

Thursday 26 July 2018

'My Jewish People' - 'A Stubborn and Extraordinary People'

Back on 14th July 2018, when penning a message from the Spirit of the Lord, a term of expression was clearly given TWICE relating to Jewish people - 'Habba Kha'

Having written as given 'Habba Ca' then later 'Habba Kha' - I confess to trying to do a search then, yet nothing concrete could be established to understand. It seems this is exactly as God has shown back over times of history - we are not meant to understand everything. We are meant to take notice though.

The message is clear 'My Jewish people'

The Jewish people are often referred to as the 'chosen people' - but this does not mean all will go well in life - God might be using Jewish people to show the world what he wants us all to know...other Jewish people too; including painful lessons.

Returning to quote a few lines of the message is with discovering something else. Earlier I was reading through the Talmud - from the back pages. Trying to find a particular paragraph, this actually relates to my particular circumstance and identified wording in the Judgement in Court.

Upon reading this some time ago, I had what might be termed as a lightbulb moment - a realisation of why the judgement had to be written this way, only with reading yet another paragraph. Adverse consequences identified. I suffered already never considering the greater repercussions.

Such detail and precision, being brought to take notice is exactly as meant to be. With much determination - if we have to find a needle in a haystack we will. When the truth matters, it matters for a reason; greater or beyond.

Today something stood out seeing another term of expression and how it was written. Immediately I remembered 'Habba Kha' in the message and and looked up Habakha. The main reason for writing this article;

... and now to to re-quote in context what is relevant.

The message writes in the first paragraph:

'I say come to me Your Lord in truth with a contrite and circumcised heart and so it is.' 

'Your determination to do things right and to learn properly has kept you in limitation. If you listened to your father and the law being valuable to learn, then you could have shaken the world. You write and quote the gospels and you cite the warnings too. Many are coming back to the truth.
My Jewish people Habakha they are. Habakha they will be:
A stubborn and  extraordinary people who know simplicity is truth. So keep it simple - all you do. A simple people do not want complicated ideas.
The messengers of old were not complicated people. They were unlikely people.....'

Returning to search in Google I found this link:

The Valley of Tears (Hebrew: עֵמֶק הַבָּכָא‬, Emek HaBakha) is the name given to an area in the Golan Heights  after it became the site of a major battle in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, known as the Valley (or Vale) of Tears Battle, which was fought between 6 and 9 October.

In this time so many tears are being shed by people.

The message suggests if this is the meaning - 'tears'. the Jewish people will shed tears. He clarifies 'a stubborn and extraordinary people'

What I had been reading before related to apostasy.

'Apostasy. A decree issued in times of persecution forcing the Jews to abandon the Torah, in whole or in part. The Sages say that, in the face of such decrees, every Jew is obligated to sacrifice his life rather than transgress, even minor commandments or the Jewish customs'
(The Talmud - A Reference Guide P267)

What to understand from this paragraph is the emphasis not on to give up life but DO NOT submit in any circumstance to the decree that is evidently going against the commandments of God. God rules over Jewish people

We are to give up on the existence that abandoned and forgot God and to now up everything selfish wants, egotistical ambition, lustful desire, addiction, manipulation, demanding and expectation... 

It is no coincidence in this time a growing number of Jews are becoming more observant and studying the Torah in the way they are meant to.

Being in this role by circumstance, and prayer, followed with personal revelation that led to seeking what is written that is relevant. What is written, the Holy scriptures are being validated (not my message - for personal learning).

In these times, there is a prevailing mindset condemning the Holy Bible and even saying it is no longer valid. Religious argument is still festering but I have copies of the Quran here now and can refer to those in context too.

Having found myself unintentionally giving credence to The Holy Bible with so much information about history, life, death and many lesson - there is also a warning written and that is not to add or take anything away.

Perhaps it was known Jesus would reveal the truth again, as when learning he appeared to the apostles after his resurrection. He could again too.

In the earthly court I was threatened with contempt, many years professional training denied and and my credibility was rubbished ' while on oath. However I did not just take an oath.. lawyers and judges do too.

Whatever reason God has let me go through all this, He has used me to show willingness to learn in a time many people reject God and His revelation, What is truth is written. The hearts that seek the truth with sincerity are not seeking the written word to invalidate and use the word of God as a weapon.

Does God doubt credibility to learn everything to ethically apply? Does God dismiss the credibility of a small child He chose to make himself known? Not one or two - five children were made known and adults too.

It was impossible to ignore the timing - the Queen's Jubilee and yet what .
does Jubilee mean? A party for some...more meaningful for others. Biblically Jubilee is identified. The year 5773 (2013) caught my attention with our home telephone number being 57733. Nothing is coincidence.

God reveals in dreams - that which we cannot see. Our soul can see when our mind and spiritual eyes are opened by God. (The veil being lifted)

When we are given the Holy Spirit - Ruach HaKodesh - it is not for our purpose, it is to preserve us in truth. Truth is validated by the Holy Spirit.

In practical ways the truth has been preserved.

Throughout the generations mystical revelation is given to preserve people - yet why now in this critical and potentially dangerous time- moreso?

We can never be too confident with what we know...because we do not know everything. Sometimes it is better to know nothing...seriously.

In this spiritual journey, it has been shown there are layers of understanding revealed in the Holy Bible - Holy Books. Then I discovered the Hebrew Alphabet has layers of understanding to each letter. God planned it this way.

We have all been blessed to have access to read these books yet not all can be interpreted as literal. Recent years the discovery of Bible/Torah Codes have been published - another perspective is presented, who can deny this?

