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~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~

~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~
♥ Divine Justice, Global Peace and Healing ~ As it is written: The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth (Matthew 5:5) ♥

Sunday 14 April 2024

The Lord's Eyes are Everywhere - Nothing is Hidden - Message March 2024


Personal revelation message written exactly as given. For some reason I did not document the exact date at the time, but I have included the times. It might relate for all of March 2024.

Message: March 2024
Start time: 5:17 am
End time: 5:41 am

'It is He who builds you who will restore you while the enemy tears you down.
Be restored with rest and ease of stress, for the attack in the storm is strong.
But the Lord your God holds it; restrains it and the enemy can come no more.
The deeds of the wicked one is shown with no repentance and no remorse and in this, there is a lesson for everyone.
If you use and abuse another, you will not get away with it even if you think you will.
The Lord's eyes are everywhere and nothing is hidden.
If there is refusal to write wrongs as with the court of injustice, it is a cursed people who will suffer the most. 
Yes you suffered too and others; this lie and ruling by deception too. 
What can you do to fight evil will spoil your soul; and so you must build yourself on all you know and offer a service that makes what is broken whole. 
You can do it.
You can offer so many skills and insight to the human condition, is with the knowledge to assist healing too.
You promised this and can only do what you can do.
But there are those who block your progress and the ones who fall perish away - because they are unable to get help or ignored - the system fails.
When compassion and care reigns in people's hearts with Divine Spirit to feel and see the right decisions can be made.
Today many perish because hearts are cold.
The excuses and refusal to address your cause has detrimentally impacted you too.
Oh My servant girl who promised to do right by everyone has been wounded by many more.
Never be ashamed to dress in rags - but if you dress in finery do not show off.
The designer labels mean nothing to you anymore and so it is as this is meant to be.
For someone chosen to design for you, you remain unique and at home to be comfortable matters the most.
You will find your kindred spirits who seek not to impress, but to live authentically; and without trying to impress to outdo another.
Sincere hearts resonate in truth too.
My dear you have lost your sparkle and creativity too.
It has been a long week for you and you could do nothing more than what you tried to do.
The pattern will not change and there is a sad situation that cannot be transformed.
Learn from it and do not repeat this lesson in your life or relationships.
Toxic behaviour harms knowingly.
Where there is disrespect, there is no love.
The one who injures to become powerful does not care who he hurts.
The arrogant boast that they do not care as if they are untouchable.
Well I know my helpers who try hit home a truth to save souls.
Some do not care, but will wake up one day and be filled with remorse.
It might even be on their last day.
Let it be now and keep yourself free from drama and such discord.
You became energised and drained; energised and drained and your weakened heart cannot take the strain of aggressive people.
You were placed in a situation because of your kindness and the exploitation was not of your own doing.
So many people living selfish relationships, using the other as an emotional punch bag that harms more.
Such misery created is with the one who is injured wanting to talk - but you were not in a position to do anymore.
If there is no willingness for the authorities to take action to protect a victim of abuse - what can you do?
For anyone to wish anyone the end of their life - that is desperate measures too.
A life of hating is a life wasted
Choose wisely my dear the company you keep.
Leave the past in the past.
Step into the future' 

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