are named. Lancaster village is also named in New York and with Queen Elizabeth being Duke of Lancaster - her son Andrew was given the title Duke of York. I do not think any of this is coincidence with the World Order and global control system.
Is Kate Middleton concerned for her own safety now?
I cannot publish the photograph - a moment captured in a very serious look is with copyright and as the original article has highlighted this - What is revealed in this particular photograph is significant. It is significant enough to give time and energy to write this article and share the original in the Daily Mail.
There are also photographs of the Queen wearing simple pearl earrings. She seems preoccupied and not with smiles evident, but an expression of concern is captured...Pearls symbolise tears, she is aware of the tears being shed and she knows of many people homeless suffering in this time...she also knows why.
The Queen will have said her prayer in church and at home...God knows what is written in her heart - and when the Queen prays, what she prays for and knows, God also knows to act on too...
Here we see something else...rather disturbing indeed.
Look at the above photograph. Is this right and justified?
In the article, one photograph shows Harry has one arm under his jacket, it is not known if he is armed with a gun, or if he is standing ahead as if to protect a worried looking Kate Middleton...
The Daily Mail publishes online usually providing several photographs with a picture speaking a 1000 words - they might be a story behind the story. Where people are shown, something is going on.
The mainstream news reporters are not be allowed to negatively portray the royals in a bad light or give reason for anyone to question any lack of integrity. The smiles for the cameras, with momentary sulks and expressions as if having been told off for inappropriate conduct is seen. There is an impression of sadness looming but why? for the people and their suffering? For the homeless in our land today?
The promoted fashion wearer does not identify where the outfit came from, The boots are identified with the price tag (not sure that anyone ever stooped to degrade Queen Elizabeth in the same way)
Go to new lengths in knee high boots by Aquatalia
It is not known if Kate Middleton has people advising her what to wear..with the people who know her, even people who follow her as a fan will know her style....this dress choice today might be with might be her own. Aqua - water - sea.
Aquatalia - I thought of Italia...talia means dew from God.
When the rains fall from the heavens - it is a reminder that God is cleansing the earth, nourishing the earth and even of the spiritual waters that flow and that being divine wisdom in personal revelation too.
As people still queue to see the royal family - does anyone else think, why are these people sitting outside and not inside the House of Prayer - Is the Church that is for God not for everyone?
Frail elderly and disabled people carry a chair to sit outside in the freezing cold are being searched - my God such disrespect do people tolerate while those on the payroll are willing to do what they are told.
One photograph is published with the cut out of other people, to show the police salute Prince Harry - Other photographs identify the family walking together father and son, father and daughter - one with another picture of Charles who is quite expressive facially...while another is of Zara Phillips and her husband Mike Tindall who is also expressive...we can only imagine what they are thinking and feeling.
The Queen's expression 'with the people' vastly contrasts that of Kate Middleton. Here the child is seen to face in the same direction of the Queen to notice. A lady stands 'as if' proudly looking at who she respects not forgetting when I was a young girl asked by my mother about her. The Queen was not known about or even talked about in our house until that day. She meant nothing to me. I had no prior influence just an image shown on television and replied ' The lady is very reserved. Still waters run deep with her'
For the queen to show any expression, especially concern or perhaps something she does not approve of, it is because she has chosen to let her guard down. She is not silent behind closed doors.
If Harry was carrying a gun - would the police confiscate it..Do they serve him>. I am not saying Harry is carrying a gun and yet with the picture of the old man being searched - there is surely a lot not right in this situation. Why would Kate Middleton be scared for her safety> What about the masses of people who have been killed in wars based on lies..One young soldier believes Kate and William would be a good king and queen...this is what he said. He spoke of serving his queen...and of rejecting God.
The headline writes starting with 'the Duchess on Duty' - not sure if this is attending the church because it is her duty or because she really wants to. With being duty will she put in an expense claim too?
The police are not working unpaid...£100 million for security yearly. This is to pay the people to protect the royal family while not a penny for justice...while the laws of God are being blatantly corrupted.
Today there is a war on the people...most do not see it.
Parable of the Persistent Widow
…7now, will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them? 8"I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8
There is also another reminder of the heavenly realms to notice.
Be Ready at Any Hour
…37"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. 38"For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Matthew 24:38
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
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