A spiritual perspective is presented to show and also demonstrate the reason why God instructed specific people for specific tasks. Those who serve God in truth, in law do so with a humble heart. Those who rebel, rebel.

As it happened I really began to take notice to learn, when seeing the name of the Samaritan Lady at the well talking to Jesus. Saint Photini. Discovering she is known as the apostle to the apostle in the Orthodox Church, her role is clear. The great martyr did not give up on what she was called to do.

An imperfect woman sought by Jesus Christ who asked for a cup of water...a Jew asked a woman with a history that would deem her impure, yet this we have been made to know for a reason.  God chose this woman for his reason...

Jesus Christ who spoke the word of 'God The Father'

Being baptised in St Photini Greek Orthodox Church in Athens is with my mother saying she did not want me to be baptised in England. I did not plan to learn in this way, yet truth is preserved in some way for thousands of years.

Having been being guided to see that in some way everything is connected; what is truth comes together like the piece of a jigsaw puzzle that can only fit in one place. Regarding Habakha - still I do not know for sure. God knows.

God is trying to reach His People and assure them that He knows what they/we are going through. God is trying to bring us to repentance - willingly.

God is warning there are consequences if we abandon His truth. We will suffer; we will cry many tears. Tears of sorrow will not always be the case.

Will there be hope tomorrow? Perhaps the next day?

I recall in closing one line that comes to mind:

Salvation is from the Jews.

'You worship what you do not know, we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews'  (John 4:22)

A long time ago the divine plan was laid down and established - with the mother of Jesus being married to Joseph uniting tribes of people ....and Jesus being born of a mother who was Jewish, therefore Jewish by birthright.

Jesus is the name He gave to the gentiles.

His name is Yahushua - the name revealed to me audibly.

Jesus said blessed are those who have not seen yet believed...If my heart was not purified with pure intention I would never have seen anything; to write.

The validator of the truth, is not me...

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

How many gentiles really wait for Jesus return?

Even Muslims are taught what he will do when....

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Confessing Jesus Christ To The Most Unlikely People We Meet.

 Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, text, water and outdoor

On the 21st July 2018, in prayer, with the Holy Bible cupped in my hands, I asked 'God what do you want me to know today?
The revealed scripture message shared is relevant now too.
11 “Now whatever city or town you enter, inquire who in it is worthy, and stay there till you go out. 12 And when you go into a household, greet it. 13 If the household is worthy, let your peace come upon it. But if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. 14 And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet. 15 Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!
Persecutions Are Coming
16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. 17 But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues. 18 You will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. 19 But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; 20 for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.
21 “Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. 22 And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved. 23 When they persecute you in this city, flee to another. For assuredly, I say to you, you will not have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
24 “A DISCIPLE IS NOT ABOVE HIS TEACHER, NOR A SERVANT ABOVE HIS MASTER.. 25 It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household! 26 THEREFORE DO NOT FEAR THEM. FOR THERE IS NOTHING COVERED THAT WILL NOT BE REVEALED, AND HIDDEN THAT WILL NOT BE MADE KNOWN.
27 “WHATEVER I TELL YOU IN THE DARK, SPEAK IN THE LIGHT; AND WHAT YOU HEAR IN THE EAR PREACH FROM THE HOUSETOPS. 28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Confess Christ Before Men
Imagine you are in front of someone who is a non believer: when someone else suggested, 'You best not mention God (the Father) or Jesus just in case.' We are not here to sway any opinions or win likes from people. Being put to the test by God can entail having to stand up and state the truth as revealed - even truth validated in the Holy Bible, state that too.
Would you deny Christ it is meant risking being misjudged? Or wholeheartedly state clearly 'Do not ask me to deny God and Jesus Christ because it is impossible for me to do so....'
In all seriousness I asked 'Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?' with also asking 'Do you know what the Holy Spirit is?
Affirmative responses allow our understanding.  
There is no reason to justify yourself or defend God. He does that. The above scripture is relevant especially Matthew 10: 32-33
The precision of God validating his truth can be in this way!

One circumstance of being put in a position to speak honestly and openly about Jesus was not intended, nor to share spiritual understanding ( that is all written anyway and look to the Holy Bible for that for the personal revelation has been for me teaching so much and validating the Holy Scriptures too.

 A growing amount of people who are praying people are having experiences that affirm God is watching over us all. But in studying the scriptures with what is happening in our world, not all is good...but God does offer hope.

Jesus gave us a message that applies even today: but bear in mind something else. By our sharing, we give other people opportunity to consider the truth of what we know - even to pray and read the Holy Scriptures too.

We have no right to force anyone to do anything...not to pray even - as prayers from sincere hearts have been made known - as with pure intention. 

The above message revealed in the scripture was relevant to my experience and with what I am dealing with presently in my personal life.

Anchoring onto God in prayer, is how God gets us to trust in him when life gets difficult - somehow we come through so many difficult situations but so easily to forget when we ask for help and pray to be guided in the right way.

Too many prayers...I cannot deny Jesus Christ. Too many experiences - more than one or two have shown me the Mystical way of life Jesus taught.

Jesus said 'I am the way, the truth and the life.....'


Never underestimate the role each of you hold. The poor widow in the temple gave all she had as an offering - Jesus acknowledged her value. Prayers of the lowliest of people are not being ignored. We can all learn from this. 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

'He Comes To You With Grace' Message 14th July 2018

Divine timing for everything. We are reminded of this!

What is penned as personal revelation.

When the Spirit of the Lord speaks, there will be some indication this is so. When the Spirit of the Lord initiates this will be for His reason too.

In prayer just after the first initiation, I ask 'Holy Spirit of Truth, guide me in righteousness. Lord God Almighty guide and protect me in this'

Trusting the Lord in this process is paramount, With prayer keeping focus on God; what is relevant to know we can contemplate when written. 

The time of the initial words given were at 3:33 pm. Number 3 and number 33 are significant - number 3 with the Holy Three and 33 with Christ.

Message: 14th July 2018
Start time: 3:33 pm and 3:37 pm
End time: 16:15 (4:15 pm)

'He comes to you with Grace' (3:33)

'My sweet child you rest at last. You rest as your body needs to sleep and your heart mend from all the heartache you have suffered. 
I say come to me your Lord in truth with a contrite and circumcised heart and so it is.
Lady of sorrows you are, sorrows for your family and the world.
As you pray, your family betray and as you cry the world laughs at the righteous ones who try to do good. 
Never fail to know the seeds you plant today will flourish tomorrow.
This generation are selfish and now to come will not understand this notion. 
The suffering comes on many in this time, while the ones who want more will never know.
It is not envy to be in the way of blindness; or to want a morsel to eat as many lack in this world have shown gratitude.
The crudeness of life is like never before and the degradation rife. 
A plummeting society that does not respect the fellow human being is prevailing in these times. It is with torture and spitting on the lowly in places and the Lord comes to witness it all. 
He asks as you ask so the people look in his face.
Why do you care? say the hard hearts and you who called out for help were ignored over and over again.
The Spirit of the Lord is given to those who call out to the Lord in sincere heart.
Use your gifts wisely and accept none in your home who mock the Almighty. 
Your home is the sanctuary of the Lord's presence with you and your body, the temple for your soul.
As you walk and consecrate the land back to the Almighty the enemy watches on. He knows what you do, but let that not trouble the people and carry on. 
Rest and write, heal and write, paint if you want to.
You have been shown so much you never knew before; well this is how it is. I will reveal what you are meant to see as the Lord opens hearts and minds to know Him in truth.
You have a loving Father in the Almighty and you are His child who was lost.
Long ago you made a promise to Him and intention to keep it is why He made himself known to you too.
You think one way and the Lord shows you another.
Stop trying too hard to do and just be who you are born to be.
A Princess of light serving God in truth was to meet so many challenges and fall. 
You were rejected. 
You were loved and admired and you were hated too. 
Your soul knows the pure way and yet you were made impure. 
You trained to help heal and people in your own family made you ill. 
You were never of this world to be told what to do, but to serve and help me as you promised long ago.
If you knew your prayers were heard and answered, would you have studied all these years? Your determination to do things right and to learn properly has kept you in a place of limitation. 
If you listened to your father and the law being valuable to learn, then you could have shaken the world. 
You write and quote the gospels and you cite the warnings too. 
Many are coming back to the truth.
My Jewish people Habba Kah - they are Habba Kah; they will be; a stubborn and extraordinary people who know simplicity is truth.
So keep it simple - all you do. 
A simple people do not want complicated ideas.
The messengers of old were not complicated people. They were unlikely people and your role for the women and mothers of humanity preserves the spiritual truth. 
Let the girls ponder their hearts and remind of their souls too.
You waited for so long for something and have something more precious than gold.
Your soul is sealed. Your soul is saved by the Grace of your God and you seek him in all your days in your suffering situation.
Cling hold to the Lord your God Almighty because He has asked little of you to show that all can come to the truth if they really want to. 
If the people who are called in My name will humble themselves, I will hear their prayers. 
You were humbled rudely and I will shame those who did this to you.
Your father tried to guide you rightly but he also did you wrong. 
If you can forgive as you have such great suffering, can you not see how I can forgive easily  too. 
Your brother shames himself. The lawyer let you down.
The Almighty Court has taken notice and now you learn there is more that is going on.
My Jewish men hand picked for the people speak of the Court above and what they must do for redemption. 
I have teachers of truth who are not idol worshippers. Look to them and learn from them too. Their pathetic state of death and even tantrums yet I heard them and saw they could bring many to know the True God as they have been shown. 
They know there is a role to prepare for the coming of the Lord and King.
The Mashiach comes ruling and reigning in and he comes with humility and love for his people. 
My dear one, my sweet child do not fret any more about anything.
Do not be compromised about anything.
I have shown you your life and mission.
I give you the crown of the kingdom to preserve of the King of kings. 
You hold your God so dear to your heart and such an assurance you have now that he knows who you are. 
You are loved beyond measure.
Your new family greet you with love. 
Keep loving my child because love is your nature. 
Love is your soul right to ignite hearts and lonely people to know they are loved.
I have women hand picked to change this darkened world of ignorance and war. 
Let love rule now'

('Habba Kah' - (Habba ca) unsure of the spelling written in the way given with a delay to indicate two separate words - that were repeated the same. therefore giving emphasis for whoever this applies to would also know.)

During 2013, I had several interior visions, being shown different crowns. These appeared to be somewhere inside a room. Some were being held.

One crown - A heavy set gold King's crown had a big red stone set in the front, with two tables and the Ten Commandments written. The writing was evident but I could not see the detail . The impression given, I recall like a rope design around the circlet, with other detail built in the structure.

Immediately afterwards in prayer I was given clear indication this is the King's crown being preserved. Where it is now? God knows everything.

Such experiences show me how the Spirit of the Lord takes us to see what we are meant to see, and reveals accordingy. If we can see than God can surely see and knows everything that is going on too. This is certainly not remote viewing or with any personal initiation, desire or intention. Just allowing myself to be guided when I am meant to see and it is with trusting God entirely.

Regarding the times, scriptures are identified

'Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.' (Jeremiah 3:33)

Yea, He loveth the peoples, All His holy ones--they are in Thy hand; And they sit down at Thy feet, Receiving of Thy words. (Deuteronomy 3:33)

The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked, But He blesses the home of the just. (Proverbs 3:33)

For He does not afflict willingly, Nor grieve the children of men. (Lamentations 3:33)

Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass, When the Lord has not commanded it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High That woe and well-being proceed? (Lamentations 33:37-38)

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation. (Mark 16:15)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Friday 13 July 2018

'Operating At a High Level of Stress Is Bad for You' - 13th July 2018

Waking up very early this morning and deciding to rest more, I was later woken by the words given spiritually; precisely as written. Time was noted.

Following this I prayed and with focus on God continued to pen each word until this message had come to the end. I am also stressed now so to be given this reminder was also relevant and necessary to be given today.

Message 13th July 2018
Start time 10:57 and 11:01

'Operating at a high level of stress is bad for you'

'You must rest and be calm. 
The world is screaming and energy is rising higher. 
Be calm and quieten down. Do not be caught in the frenzy that is being created to stimulate the senses of populations.
The football and games, the competitions rile up moods and turn people from reasoning to being manipulated and they cry when their team lose.  This is insane. 
Stop the insanity in your land.
The experts who know are too scared to speak the truth. 
You are a nation of brainwashed people and the puppet masters laugh at the ignorance of the people who pay highly for their state of being.
The Head of State is Who?
Now listen to the stillness in your soul. 
Your heart is racing and you are calming. The birds are singing and you are sensing something. Do not ignore your senses. 
When something is wrong you will know.
Do not be caught in the games to take sides. The conquerer thrives with this. 
Unite to me and with me; I am the Lord Almighty of your soul.
The Creator of the Universe gave you a spark of truth within you to reason with me. Your prayers are heard when you ask sensible things and your needs met specifically as shown I am listening.
Do not be a tool of manipulation by those who reject me and do not stand to defend your enemy if you are asked. 
I wait for justice to be done in your land and still there is reluctance.
The lies to the people are magnified and a tangled web they weave to exercise control over my people too.
Go tell them you are a daughter in Christ and the Lord God Almighty is your God. 
Go remind them of that woman who took an oath to say she serves me and protects my people in your land with My Word.
I will prove myself to those who seek me sincerely, but those who do not will be exposed. 
The system that rejects the Lord God Almighty is harming my people and their souls. 
Let the truth be known and point people to the scriptures to read. 
Let them search as you have searched for truth. Do not do the work for them.
Studying the Torah for 10 minutes is not enough. 
If the medics did not study anatomy and physiology as well as psychology, then they will find it hard to understand for the soul and the preservation of life.
The God who speaks with his people is not accessible to those who reject him and the truth.  Tell them this.
There are many drugged people who if they say they have experiences, they will be condemned insane. 
The truth about the Lord God and His Christ returning is not known.
The one who awakens with the Holy Spirit alerts the people gently; and prepares you for what is to come.
You see earthly matters and you see the Spirit of the Lord. 
If the Lord Jesus wants to draw you to him now - no man can stop him. 
It is too late. The enemy lost the war. 
Those who are given the Holy Spirit in Truth are marked and sealed already. 
The next generation are prepared. 
If the wicked are to stop their ways and consider the consequences they face, they might repent before it is too late. 
The soul deemed not precious to my people now is a plan to take souls away. 
You fall and tumble; yet your soul is preserved by the Grace I give you more and more to show the ones who misuse my name.
The charlatans will fall. And if the bank accounts close, all their ill gotten gains will be gone. 
The expensive paintings and hyped up transactions to hide monies and move that which is not so valuable around; a game is being played with possessions and people are falling into a trap to be involved. 
I tell you, people have more when they have nothing but a loaf of bread and some soup. They are grateful and share everything. 
Those who want more and try to hide ill gotten gains are never satisfied. 
I know who serves me in truth. The homeless guy,  the leper I healed and the fallen woman who was forgiven her sins. 
Do not be like Jezebel who has no regard for The King and do not be like the judge whose mind is swayed by an offering; and do not be like the priest who prays for gains, or the preacher who asks for tithes to maintain a luxury lifestyle. 
Open your house of prayer and accept offerings of food and grain and distribute to the poor. 
In your land all who have a home can be provided for and yet the State is making people homeless.
What scolding nation that will deprive a woman her right to thrive and to take away the children from nursing breasts. 
They take the rights away from the people and stir up strife. 
A volatile society will fight even if at home. 
They blame and blame but do not seek me the Lord Almighty.
I am merciful and patient with everyone who repents and mends the breach. 
I am not forgiving those who deprive my people of life and liberty to speak about me. 
I am not forgiving of the judge who accepts bribes. How can he serve in my kingdom when he is in the place of the prosecutor of the one who bribed him. 
I will raise up my formidable judges who will serve judgement righteously and if there is a mistake and error of judgement they will not hide, or bury the evidence to hide it. 
I know everything about these people and you.
They have no right to know anything about my people to make them trip up and fall. 
You who studied to help people have been ridiculed. 
If the woman who wants to be queen over all was set up by me, she would have embarked on a more serious course of studies.
Pray for my people and tell my people to pray.
Forgiveness of sins comes with prayer and repentance
Tell them this too my love'.

Of the times - I did not record the end of message time. However, it is enough what is written and serious enough message to consider we who are stressed. We are warned for a reason and reminded God already knows.

You are more fortunate than most people, only a few have the reputation of the God Most High that you have (2 Esdras 10:57)

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” (Luke 11:1)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria


Monday 9 July 2018

'We are Connected, Spiritually Connected, Soulfully Connected' Message 8th July 2018

Following this message scriptures related to the times are identified. Sometimes this can expand on the message and even reinforce the truth given. We are meant to notice truth.

With prayer prior to the message; with focus on the Lord,each word given is as written. When the Spirit of the Lord speaks from within. it was not always like this. At first only a few words, then a sentence. Even now can be the same.

Walking in the Spirit of the Living God, means taking notice. Our intuition is for a reason and my intuition is with unease of what is happening sometimes. Aware of the good and sinister forces, I cannot ignore my situational role.

At first I felt unsure about sharing these messages, A few times in 2013 speaking audibly I asked 'Jesus What do you want me to do for you?

Never expecting a reply - simply the words came 'Write for me'

This question at different times brought the same answer. 'Write for me'. With many experiences to write about, I did not consider writing like this. And yet if we are called and chosen for a particular purpose, if we ignore this, we are like a missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle that remains incomplete.

With these messages, I am learning and seeing scriptures validated; l do not disregard the Holy Bible whatsoever. Both the Old and New Testament are relevant - bound together. The New Testament is written by Greek speaking Jews, with revelation of validation for the promise to God's people.

Message: 8th July 2018 
Start time: 1:40 am
End time 2:17 am

'We are connected, spiritually connected, soulfully connected and the Holy Spirit within connects all to the Father in truth.
My love, my darling ones, I reach out to you all and yet you dismiss me so easily when who I am written in the scriptures of old is validated over and over again. 
While I will espouse you to one husband, the way of the world will tempt you with many to take you away.
Betrayers are many: betrayers of my word and my law and yet do not trouble yourself with this.
Focus in sincere prayer with sincere heart and ask of me and I will help you. 
The Spirit of the Lord knows the wicked ways of man and she who laughs will be laughing no more. 
The patronising patronistas are many doing good to look good yet who comes forth giving everything from the core of their being to help others?
Jealousy is rife and resentment too and as you try to point people to the Lord they argue with you. 
Such is the world that condemns the faithful and who damage the one who trained to heal in the way she knows - to assist healing in an ethical way. 
I do not give the pills of Satan or the condemnation of doom, for the Lord Almighty is not oppressing any people or silencing the truth.
May the enemies be ashamed of what they have done and they will reap what they sow if any harm any of my people in  truth.
Darling one so fragile and brave, fragile in your health and brave in your soul; when the world enters a religious battle between the enemy of the people and the enemy of God's chosen one for the redemption, you fuel the flame and fan the flame. 
You have the ability to put the raging fire out as far as emotions that rage. You do not always use your skills and abilities to the full and you have felt too long in a place of nervousness and anticipation of what will happen next.
The enemy is at the door so who is looking after your soul? 
Do you not know? 
My loves, I did not abandon you who seek me with sincere heart and I will cushion the blow so those who harm you will know that you serve me. 
Remember you are a witness for what they say and do and as they are asking questions not realising the consequences - in your honest answer they judge you too. 
There is no respect for the Lord Almighty where you live and that is the truth. 
Individuals who are devout are few who study the law and the Rights of the people who are Jews. 
The Jews are to obey the laws of the land only as far as this does not compromise their soul and their obligation. When they are violated by the system as you have been, then to return to me the Lord Almighty is their obligation and God given right to do.
I welcome all who come in humility, but if they pretend to serve me and violate my people, I will scold til eternity. 
No one can come to the Father except by the Son and no one can come to the Son unless the Father draws him near and this is how it is for you too.
You did not see what you were shown by works and effort but by Birthright in your mother's church. You remained a people preserved In Christ for His Kingdom. 
You were a people preserved from survivors of the old kingdom and you will be the light of the old temple in Athens - a new light; for all will be illuminated for all in the faithful world. 
The pillars are set; the lights ignited and there is not one of you who has been given this word - others have too.
I will cast off the shadows that loom to harm and scare my people and I will enlighten them in truth - Tell them this.
Cast your burdens unto me and lean into me with full trust of the Lord Almighty who cannot be seen by anyone except by whom he is revealed. 
It is not a competition.
Trusted people are chosen as helpers and trusted people to preserve my people. Trusted people to pray for the people, first pray for their own self salvation and forgiveness through repentance. 
Do you forgive your mother, father and brother and give this preoccupation to satisfy the questions of those who do not know?
Or, do you seek to be guided in the right way by the Lord Almighty and set an example by those who dealt treacherously with you?
Do you know whether you forgive or not does not ease their lesson?
They who set you for a mighty fall do not know their own. 
Life will come back with karmic lessons.
The children of the generation before are different.
The rightly guided ones seek this by choice and freely serving the Highest God are not following compliance orders.
I am aware of your dilemma. Hold on; Your faith is stronger than you can imagine.
I brought you to this place to shape you to be the person you have become. 
Trust in Me your Lord and King and I will redeem my people as promised long ago. 
People mean well and yet sometimes act to the detriment of others. Forgive them. 
Those who plot to cause your fall will know the consequence. I will repay. 
I do not forget the promise I made to the people who are mine by inheritance and birthright. I will claim back all who are my own.
Watch and see prophesy fulfilled in this.
If they do not correct your legal situation, their prayers fall on deaf ears. 
Release my daughter now from the heavy burden you have placed on her life and heart or be damned forever.
I am that I am and will not be denied by you'

It is written of the message times:

And all the people came up after him, and the people piped with pipes, and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth rent with the sound of them. (1 Kings 1:40)

And a leper came to Jesus, beseeching Him and falling on his knees before Him, and saying, "If You are willing, You can make me clean." (Mark 1:40)

40 Andrew, Simon Peter's brother was one of the two who heard John's testimony and followed Jesus 41He first found his brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated as Christ) (John 1:40-41)

you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Genesis 2:17)

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: (Acts 2:17)

  17 So He had to be made like His brothers in every way, that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, in order to make atonement for the sins of the people.18 Because He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted.… (Hebrews 2:17-18)


Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

"Cover Yourself In The Presence of The Lord" 7th July 2018

Rousing from sleeping in the early hours of 7th July 2018, the words were clear

"Cover yourself in the presence of the Lord"

At the time still in bed I was covered, with my foot hanging out the side of the bedcover...Thinking if this is a message initiation, if it is important the message will follow and yet not sitting up to write, but accepting what was given.

Moments later another utterance came that could not be ignored. The same - exact words were  given and so this twice given word has emphasis.

"Cover yourself in the presence of the Lord"

Upon sitting up and contemplating the reason this was given, on this day in particular, I began writing notes...notes what came to mind.

Remembering someone telling me they always sleep naked - and a scripture about being covered and why. In case we are taken up to be in the presence of the Lord (as my thought process was reasoning this is written)

Also I had the impression in my minds eye of Muslim women covered and veiled in black.

Presently we have  hot weather in England (for England) and the temptation to wear less might seem practical in bed.

Yet the reminder to remain covered is given for when we are sleeping, the Presence of the Lord is over us. And if we are to see and He be revealed we would feel embarrassed and even ashamed.

On this spiritual journey of enlightenment, there is much lea\rning for personal understanding and increased awareness too.

We might not be given truths as we know as mortals - yet trusts are revealed in other ways i.e. dreams reveal.

In a dream last night, a neighbour who has been very out of order - as has more than one - never shows remorse or apologises. Yet last night in the dream he was sitting while apologising. This I take, in his soul he admits his wrong.

Some people feel as mortals they want to hear and have proof.

We are on the process of soul salvation and not endless battles. While I have my problems and burdens - he might have greater concerns and all I can do is go about my life quietly until the time the next chapter of my life begins.

I want a peaceful stress free life and have not got this presently - but as I place my trust in God and ask for his help and protection - I also know people have been thoughtless in what they say and do. In as far as taking action or threatening people - this might also backfire.

I am resilient only because I do not enter into battle.

This spiritual journey has become more significant by circumstance and not by choice and my plans. I embrace the learning and personal revelation and am very remorseful for my mistakes and poor errors in judgement over the years.

Learning to trust God is not blindly. He opens our eyes - He helps us to take notice and to understand.

There have been fires in the distance and held back. If there was a calamity  to flee wherever we are  and we are naked - we will be exposed.

In prayer we are asked to be covered. Our head to be covered though there is a scripture about long hair  being a covering. I have long hair.

As much as I can, often I bring my focus on God. 

My daily prayer is to be  guided in the right way and also to clearly understand what I am meant to understand. As I pray for Global peace and healing, unfortunately there are those  who continue to contribute to war and the lust for power is very real.

We are in a time when 'cover ups' of a sinister nature are being exposed - yet we really do not need to know anything other than to be careful of giving trust to anyone who has not their heart and mind aligned with pure intentions.

When a people and a management structure of administration; including the courts are rightfully aligned with their focus on God, we will see righteous justice and peace in our world.

To place focus on someone as a leader - who is a distraction from God, we can be influenced and even led to false hope.

It is a new understanding of the power and protection of God - yet most people do not know of that which is hidden from our eyes; or danger that is not usually obvious.

The discovery of realisation that Christ is  given all Power and Authority s to avert this malevolent energy.

Being covered when sleeping, nothing can disturb the body - nothing can invade the body (spirits)

And there are those who instead of being guided by the Holy Spirit, try and force their will and do what is called remote viewing.

How is this possible?

Do not want gifts or abilities to invade anyone's space or place, or to compromise anyone's free will.

The invasive presence of any entity is known by God.

The preservation of privacy - I cannot say if this is done. Yet in the eyes of God nothing is hidden, seen or unseen (by our eyes). The truth that is written in each soul will also be exposed in this time of awakening consciousness.

It is written:

.... clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the desires of the flesh ( Romans 13:14) 

Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. (Colossians 3:12)

6He will bring forth your righteousness like the dawn, your justice like the noonday sun. 7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him; fret not when men prosper in their ways, when they carry out wicked schemes. 8Refrain from anger and abandon wrath; do not fret—it can only bring harm.… (Psalm 37:6-8)

There in the presence of the LORD your God you and your households shall eat and rejoice in all you do because the LORD your God has blessed you. 8You are not to do as we are doing here today, where everyone does what seems right in his own eyes.… Deuteronomy 12:7-

Peace be  with you
Pauline Maria

Thursday 5 July 2018

'I Am Yours and You Are Mine' - Message 5th July 2018

This morning the initiation of words given by the Spirit of the Lord were written, while the message that follows compounds the original source.

This is how it is. Test the Spirit to see where it comes from. The Lord of Peace and Reconciliation leads the way in truth that we can behold - simply.

When a message comes from God - we could consider this as personal revelation and yet what comes from God for the people, is shared with all people. As we are the people who are promised as the inheritance of the Lord; this is given.

Scriptures are identified at the end relating to the times.

Message 5th July 2018
Time start: 8:52
Time end: 9:29

'I am yours and you are mine'

'You belong to the Lord Almighty and the world knows the promise of the children of Israel. 
The rebellious rebel; but the gatherers are working.
Stay in the faith and inspire faith for there are those who do not know what is  going on. There are those whose hearts are hard too. 
Let them be, let them be. 
Shine a light of gentleness and stay in the love for Christ the Lord and you will come through this time remembered with kindness for all.
Pauline you have snapped in temper overload and there are those who know this is uncharacteristic of you. But the provocateurs want this, tempt and bait you with their own bitterness and remorse. 
You do not need to know the details.
Spiritual maturity is being motivated to be responsible for your own feelings. Your want to place your faith in God gives something for people to think about. 
You protect and preserve the vulnerable where you can; as you can and your prayers valuable as they are inspire thought, faith and prayer too.
As people think of me they remember.
The church ministers remember why they took their vow to serve in the community with the congregation of faith.
As spiritual mentors and guardians over the Christian believers, they have been entrusted with a special role; to inspire faith and pray for the forgiveness of sins. It starts with the one who leads - not to patronise but to do the work necessary on his self and his soul salvation.
When a leader leads by righteousness and deeds of selflessness, he inspires the same. And when he is without thoughts of gain, he gains much because the Holy Spirit is given to all who are of sincere heart and given what the Holy Spirit gives through them graciously.
As you bless people, they are blessed and as you pray for people, God the Lord Almighty hears as you hear sincere prayers when they are spoken resonating in your soul. 
This is the Spiritual Life in truth. It is not measured in material gain. It is demonstrated in what you can see has been done and given to you.
You are touching hearts and souls as you have never known before. 
Do not be silent when the Holy Spirit guides you. 
Only be silent when the enemy works through the foe. You will know who they are by their fruits and what they say and do.
They who are elder admire you for your strength and you admire qualities and strengths in the elderly. 
You shine a light of friendship and caring and bring hard hearts that are guarded from pain, soft again. 
Pray for the people you are told about needing prayer and advise where you know advice is sound and obvious.
There needs to be a preservation of my people and many helpers are needed too. 
As people remember me: I am the Lord God Almighty, they will seek the truth eventually. They will be curious.
And yet many feel unworthy of my love, compassion and mercy and so continue to fall and make mistakes that damage the soul.
The wounds are like visible scars to me, unseen by the mortals; seen by the spiritually guided in truth.
Who can pour oil like healing balm on wounds?
God loves his people - Tell them this and the Lord God is the preserver of souls. 
Warning is given not to cause the little ones to stumble and yet the children of God are adults too. 
I will be done when I am done and not before and no one will silence the mystery of the Holy Spirit working through you and my helpers chosen and prepared to guide the people back into life (spiritual life) in truth.
The mortal way of man has left many women unhappy, doubting and settling for less - when the love of God should enrich their life with a man who loves God. 
Many have chosen they way of perversion and spreading a seed of evil intent.
Many women abandoned left holding a baby that was not intended. The women whose life is devastated by this I know and when she calls out to me over and over with tears in her eyes and heart brokenness I listen.
And when she pleads with me to help her and guide her, to protect and preserve her and her child - do I ignore her? No!
For I am the Father of the fatherless and the guardian over the abandoned women and I will do as I say.
The evil doers will be punished if they do not repent from their wicked ways. And I will forgive who I forgive, but if my handmaiden does not forgive, neither will I, for I wait patiently for her to deliver the truth of what she sees for me to do and to act in truth for my people to know deliverance.
And she is capable as a woman of God to forgive but her role is to inspire faith in God for the family. She is not vengeance or hating. She is like a mother guarding and guiding her children.
The punishment for sin is great and the wrath of God greater. Better the man learn this way than to be facing terrible and terrifying calamity; if his heart is hard and mind rejecting the truth; the living God acts. 
He will not understand his role of responsibility or obligation; so he must be first to know: as I live I will preserve the souls of my people who are children in their hearts trusting the Father.
Anyone who hurts them will know about it.
Go forth in love and gentleness
Thank you'

With the times the following scriptures are identified:

Now all wept and mourned for her; but He said "Do not weep, she is not dead but sleeping" (Luke 8:52)

Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death. (John 8:52)

that Your eyes may be open to the supplication of Your servant and the supplication of Your people Israel, to listen to them whenever they call to You. (I Kings 8:52)

Noah lived a total of 950 years, and then he died. (Genesis 9:29)

Yet they are your people and your inheritance, which you brought out by your mighty power and by your outstretched arm. (Deuteronomy 9:29)

"You warned them in order to turn them back to your law, but they became arrogant and disobeyed your commands. They sinned against your ordinances, of which you said, 'The person who obeys them will live by them.' Stubbornly they turned their backs on you, became stiff-necked and refused to listen. (Nehemiah 9:29)

And as He prayed, the appearance of His countenance was altered, and His raiment was white and glistening. (Luke 9:59)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Monday 2 July 2018

'I Forgive The Most Tremendous Sins' Message 26th June 2018

This is a message initiated by the Spirit of the Lord exactly as written. The times are noted and scriptures identified.

In this message I was instructed to go outside - the sun was shining. I was aware of being seated under the heavens and penned everything' - unaware of exactly why instructed to write this has never happened before.

It is with acceptance and in spiritual training, that I am learning to Trust, God is in control and He knows everything. Everything has reason and purpose. As it is I am on land that is ' leasehold' and talked out of buying the Freehold long ago so perhaps God is reminding us of this Kingdom - land in Jesus name; with my feet being firmly on the ground. Jesus was standing on ground underneath the water in the River Jordan in his baptism. This had precise purpose.

God's Kingdom is not a myth, turning hearts and minds to God is the work of the Spirit of God working through men....who can fathom this phenomenon?

Message:  26th June 2018
Start time: 14:38-39
End time:  15:14

'Go outside and write for go outside.'

'Now hear me dear one in the Spirit and in truth. I will talk to the quietness of your soul and you will see me when I need to talk to you. 
I know you are compromised now you see the truth who rejects me and so do what you have to do and no more.
Live your life as you are to live your life - no more.
There are believers and those who say they are who are not. You prod their memory and they sometimes feel put out by this. Do it anyway and walk away.
Do not enter into argument and debate. 
Many want to be apostles and assume the right to hold the role of 'teacher' and 'preacher'; yet many are right in trying to find their way back home - seeking me to help them. 
I forgive the most tremendous sins against me in verbal attack and condemnation. I do not forgive those harming and injuring my people by loss destitution and death. 
Your role was never to be an easy one; but without what you now know and were shown you would be completely lost and subject to those who defy me over and over again. And they have no regard for the people.
There is no regard for the Lord God Almighty, the Father of all Creation.
They know no other way than what they know and who is to blame in this present age for the Lost Sheep of Israel?
They can blame God but they did not listen to the warnings. 
They did not seek the truth. 
They did not consider the Spirit of the Lord at work in all things and all people can call to the Lord in righteousness too. 
Yet who does righteousness and is pure in their intention to approach the Lord? 
The Christians who will not listen to you will not hear the Holy Spirit from me and if they reject My Truth from Me that is given to them to guide in truth , then what is their church? 
My Church is not about money making and showing off a wealthy life. 
I said: become like me and renounce the way of the world and more.
I told them clearly in ways they will understand: Do not rob my poor people  - yet in the land where you live, this is what they do.
The segregation of the cosmos is with the black and white and different nationalities. There is a battle for supremacy and yet there is none.
There is a want for money and yet the want will never be satisfied; there will always be someone with so much more.
The ill gotten gains are not from me. 
When you buy a home do you go and buy the most expensive beyond what you can afford, and then expect the poor people to pay for it?
This is what they do to show contempt for the poverty way and yet they who create it are the cause of wanting more. 
The Kingdom of God is within and yet why is it strangers who are from other parts of the land and world gave and share with you, yet those who preach they are furthering the Kingdom of God are watching you suffering. They are no army of mine with strong hearts to beat out the demon in your land. They say they belong to Christ and then ignore the mission. 
I do not need arrogant men who will not listen to women. The women were given the role of the crown of their husbands and the women aligned with me are guided by me in their hearts. 
So many forgive and forgive and forgive; yet the men who think they are the authority over all are wrong. 
The Father entrusted me with the souls to guide righteously and the Father has made himself unavailable to those who are abusing and oppressing my people. 
They who hold onto religion as a weapon and deny me - my spiritual role to preserve the refined man in truth and righteousness will not know me at all. 
If they want to call themselves Christians do not go to war in my name. 
Pray to the Father and Pray in righteousness for right guidance, peace and protection. If you fight with the enemy he will hate you. Tell them this and tell them the new Christians are not an  authority over those who were prepared long ago
I give you the role to demonstrate Holy Orthodoxy and I give you the open door. You have seen me and I am your King. There is none on earth who have authority over you for the betrayers in the land you live fell into a trap.  You gave them chances; many chances to correct their crimes of corruption of the court and they refused.
Try one more time and bring your situation to Amaal. 
Do not hope for outcome. Remember you are the instrument of the Lord to put them all to the test where you live.
Those who exploit my people by a deceptive teaching are not in a united Church. The gathering is taking place.
Those who stray need to be very careful with what they do. Those who set up a church to misuse - yet cannot see the Church is people - praying people who worship and fellowship together as the elimination of loneliness, might not see the vital role of  responsibility of all the ministers I choose for my people to lead them to me. 
I am waiting - I shall find my Apostles and teach them too.'

Of the times the following scriptures are identified

38Watch and pray so that you will not enter into temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” 39 Again He went away and prayed, saying the same thing. (Mark 14:38-39)

The Plague of the Ten Spies

38Of those men who had gone to spy out the land, only Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh remained alive. 39 And when Moses relayed these words to all the Israelites, the people mourned greatly.  (Numbers 14:38-39)

Then the priest shall go out of the house to the door of the house and shut up the door and shut up the house for seven days (Leviticus 14:38)

And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions. (Genesis 15:14)

And if a stranger sojourn with you, or whoever be among you in your generations, and will offer an offering made by fire, of a sweet smell to the LORD; as you do, so he shall do. (Numbers 15:14)

13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  14 And concerning you, my brethren, I myself also am convinced that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, and able also to admonish one another. (Romans15:13-14)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria